
Divorce Attorney’s Thoughts on Marriage-James Sexton


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47 thoughts on “Divorce Attorney’s Thoughts on Marriage-James Sexton”

  1. At this point in 2024, any guys marrying and loosing a every penny they have to someone, they deserve everything they got taken away! Like marriage is over, is a thing in the past. If you gonna do it, have that prenuptial signed or no deal on the table. Men work too hard to have that money slip to a women who didn't contribute jack shit.

  2. Two adults married and in this day and age why not have pre nup? So they divorce and she gets half. It's the law.

  3. I love this finance it's called "oportunity cost" 😂 it doesnt matter .she did what she had to do to get it somehow,it means she deserved every penny .the universe aligned with her so hey its what it is.😜

  4. He's not lying pondering over the lifestyle that I was offered and could have had in the past it's not too late? But at 55 yes😂🎉

  5. So we fashion a world where she doesn't have to "fuck" the pasty-faced, corpulent slug, into one in which she can make the money all by her poor, defenseless, conniving self instead of have to use her demonic hole because she's living in a patriarchal hangover . . . "But hey! I'm not judging or anything. Them's the rules of the game man, all the power to her. I'd fuck him for that . . . we'll tehnically I am, figuratively speaking of course [scoff scoff]!"

    How about we extrapolate further and make it so that multimillionaires aren't part of society anymore because they're an insidious drain on the majority, for the purpose of the few being able to buy the same shit we all do, only it's a hundred times the price because of the carrion luxury industry. Imagine that? That way we won't need smug divorce attorney's with midlife crisis tattoos anymore . . . "But hey! I'm just thinking out loud here, right dude?! More power to you for charging hundreds of dollars an hour to fleece the 'hard working banker deserving of every ill-gotten penny' and the 'money-grubbing whore' as well, right?"

    What a myopic tapeworm, destroying the soul of humanity. I'd love to see him shoved against a wall and shot.

  6. What an a$$hole. He is what is wrong with our society. Life is not all about money and looking “hot”. Moron.

  7. That financial guy is screwing other people. He’s probably even a criminal. Who cares about who screws him?? Not to mention he married that woman for a specific reason. Who’s to say he’s not cheating on her too…I can’t feel sorry for this person.

  8. Ohhh good 😂😂😂he’s killing me … I’ll fuck that guy for a 200 Million… 😂😂😂

  9. This is why I tell all men. Before marriage prenup and postnup. And if she complains or tries to gaslight you. There’s your red flag right there. Trust me her beer flavored nips won’t matter when she gets half or more of your stuff. Even morning you decided to procreate. 🙃
    Don’t let the state make the decision for you.

  10. pussy is the most valuable commodity there is, and to be honest, it isnt worth shit to me it's just the value other guys put on it that makes a woman think she has value. I can pay $100 for what another guy will end up paying $millions for

  11. It's pretty sad how people will do anything for money. What everyone is failing to realize is that money has changed everyone. There's a trade off. You're not who you would be or should be because of it. Don't you want to know who you really are? Of course, not. You've been conditioned not to care.

    I've passed on a multi-million dollar deal. I may be the only one, or one of very few people on this planet that wouldn't have taken it, but I know who I am.

  12. Men have kept women from education, trade and independence since time began.
    Insisted that they’re only purpose is how we can please your eyes and your dicks. It’s in every system. Men have put into play. And this is where it ends up. Remember that fellas, the pendulum eventually swings. The next time you try that- it’s going to blow up in future generations faces. And keep in mind that it’s feminists that arechanging this, not so much the men.

  13. I feel like some of these shorts would make an amazing monologues. Some of these people are such eccentric characters

  14. No able bodied person should ever get anything beyond three months of housing, food and transportation. Ever!
    If you can't get your feet under you and make your way in the world with a 90 day head start, you don't deserve squat. Make your relationship work or take care of yourself!

  15. James is an accomplished lawyer, intelligent, very articulate. I dont ever skip his interviews , very insightful.

  16. It certainly isn't women's fault that men can't control their desires, egos, and actions.

  17. Commented from another device but James Sexton is so clever, brilliant analogies and sending to anyone thinking of marriage- ❤

  18. That's what he gets for marrying "hot" instead of someone who brings more to the table. Either way, it's not like he's going to be living in a van by the river, still more money than a normal person could spend in a lifetime, so no sympathy here lol.

  19. Most women work hard in the home and deserve everything they could get. I'm sure most of the people he is talking about have pre-nups. And if they don't… ¯_(ツ)_/¯¯_(ツ)_/¯¯_(ツ)_/¯

  20. I mean we don't know that guy. Maybe it would take 20M to f** him! 🤷🏻‍♀️
    Just saying….I wouldn't go back to my Ex for all the money in the world!

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