
Divorce Lawyer Reveals Marriage, Love, and Divorce Hacks | James Sexton


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Divorce Lawyer, James Sexton, is in the tent today to discuss why love can fail and how marriage can ruin lives. He believes marriage is a scam and explains his reasoning. He’s a genius and a truly fascinating story teller. He might seem cynical, but i truly think he’s just extremely realistic. WELCOME TO CAMP!!

Edited and Produced by: @99OvrAll

Thanks to
Morgan and Morgan
Blue chew
for supporting the greatest show ever


00:00 Intro
1:19 Is Marriage antiquated?
9:42 What can replace marriage?
13:44 Purpose of marriage + benefits
19:58 College sweethearts + is it healthy for children?
30:25 People are heroes in their stories
31:37 2nd child = 8% more
34:35 Marriage is the assumption 44:35 Divorces + “the dog will be sold”
47:01 Pre-nups + they’re valid! 56:56 Sexton’s divorce + seeing the person as a whole
1:01:23 Counsel, Family/Friends’ influence + divorces are boring
1:07:09 Societal norms + agreeing and understanding the rules
1:13:37 Marriage counselling + no fault divorces are great
1:23:04 Approaching difficult conversations
1:31:22 Women are paying alimony now
1:35:25 Pre-nups for whose benefits + Crazy pre-nup clauses
1:49:25 Know what you want and know how to ask for it
1:56:37 No infidelity clauses + open relationships
2:05:36 Vulnerability and real asks & gestures
2:12:05 Representing the bad guy
2:17:51 Working in NYC
2:24:10 Service of papers is a game
2:27:44 Role of porn + Romcoms are porn for women
2:38:53 Therapy using psilocybin + hearing your clients fully
2:49:55 Clients reconciling + Going to a mediary
2:54:57 Stand-up comedy is truly a trial
3:02:03 Have to take risks + feeling out your audience
3:09:08 Seeing Dave Chappelle EARLY
3:12:47 Bombing in court hard + clients lie
divorce lawyers near me , Divorce Lawyer Reveals Marriage, Love, and Divorce Hacks | James Sexton


26 thoughts on “Divorce Lawyer Reveals Marriage, Love, and Divorce Hacks | James Sexton”

  1. I never was blind to the amazing things my love with my wife first was. But she became blind to it and now we're probably done because she stopped caring

  2. My soul just aches knowing I'm married to a woman who will never love me back. It aches even harder as I begin to come to terms with the idea that I may never experience the love I want in this life. And I don't know what else to fill that void with. Nothing is more beautiful.

  3. I've given everything to my wife and now we have a son. She is purposefully sandbagging the entire relationship because she's holding on to things I unknowingly did to make her mad post-pardum. Many, if not all, of these issues could have been solved with communication on her part. But she insists I must read her mind, and if I don't read her mind then that means I'm not paying attention to her and I don't love her. Every single time I've ever tried to voice my impossibility to mind read, or her hypocrisy, and all the things she's done to destroy my heart, she will not listen whatsoever. She just blames and stonewalls and plays the victim.

    All women these days are like this. I've spoken to countless men who have all had the same experiences. Modern soceity and courts are laughably biased towards women. I am working on putting all of my money and business assets into LLC's and offshore trusts if needed. I fear this woman's stubbornness and narcissism is going to be the end of us. It's never going to get better. She showed me who she is and now I think I finally believe her.

  4. Majority of his fans are males.
    This guy does not even have peace with himself and I truely think he doesn't want people to make it to marriage as he f… his own.

  5. I would love to see him talk to Jordan Peterson that advocates for marriage due to psychological reasons. Wonder what would come out of their debate.

  6. Mark it’s so weird how you can sit with a professional and legit have such an engaging conversation and ask the correct questions and be sooo prepared and be this intelligent man and on flagrant you can’t even work a laptop LMAO 😂I love you soo much and you’re great in this atmosphere and in flagrant .. ughhh much love and it’s been a pleasure watching you grow and yeah !! Sending love from the asshole army !!

