
Divorce Lawyers Give Relationship Advice | Glamour


#Divorce #Lawyers #Give #Relationship #Advice #Glamour

It’s estimated that about half of marriages end in divorce. Why are so many people getting divorced, and how can you prevent splitting up with your spouse? We asked four divorce lawyers what they’ve learned in their practice on how to keep your marriage alive.

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Divorce Lawyers Give Relationship Advice | Glamour
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33 thoughts on “Divorce Lawyers Give Relationship Advice | Glamour”

  1. lawyers business depends on people marrying…only then a divorce case is possible
    they are responsible for laws that are not gender neutral and blindly support women so that they can extract more and more money out of men's pocket 😡😡

  2. 💫💫💫💫💫💫
    Situazioni fra coppie anche fra chi non è sposato , una qualsiasi relazione fra ragazzo e ragazza, uomo e donna , situazioni simili
    Siamo in un periodo moderno
    Certamente che capitano e possono capitare a tutti situazioni simili nelle relazioni tra ragazzo e ragazza uomo e donna
    da giovanissimi e da adulti
    Mica siamo nel 800 .
    Siamo in un epoca moderna

  3. Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness?

    And what concord hath Christ with Belial? or what part hath he that believeth with an infidel?

    And what agreement hath the temple of God with idols? for ye are the temple of the living God; as God hath said, I will dwell in them, and walk in them; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people.

    Believers in Christ should marry ONLY believers in Christ
    2 Corinthians

  4. Don’t get married, wait until they can’t take our money and stuff when they leave… then take the chance.

  5. Her: I can't believe he's being so vindictive
    Lawyer: well what was he like during the relationship
    Her : well he was Vindictive!!

  6. Actually that 53 % figure includes the repeat customers not of alll people sho have ever married. People dont ask the right questions nor do they put religious values first.

  7. On another video a lawyer spoke about the prenup agreement, and he said this. The couples where it is very awkward almost always gets divorced in a few years. Couples where it goes easily, and normally usually just put away the prenup, and never have to use it. So getting that prenup is not just a potential insurance for you, but also a good way to force an important conversation, and reveal, if your soon to be wife is planning the divorce already.

  8. The way to reduce the divorce rate is to completely eliminate government issued marriage licenses and instead have couples create their own marriage contracts. Lawyers like the one in this video could assist with that. A couple in a shaky relationship who had to negotiate their contract would likely have their incompatibility exposed and they would break up without getting married, thus averting a divorce.

  9. What stuck out to me the most in this video was the last line, "Be your spouse's cheerleader". I paid for my spouse to go to graduate school when we were engaged. I didn't have to. After all, our finances were still completely separate. But I wanted her to succeed and better herself. Not because I wanted her to get a better job when we were married, but because I wanted her to be happy doing what she would do with her life. That was a huge reassurance to myself that I was with the right person. 7 years and 3 kids later, we're stronger than ever. I know there's lots of time for me to screw this up, but I like my odds.

  10. Sounds like it would be a good idea to consult a divorce lawyer before getting married, lol.

  11. This is a relaity of Europe and America, not the whole world, so don't project it as a global problem.

  12. He equates a pre nuptial agreement with life insurance. It’s tough to discuss but always a good idea.

  13. I couldn’t stop laughing….’divorce attorneys give relationship advice……’. That’s like, fox tells hens where to sleep

    No wait…hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!

  14. As a man I have to say, I had to stand my ground or I would end up with nothing, so I stood my ground and ended up with nothing and all the debt she had accumulated. Best advice is to get a prenup. If you are not married but in a long-term relationship and living together and paying the lions share of expenses, get a prenup. If you are a 12 year old and seeing this, better to learn the realities sooner rather than later! 😮

  15. Sometimes I really question this 50% divorce rate. How has it been 50% forever? This statistic should be a world record, it’s like the gods say yea I like this 50% let’s keep it at that. No it’s that this statistic is misleading because the numbers are all over the place depending on many many factors.

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