
Divorce Lawyer Gives Food for Thought On Marriage


#Divorce #Lawyer #Food #Thought #Marriage

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21 thoughts on “Divorce Lawyer Gives Food for Thought On Marriage”

  1. I every time I watch "Yes to the dress" I wonder how many of those marriages survive. I don't get how can we get married, have kids without preparation at all? Yet divorce can cause spouses to kill each other! Tear apart families. Cause financial devastation leaving children in destitution? Can cause children to be turned against a parent simply because another parent hates the other? Can ruin lives so badly that people turn to drugs alcohol etc and even commit suicide? Yet we blithely enter into this legal institution consistently on a basis without any social and even a lot of churches without any counseling or direction to help prevent this statistic. If 53% of these people will in the end become divorced thus possibly becoming a statistic upon breaking psychologically or physically often becoming drug addicts or alcoholics leaving the children in desperate plights. Many with children being raised by grandparents today. There has to be a massive social change not with the government stepping in but with people such as churches and medical resources stepping into state counseling and the counties that provide the marriage licenses should state nope you cannot have a marriage license unless you have passed a marriage course at your local community college there you go You prevent some of this crap.

  2. The "Marriage Pamphlet" biz; forget it! There would be too many lawyers involved … and not enough ink. Lol

  3. Not true.. in Idaho when you get your marriage license, they give you exactly one pamphlet on HIV transmission.😂

  4. Just think of the bridezillas out there over analyze every little detail of their wedding day but they never look at the contract. Soo true!

  5. Thats percentage jumps even higher when both partners have degrees. We live in a very very selfish place.

  6. 53% of marriages ends in divorce! More than half of all the marriages in NY! Wow! 😢

  7. Thoroughly unsurprising because people get married for:
    the ring
    the publicity
    financial abuse
    because they can’t bare to be single / alone with themselves for any length of time

  8. write your own contract. put a time limit in it. add a clause explaining the children option. at a minimum, yours is yours, mine is mine, ours is ours.

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