
Diplomat’s Son Accused Of VIOLENT Crime On Cop, But May Claim Immunity


Diplomat’s Son Accused Of VIOLENT Crime On Cop, But May Claim Immunity

#Diplomats #Son #Accused #VIOLENT #Crime #Cop #Claim #Immunity

Avraham Gil, the son of Israeli diplomat Eli Gil, is accused of driving his motorcycle into a Florida cop. Cenk Uygur and Ana Kasparian discuss on The Young Turks.

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“The teenage son of an Israeli diplomat is accused of intentionally driving his motorcycle into a Florida cop because he “hates waiting behind traffic,” but could have his charges dropped because of his father’s immunity, according to his attorney.

Avraham Gil, 19, appeared to be hysterically crying in his mugshot after he was arrested for striking a Sunny Isles Beach police lieutenant just after 3:30 p.m. Jan. 27.”


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criminal lawyer , Diplomat’s Son Accused Of VIOLENT Crime On Cop, But May Claim Immunity, 240201__TB04DiplomatSon,News,Politics,TYT,The Young Turks,Cenk Uygur,Progressive,TYT Network,Ana Kasparian,political establishment,John Iadarola,Breaking News,2020,Election 2020,Donald Trump,Joe Biden,2020 Election Results,Biden,Trump,2022 election,2024 election,2024,Avraham Gil,Israeli diplomat,motorcycle,Eli Gil,Florida,cop,immunity

33 thoughts on “Diplomat’s Son Accused Of VIOLENT Crime On Cop, But May Claim Immunity”

  1. Ana you are angry and cant believe it??? What about the american wife of a diplomat in uk who killed a young english guy with her car driving on the wrong side of the road and fled???? Parents even came to us , meet trump to get the woman returned to uk to stand trial but us government declined🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️

  2. Diplomatic immunity is not godmode. Host country can kick people out. Ofc in this case Israel might cry about it and the weak US government will reverse it.

    And this is same with US soldiers in NATO ally countries. If they commit crimes, they will be judged in US. So they won't be judged. Unless they are from minority groups.

  3. How about doing a headline that reads "American wife of diplomat claims diplomatic immunity and then flees the UK after killing a motorcyclist by driving on the wrong side of the road".

  4. Unfortunately the US uses previously the same 'immunity' when their staff kill people in negligent road collisions and they refuse to extradite them back to the country the offense occurred in.

  5. Oh the boy is already free!
    NOTHING!. will happen to him. He is protected by the fact that he has israeli blood.

  6. Take a good look at SOFA agreement, basically makes every serviceman, his family etc in the position of being a low level diplomat in Japan. When in rome, do as the romans do is hard for any citizen of a foreign country away from home. Americans do this same thing in almost any country we set foot in, it just does not get covered.

  7. cenk is so fat till if he was on the bike the officer would have arrested him🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂😂😇😇

  8. Oh, by the way you do jot think this diplomatic immunity is against Americans alone? Open up! Diplomatic immunity is an international thing.

  9. I partly understand this diplomatic immunity and why it exists. What I do not understand is that these diplomats are not being pulled back by their country and prosecuted over there after flagrant abuse of their position and humiliating their country that they are expected to represent.
    Isreal should punish them immediately and make a point of this with other abusive diplomats.
    By the way if a country thinks public kissing is immoral than that is their law, you might not like it, but you should respect it. If you do’nt you are also bad and disrespectful.

  10. Oh crap, she is so stupid. Sorry but how in this day and age she has no idea about diplomats status? Let's not forget, the only reason UK changed the import of dogs from the USA for a time period was only due to Bush visiting UK with his dogs.

  11. been a long time Israelis resident in America have many self induced entitlements to something that doesn't exist… ask those who dug a tunnel under Brooklyn… though mugshot looks like he's going to Rikers Island!!! already heard those "don drop the soap!" stories

  12. US diplomat families have killed in foreign countries and gotten away with it too.

    Outside a US military base in the UK in 2019, Anne Sacoolas, a diplomat's wife, drove on the wrong side of the road, ran over and killed Harry Dunn, a British 19 year-old driving a motor bike.

    She then fled the country to avoid trial and claimed diplomatic immunity. After much involvement from the British political class , she plead guilty years later in a UK court hearing, appearing via a video link in the US and was handed a suspended sentence and a year-long ban on driving (imo the only reason this process went ahead is she knew she would only get a slap on the wrist)

    I agree with your outrage Ana, but Americans are not just victims of this system, they have abused it too.

    It turns out this woman was the wife of a CIA agent and she may have been working in intelligence at that time too…

  13. An American diplomats wife (who was also a CIA agent) killed a british teen by hitting him with her car when she was on the wrong side of the road and fled the country and faced no consequences.

    Google 'Harry Dunn'

  14. His father doesn’t have diplomatic status according to the State Department.
    The kid is 19 and needs to face the consequences of his actions!

  15. Israel claiming that law doesn't apply to them? Thats crazy and has never ever happenee. This must be click bait (not being sarcastic, not at all… I prommise)

  16. I have so many questions if they are immune to punishment for crimes, let's say this teen doesn't have Diplomatic status but his dad does what is stopping him from just watching into the jail and release his own son with the cops right there? Can't they go to a bank or jewelry store and just take what they want and face no punishment?

  17. Attempted murder and murder does not apply to Diplomats, that is crazy. I was under the belief that status had a limit like intention crime should be off the table.

  18. Love your passion Ana! Sometimes life's a bitch and one feels impotent in the face of gross misuse of (potential) powers.

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