
District Attorney UNLOADS FULL ARSENAL Against Trump in NY Criminal Case


District Attorney UNLOADS FULL ARSENAL Against Trump in NY Criminal Case

#District #Attorney #UNLOADS #FULL #ARSENAL #Trump #Criminal #Case

The Legal AF podcast anchors and trial lawyers Michael Popok and Karen Friedman Agnifilo, debate the methods and trial tactics being used by both the Manhattan DA (Karen’s old office) and Trump’s defense lawyers as they prepare for the CRIMINAL TRIAL OF TRUMP IN LESS THAN 30 days.

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36 thoughts on “District Attorney UNLOADS FULL ARSENAL Against Trump in NY Criminal Case”

  1. Voir dire (/ˈvwɑːr ˌdiər/; often /vɔɪr daɪər/; from an Anglo-Norman term in common law meaning “to speak the truth”) is a legal term for procedures during a trial that help a judge decide certain issues:

  2. New York obstruction hush money case is the only case to go before the election thanks to the supremely garbage right wing Leonard Leo court.

  3. He needs to be gagged and sued from saying the election was stolen too. It’s been proven to be false, even Fox propaganda regretted lying about the election. Now they correct anyone who tries to keep lying

  4. Trump will not win the presidency. The majority of American people are not stupid. Work the vote!

  5. This doesn't give me much hope. I don't think MAGA cares if the 🍊💩 paid off hookers, cooked the books, etc. He will be the candidate and SCOTUS will do their part, which is to take the privilege case and sit on it, to get him elected. The world is watching us. And I am physically sick.

  6. IIRC, didn't Jack Smith file that SCOTUS appeal to leapfrog the DC Circuit Court because they hadn't yet agreed to Smith's appeal to them? And then didn't they (DC) agree to hear arguments, so the SCOTUS said to Smith, "Well, if they're going to take the case, we'll wait to hear what they say."? Yes, Smith knew no matter what DCC said, it would get appealed. But I'm glad they did go first because they wrote a great, solid, irrefutable ruling that no one on the SCOTUS could deny (though a couple will try, and fail, but still join each other's opinion in the 7-2 SCOTUS ruling.)

  7. Great sense of humor you guys. I have to pause to breathe.
    Keep Up The Good Work. Will share when I recover.

  8. As a naturally-born American-Canadian (who is able to and HAS voted in elections since 2006, even while an American high school student)…"voir dire" literally means " to speak the truth" lol!!!




  10. It's time for an IRS audit of the Supreme Court. Let's find out if Trump is giving every justice that helps him delay, delay, appeal, appeal is getting a free Trump condo or a garage full of Cadillacs. Or, maybe it's locked lips in reference to a Lolita Express. Worse, Trumps Supremos might think it's time for an armed revolution and violent insurrection. Imagine a Trump Storm Trooper Squad running around between midnight and 3AM rounding up everyone with a triple digit IQ or an education from a top 25 school. Go listen to "Trump Melts Down" and imagine what kind of mind he has left. Seriously, Trump seemed to have lost the ability to form words during a 3/2/24 rally. That was no, "I'm going to get to the ORANGES of the situation," moment. That was more like a stroke. If he's that fu@ked up now, wait until you see his temper tantrum when he meets Judge Merchant in NYC on March 25. He might get so enraged at being tried in criminal court that he suffers a full-blown stroke and becomes paralyzed on one side of his body & unable to speak at all.

  11. I understand being pissed off, and I am too, but the beautiful thing is that the lower court put in that exceptional ruling and their statements will be history.

  12. What happens if E. Jean Carroll grabs Truth Social as her first collection under the judgement?

  13. What KFA says is true if Trump actually wins another term. However, Trump will also ELIMINATE The Supreme Court’s existence as he will have no use for them!
    VOTE BLUE 💙💙💙💙💙

  14. I wish he was in jail with his Jan 6th insurrectionist. They can sing all day, all night.

  15. When they take trump's bank account, and if it's not enough money, take his presidential pension. The guy has been stiffing people all his discusting adult life.🤔🤨😏

  16. If SCOTUS doesn't do it's job and deliver justice for us, then Trump will be like Bane in The Black Knight Rises, releasing the insurrectionists, embolding MAGA, and implementing Project 2025. A dystopian future.

    Our only defense is to VOTE BLUE in 2024.

  17. A lot of people support trumf blindly, not caring about consequences, it is 😮😢very sad

  18. In January of 2023, I applied to renew my passport, as it was due to expire later in the year. I received acknowledgement that my application had been received and the new passport should be mailed within 3 months.

    At around the same time, I was reading "On Tyranny", written by Professor Timothy Snyder, and in his book, he recommended that Americans who don't possess a passport should get one. He mentioned travelling to see what other countries are like. I don't know if his book was the cause, but I received a notice that because of the huge number of passport applications received, my new passport would be delayed for several months!

    In addition, within the last few years, I've seen large numbers of Russians who seem to be living outside of their country. Hopefully, Americans will not be forced to do the same soon!

  19. Oh thee of little FAITH! He ain’t going to be reelected! This is all happening to expose the people around him. Just watch and see. They are already be exposed.
    God is amazing!

  20. Well, let's see what happens! Even if the New York Court finds him guilty at a trial, Rumpy will appeal, then does it go to a Supreme Court in New York ? If that is the case and that court upholds the decision, then he will appeal again, and then the ultimate Supreme Court of the US will obfuscate and delay to presumably help Rumpy until after the election in November, just like they are doing currently. Unfortunately, the effect is that it will be a miracle if any of these criminal cases are held and determined prior to the election. Good luck America from Canada. PLEASE, PLEASE VOTE BLUE IN NOVEMBER!

  21. We The People need to rally and protest on the steps of the Supreme Court. MAGA is a terrorist organization run by the Wealthy Class. They own the MAGA Judges.

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