
Divorcing a Narcissist: Six Family Lawyers’ Advice


#Divorcing #Narcissist #Family #Lawyers #Advice

What do narcissists do in divorce? Have you faced an opposing spouse who is a narcissist? In that situation, what is your advice to your client? What advice do you have for young family lawyers opposing a narcissist for the first time? What are your favorite negotiating tactics when the opposing party is a narcissist? How to protect yourself when divorcing a narcissist. How do you outsmart a narcissist in a divorce? What will a narcissist do during divorce?

Stephen Peskind’s article he referenced in video:

0:00 – Have You Faced an Opposing Spouse Who is a Narcissist? What What Your Advice to Your Client?
10:21 – What Advice Would You Have For Young Family Lawyers Opposing a Narcissist for the First Time?
16:48 – What Are Your Favorite Negotiating Tactics When an Opposing Party Is a Narcissist?

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Thank you for contributing your experience and expertise to our “Top Family Lawyers Answer Questions” YouTube playlist video series. Cheers.

Randy Kessler
Atlanta, Georgia
Kessler & Solomiany, LLC

ABA Family Law Section, Past Chair

Melissa Avery
Indianapolis, Indiana
Broyles Kight & Ricafort, P.C., Of Counsel

ABA Family Law Section, Past Chair

Joseph W. Booth
Lenexa, Kansas
Law Offices of Joseph W. Booth

ABA Family Law Section, Co-Chair of Publications Board

Scott N. Friedman
Columbus, Ohio
Friedman & Mirman Co., L.P.A.

ABA Family Law Section, Past Chair

Stephen N. Peskind
St. Charles, Illinois
Peskind Law Firm, PC

ABA Family Law Section, Author

Barry L. Gold
Chattanooga, Tennessee
McWilliams, Gold & Larramore

TBA Family Law Section, Past Chair

Miles Mason, Sr,
Memphis, Tennessee
Miles Mason Family Law Group, PLC

ABA Family Law Section, Author

#narcissist #divorce #MilesMason
divorce lawyers near me , Divorcing a Narcissist: Six Family Lawyers’ Advice


25 thoughts on “Divorcing a Narcissist: Six Family Lawyers’ Advice”

  1. You guys need to get rid of the music. It sounds like you're introducing the next generation Maytag washing machine.

  2. Already went through one divorce from a narcissist this time I am willing to walk away with nothing other than staying in contact with my girls if they choose to stay with him they are 17 & 19 I believe when they see I mean it this time they will follow & the things that are important to me like my family things which I am getting out before he knows what is going on

  3. Run 🏃!!!!!! Noo you don’t understand, it’s war!
    My divorce lasted 4 years because after 25 years I wanted half as the law says. After divorce he is being taking me to court every year for the last 10 years to undone the final decree. As a consequence I also lost my 2 children and 5 grandchildren because he controls everyone.
    My advice you are for a long battle, first protect yourself and don’t contact the Narc. Prepare for gaslighting, you become the monster that don’t let him get away with anything. Third put clear boundaries and if he crosses they are consequences. He tried to financially bankrupt me with all the court appearances. He continued to stalking me , get cameras and file police reports. The law it’s the law some judges see then coming usually old judges and young judges don’t have the experience. The most important thing don’t give up for the phone call that wants to be friends and wants you to meet with him last time, it’s usually the last time for you. This the most dangerous time, your life can be jeopardize. Cut all communication and use your attorney. Good luck 👍

  4. There are many personality disorders, don’t make the mistake of diagnosing someone when u really have no background as a psychologist

  5. “Barry Gold” explains it best.. and as a narcissist.. he almost made me cry. No threats , logic or reason. Only facts of what is or what will become , no threatening, begging, asking or pleading. This is where I made a mistake of marrying a Asian woman over a Mexican woman. I was with my wife for 10 years and then married for 3 years 7 months more.. I think it was me moving in with her family a month after we got married. Due to her father saying he wanted another relationship and it was impossible living with his parents. His biggest issue with me was being 4 years older than his daughter. Yet the truth is was when I did all this he had a child with someone as old as my wife/his daughter. So I guess I lost to narcissist more narcissistic than I was. Yet my wife at the time.. I still used me. Not only her but her father. I stating facts but who knows.. I might be wrong. I might be just a lonely loser. Lost all my life. From getting beaten as a child to trying to find love. I still think am I the problem or am I the one who knew the problem and tried to solve it. Still either or, I was always a fool.

  6. The background music is awful. None of you listened to this video before you posted?👎🏼

  7. This video is extremely helpful. It's a comfort to know there are Attorneys who recognize how to handle Narc spouses in court. Although the word gets thrown around a lot, there are still controlling, manipulative behaviors that make the divorce process harder than it needs to be. A good attorney needs to be mindful of that. I only wish there was one in the video from my state.

  8. Present the facts, keep emotions out of it. Don't label him/her as a narc as if they have not been diagnosed as you will be thought of as the paranoid one or the one being difficult or laying the blame at the other person's door. The narc will not accept any responsibility. Aim for a 50/50 split of assets. Be truthful be fair and a judge will more than likely side with you. Do not have contact with them do it all through your lawyer.

  9. No thanks!!! Got that! Why be scared of this again! Have a nice life! Most of the negative people are the smooth one's preying on drug addicts so they can sell illness to have currupt jobs! I think what is important, would be for this buisness to die and people start acting like grown ups and realalising what damage this has caused and allow people to heal! So humans are all about buisness? Targetting? Image? And then explain to people to think for themselfs and enjoy thier life! When is this large problem going to stop? I remember being sold fear sale's on my parents t.v of people dressed up within parliment and and court case's to sell fear instead of the long term resolve for problem they create and then further allow because they can't let go of old habbits and address modern science! Seems alot of jobs and quality are wasted on contining to fund lie's! Don't mind my spelling!

  10. I just can't believe I've been so stupid and didn't even see it coming. One good thing it taught me was to question everything and trust only a few

  11. How l do it my husband take everything before the divorce is over he hite everything .money. he pay the insurance for the house. Now he wants me to pay before the divorce is over

  12. I'm disabled now, and I'm older – too late to start a new career. Since he was a monster, I stayed until the baby turned 18, and both our kids are away in college – I wasn't going to leave him alone with my innocent children. So I want my half of everything, and alimony, because we built it together, i helped him in his career, and we live a comfortable life now – before we decided for me to quit and raise our children. He used to destroy my expensive books, and my college work, and since he kept me in a constant state of high stress, I couldn't focus on my dream for a degree in architecture, and/or interior design. He also moved me far away into the mountains, and it was hard for me to keep up with my service based business. He kept me financially dependent. He was aggressive at first, but now that he retained a suoer lawyer, like mine, i think the lawyer is ellubg him to cool off. Thank you for this!!! 🌷

  13. Thank you for your wonderful message. You would love that the World War II silent generation of boomers. Offering you an opportunity to install a forgery proof inheritance plans it’ll make your notaries $500 to notarize a registeref

    Going for A Divorce the husband takes of for vacation for 5 weeks or more. Left without leaving no credit card ,emergency extra money.
    The money he left was 500 $.
    In the meantime I’ll work on the court papers. When he gets back I’ll have the court papers then he may need another vacation. ! 😆

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