
Divorce Lawyer Exposes The Lies We Tell About Love & Marriage (James Sexton Interview)


#Divorce #Lawyer #Exposes #Lies #Love #Marriage #James #Sexton #Interview

James Sexton is a divorce lawyer in high-conflict cases. He wrote the book How To Stay In Love based on his nearly 3 decades of inside access to the explosive end of relationships

We chat about why people grow to hate the ones they love, why marriage is a broken technology, how to craft the perfect prenup to avoid financial ruin, and the most important rule for not having your relationship end in a divorce.

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00:00 – Intro
00:24 Divorce And Death
06:28 The Inevitability of Mortality
08:12 The Significance of Your Choice
10:22 The Role of Marriage
17:00 What’s Worth Holding On To?
22:54 The Anti-Cheating Factor
28:20 How Sex Drives Successful Relationships
30:40 The Perfect Prenup: Yours, Mine, Ours
39:16 Men and Marriage
48:38 Winning an Unjust Court Case
58:20 Wealth’s Influence on Justice
1:00:04 Child Support: Legal Obligations Explained
1:04:01 Making the Uncomfortable Your Ally
1:07:52 Relationship Advice: Disappoint Your Partner
1:11:43 The Threat of Inner Insecurities
1:13:48 Core Needs
1:18:00 Where James Learned Charisma
1:25:01 How Conflict is Good For Couples
1:27:21 Arguments
1:34:37 Learn More About James Sexton

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32 thoughts on “Divorce Lawyer Exposes The Lies We Tell About Love & Marriage (James Sexton Interview)”

  1. Abraham Isaac and Jacob did not marry until they were 40 – people did not die at 40.

  2. I had great sex in a relationship I had at 31 yrs of age, but ended it since the guy was boring as f*ck and had literally no intelligence. So I beg to differ on the “sex fixes everything”

  3. I like James Sexton, but to LOVE ❤️ is to add only joy and abundance and peace to your life, the cure for all mans ailments 😊 That being said, Mr. Sexton is entertaining : )

  4. Oh no, MacKenzie Bezos isn't wealthy because she married Jeff, she's wealthy because she built the business with him.

  5. That's not true. In my 10 year relationship we always had sex on fire, it was amazing but our relationship didn't work out because communication wasn't there. Eventually I moved out. And we are still having sex. Just had sex with him today actually.

  6. " I love a wedding, and not just because it's good for business." – Divorce Lawyer 😂😂

  7. Most modern marriages can't outlast a 2 year phone contract. Love just evaporates even before one complete trip around the Sun. Even TV shows are better at keeping excitement, spark and suspense alive year after year through multiple seasons. Marriages are like appendix which is no longer needed but the society is still carrying the useless redundant organ which occasionally causes deadly consequences for people (mostly Men). I hope people (mostly men) learn (what problem will marriage solve) before taking the plunge. This podcast is an eye opening one and everyone should watch at least once before getting married.

  8. You are a remarkable interviewer. This is the best interview I have seen done to James Sexton.

  9. James Saxton has such an outlook on relationships. He is a breath of fresh air. I feel that couples need to do a good long set of classes before getting married or in to deep into a relationship.
    I wish i had this info when i was my younger self. My trajectory would be so different.
    Thank you James for your wisdom and insight.

  10. Jim Sexton is one of those guys you wish you knew.

    Could listen to the guy for days.
    So many great stories and life advice.

    Type in his name and there’s a feast of interviews all over YouTube and they’re a joy.

    Great interview here, man 👌🏼

  11. Women bring children into the marriage and if you’ve been pregnant, given birth and raised a child that’s a staggering contribution! I’ve never seen a Dad do remotely 50% of child care.

  12. As a woman, I'd marry this lawyer in a New York minute! Although…he's not so into that, so…🤔I'd be happy to just live with, and talk with him and debate for the rest of time. 😁 He has so many great insights and beliefs which I happen to agree with.

  13. Agnostic people are lost . Even if they appear to be smart .
    God has best prescriptions for us

  14. Brazillians don't speak Spanish, they speak Portuguese.
    The fact that he glosses over this is just so American.

  15. weponize the intimacy – great phrase that encapsulates the issues i've run into with some friends

  16. Regarding the sex question at 28:15 I have to say the sex was really good with my ex bf of 4 yrs but our differentiating views on both marriage and kids broke us apart, even though physically it was wonderful.

    But maybe the lawyer talked specifically about couples who are already married.

  17. James seems like a nice and helpful guy, but I think the just-us system is the source of many of the problems that it pretends to be the solution to.

  18. Wow! Amazing interview. I love the practicality and the depth of relationship and marriage. Also, he uncovered the importance of sex in a marriage and stages of marriage. And he was right relationship does ends one way or the other divorce or death. In my case, it was death. Hearing his divorce can be nasty and affects your financial, emotional, mental and physical is not the route or journey I want to deal with. I would rather take my time and see if a relationship is fruitful and not toxic before I decide re-marry again.

  19. Saw this guy on a Soft White Underbelly interview and he floored me. Very insightful, and dead on.

  20. Listening to this should be required for couples heading towards marriage. It might save a lot of grief

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