
Divorce Lawyers, What Plot Twists Have You Seen?


#Divorce #Lawyers #Plot #Twists

Fresh AskReddit Stories: Divorce Lawyers of Reddit, what plot twists, or crazy antics or demands have you seen go down from either spouse? — LIKE AND I WILL UPLOAD MORE REDDIT STORIES!

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divorce lawyers near me , Divorce Lawyers, What Plot Twists Have You Seen?


21 thoughts on “Divorce Lawyers, What Plot Twists Have You Seen?”

  1. After the 4th marriage you get qualified for a marriage license gold card.

    You may now kiss the bride, shk shk sign here bottom copies yours.

  2. The parents that can decide on kid custody but not the dog is wild. My friend's parents basically decided that when either parent had the kids, the dogs would come too, so the kids would always be with the dogs

  3. OP meant co-op, not coop. A co-op is like a grocery store but it’s run by a cooperative of local farmers and homesteaders and the majority of products sold therein are their local products.

  4. “…of which he would go on to have two children with.” No. NO. If you don’t know how to properly avoid the prepositional ending, just go for it. I’d rather read a sentence ending in a preposition than that monstrosity!

  5. the last story of terrible things all around including the car full of presents stolen on Christmas Eve reminded me of a story from an acquaintance. He was working in London just before Christmas while the garbage men were on strike. He boxed up several bags of garbage and wrapped them up as Christmas presents and parked on a busy street with his car unlocked. He came back about an hour later and the "presents" were gone. L O L

  6. The twist came in my friend's divorce some 15 years ago. He worked part-time for a private investigator, testing out surveillance equipment, when he was served with divorce papers and a restraining order. At the same time, his ex-brother-in-law was a person of interest in a murder investigation. Turned out that my friend had video evidence that cleared the BIL's name, and used that video to strongarm his ex into giving him everything in the divorce, or her brother faces life in prison. Once the divorce papers were in his hand, he sent his ex the tape, and the ex-BIL was cleared.

  7. Lesbian Bar? I love it and as a woman, I would feel so much more comfortable going there as a heterosexual married woman. Not kidding either!

  8. Why is it that the woman gets everything from the divorce 99% of the time while the man is left with nothing, even when it’s her fault?

  9. That wife should lose her career in the Air Force. She guarantee that daughter would not want to be anywhere near her. And the dad should be able to sue her for slander, liable, and hit her with the loss of wages case to make her pay for what he lost in future, promotions, and deployment pay. It’s sad that a false allegation can do so much damage to. An innocent man. Anything a judge could do to her is not enough!

  10. So my dad does divorce and these two clients were arguing about a dog as normal in divorce court so plot twist was the dog was like ancient and died a week later
    (It’s name was oatmeal)

  11. I remember being a clerk for a divorce case that took over 10 hours (9am – 7:30pm) we spent 2 hours struggling with the zoom connection because neither wanted to attend court (only to find out they were BOTH AT HOME! Separate rooms) the last 4 hours they were arguing over some rugs they got from morrocco for 6k (mind you they were wealthy) i told the judge i was never clerking for him again. Time i’ll never get back

    p.s. it turned into a 3day hearing 😊 luckily i didnt do the rest.

  12. That lady Lt. in the military should be hauled before a tribunal and keelhauled at dawn. That is just disgusting. Such a tactic – when done with no evidence and so maliciously – should carry mandatory jail sentence, loss of rank and possibly even loss of retirement. So many resources wasted on her wanting to get back at a cheating spouse. Crazy.

  13. 0:50
    Can someone explain why that's a plot twist?
    I don't see how being Jewish affect on deciding who got the kids on Christmas day? I know Jewish people got Hanukkah….but still , didn't see that affects.

  14. I guess emotionally stable adults who decide to go their separate ways don't need divorce lawyers.

  15. “Infidelity is a big no no in the military” No the fuck it is not. When I was overseas, I watched 99% of men cheat on their wives with strippers and prostitutes. I watched the women cheat with the single military men. They ALL cheat. But cheating on ANOTHER military spouse is a big no no.

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