  7. yo camp gagnon: nicotine is poison. i dont know what fakakta study you're speaking of (I'd assume a purchased 'research/study'…..sponsored by the product. mate – dont take nicotine – its poison. cheers

  8. 6:33 Speaking on one of his good friends passing away.

    "I remember thinking there are so many people in the world today who aren't feeling the pain of his loss, and I'm so glad I'm not one of them. I'm so glad I feel this pain, because this pain is a function of having known the beauty of this soul."

    Jesus Christ I was listening to this while I was in the gym and this actually got me choked up for a moment. What an amazing way to look at a painful situation.

  9. I don't believe the problem is marriage…….I believe society is the problem…….individual responsibility to oneself and society. We have broke down many institutions and beliefs…….. for freedom of what??????????? What it means to be a women….yell it from the roof tops….all by yourself……… not wanting to understand women to much work… all by yourself……..don't have kids or families….be all by yourself ! So, how's this working for everyone all by themselves?

  10. my mom got married twice and divorced twice and said she would never get married again. then she met my stepdad. they still didn’t wanna get married, and were hoping to just live alongside each other raising us so it wouldn’t be so complicated. and then my mom got really, really sick. a year after they met, my mom was in a wheelchair and told she’d never walk again. my step dad proposed on christmas day that year. at that point, they understood it would do more to protect my mom as a disabled person and she could support our family better by being married on disability. i know this isn’t an ordinary experience but this is why i plan on getting married to my boyfriend. if something happens to either of us, i want to already have a foundation for security, i know i want HIM to make decisions about my health, and should we ever break up, i actually do want the government to get involved and say what he can and can’t keep. there needs to be a third party with rules for how these things go, what protections are in place for when lives are split up. having a good relationship with your ex isn’t enough. my mom and real dad hate each other and it was like pulling teeth to get child support out of him. love my dad but not everyone handles things well, splitting up being one of them. marriage may have been something we did but didn’t think about for purely spiritual reasons a long time ago but saying that ‘we don’t ask questions about the institution we call marriage’ is just wildly fucking misinformed on feminist theory and also general history. i thought someone with more education than me would know that. if it was purely spiritual it simply would not be a big deal to gay people. like are y’all out here thinking gay people are fighting for the right to marriage bc of touchy feelies? the reason we have a RIGHT to marriage is because it is a legal contract that lays out all the rules of what it means to trust someone SO MUCH that LEGALLY they have a say in what happens in your life. yea it’s rooted in some weird arbitrary customs. but i could barely get thru this bc i couldn’t stop thinking about how there were no women to even point out that marriage specifically has been altered to protect both parties because men were just outright abusing the practice. i will not be swayed on this. also i figured out the lawyer guy was catholic way before he ever said it, this is irrelevant, i just thought it was interesting how quickly you can point out when someone who is or used to be catholic is speaking. due to the overt catholicism.

  11. I was recommended this video. 9:19 I am here, and I am going to watch the whole thing. The conversation is engaging.

  12. Independently wealthy guy here. Not touching marriage with a 10 foot pole. Although I love the idea of a life partner, getting the state involved is no longer possible for me. That ship has sailed.

  13. 22minutes. Ive had enough for today. James is a preacher you have to think about afterward.
    I Love James Sexton because he's R E A L. He shines the light on the good and the bad. The quote im putting in my vest pocket today is this : " I aspire to be the man my dogs think i am."
    Okay, Its not gonna displace Plato or Augustine in my lineup of one liners…but its what i got today.
    There is this rhetorical framework James builds like a skeptical building inspector in Mumbai…but hes a divorce lawyer. One rung up from an ambulance chaser.
    But he grew up Catholic. I grew up Catholic. We mighta got the leather strap from the same priest. What do i know? But its the same cultural ideological pool. Hes logistics, im infantry. He found the money. I didnt. So what..keep living and try to love. Get a definition and try to work with it.
    Heh, im coming back. I value James because hes an 'upper classman' and he tables some gems of wisdom. Im not drinking shots of jack with the guy. He might have a hollow leg. What do i know?

  14. Did he even say that during the interview or is it just a red pill click bait title? The overall vibe is that he doesn't say not to get married, he says to consider everything and to get a prenup.

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