
Divorce Attorney Reveals Top 3 Reasons Women File For Divorce


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divorce lawyers near me , Divorce Attorney Reveals Top 3 Reasons Women File For Divorce


24 thoughts on “Divorce Attorney Reveals Top 3 Reasons Women File For Divorce”

  1. This is about non blk couples.
    I advise my young men never get a state marriage license!!!!!
    He and his potential wife are to get an attorney and draw up an agreement as to the union and what happens if the union is dissolved both parties agree, sign and plan the wedding event.
    Lawyer on the front end is the why to go.

  2. My husband was a latain romeo. He never let me have a car. He never gave me money to buy groceries. He would disappear for hours. I knew as I got older I had to get out!

  3. Problem is women treating men. Like children. My way or highway. Gentlemen take hughway. Thiss advice from a woman. No one has the right to try to control you

  4. Marriage is 1 plus 1 equals 1. They have to be best friends except for Mom. The heck with so called friends they're just half assed friends.. be honest and truthful Even if you are wrong or at fault.. life is not easy there is times you won't like today that when they leave….

  5. She is incorrect. 84% of divorces are initiated by "females". Her small case history pales in comparison to the US Census data history. She is also a feminist. Clearly. Hates hearing they wreck more homes than men. HATES IT.

  6. The number 1 reason is for financial reasons, number 2 is she just woke up and decided she wasn't happy anymore. 😂

  7. She is one person. One firm. Shes a female attorney. Shes going to see a higher percentage of women then men. But notice how she didnt cite actual stats or do any research? She wasnt even sure what the percentage is because she couldnt be bothered to look it up. Its higher than 70% initiated by women. Furthermore, where does she practice? Theres a national average but then there are States where certain reasons stated for divorce differ because of what that State accepts as a valid reason for a divorce.
    But going even further, do you think many women are going to admit to their lawyer the truth that they cheated or are cheating rather than claim they were abused is untrue? Of course not. We as a society know that women and accountability are utter strangers.
    My best friend was a divorce lawyer and over 80% of his cases had cheating in them but usually he said he or the partner sussed it out rather than anyone admitting it.
    Just because you filed doesnt mean youre admitting the real reason but since we now know from 21andme that fully 1/3 of all babies do not share DNA with their fathers, aka 1/3 of all babies are born from mothers who cheated (or cucked their man and he didnt divorce her or she lied on the birth cert) we know cheating is one of the ptimary reasons. Yet, many people cite abuse because they know that an abuse allegation will help them get more money. In some States its almost automatic that lawyers will tell the woman to file for a protective order even though there is zero evidence or even allegation of abuse. Then suddenly…shes abused instead of "she is cheating" and knows the court wont look kindly on that.
    Lastly, I love how you just assume that its the man doing the misconduct. She didnt say that. She said misconduct was discovered. Yeah, she got caught, threatened divorce and he just said, "fine".
    You keep sayings its the man doing the bad. She didnt say that. You did.

  8. I didn't know about this chanel before watching this video and thought it was going to be a male bashing segment.

    But this is a fair and balanced conversation.

    I think its good to acknowledge that every side has their flaws and difficulties and its important to recognize them to have productive conversations

  9. The vast majority of divorces are initiated by women and the vast majority of those women are in menopause years. Divorce lawyers don't actually have the real reasons as many of those women lie about why they filed.

    Women in menopausal year's likely dont have regulated hormones resulting in poor decision making ect…

  10. Ultimatums are manipulation, if you want to lose a guy do that…. 'or else' statements are threats… but be prepared to have them call your bluff… because if they do, you're toast.. . And they will walk and youvecreated a massive mess due to your inability to communicate effectively, you get what you sow

  11. 1# another man, better dicky
    2# debit restructuring bought too much shit can’t afford her bills
    3# social contagion, all gal pals are doing it.

  12. This is just confirmation of what men/boys already know. Women aren't serious. If they were they wouldn't be so flippant about threatening to leave.

  13. 1) First reason, for years I knew my soon to be ex was ready to leave. Anytime Id suggest she should, thats when she either said "Im not leaving, this is MY home", cause we had it built together. Or she said in her stubborn way that she wasnt leaving mostly because I was the one who suggested it. It wasnt till this time, a week after her grandparents were forcibly placed in an assisted living facility removing them from the home they owned, did she ever actually move out. This being my second divorce, I simply said "ok, bye" and got myself a lawyer and have never tried to plead with her to come back home. I have been at peace for the first time in 9 years since she left.
    2)I always paid the bills. This was never a problem, she only felt like I was "controlling her" because I would tell her we didnt have money for something she wanted to do right at that moment.

  14. I feel this is more so in the white community (reasons white women file for divorce). I think it’s different culturally, many black women are just fed up dealing with bs. Working outside the home, doing all the work inside the home, doing everything for the children. All this and still have to pay have half (or most) the bills too. We also don’t like to feel held back, many of us are striving in business etc. We stay as long as possible, but eventually it takes a toll

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