
Dinner with a Criminal Defence Lawyer | Kathleen Heath | TEDxFulbrightPerth


Dinner with a Criminal Defence Lawyer  | Kathleen Heath | TEDxFulbrightPerth

#Dinner #Criminal #Defence #Lawyer #Kathleen #Heath #TEDxFulbrightPerth

How do you defend a client who you know is guilty? What’s it like to sit opposite a murderer? In answering these questions and more, criminal defence lawyer Kathleen Heath challenges some of the misconceptions that we hold about our criminal justice system, and challenges us to respond with greater compassion to those who have, or are alleged to have, committed crimes. Kathleen is a criminal defence lawyer at the Aboriginal Legal Service of Western Australia (ALSWA), and aspires to help her clients’ stories be told in the courtroom and beyond. She often appears in the Children’s Court, representing children accused of a crime, many of whom have been removed from their families and are in the care of the State. Kathleen received her Bachelor of Laws from the University of Sydney, where she graduated with the University Medal in Law. With the help of a Fulbright Scholarship, she completed her Master of Laws at Harvard University, focusing on criminal justice policy. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at
criminal law , Dinner with a Criminal Defence Lawyer | Kathleen Heath | TEDxFulbrightPerth, TEDxTalks,English,Humanities,Criminal justice,Law,Truth

20 thoughts on “Dinner with a Criminal Defence Lawyer | Kathleen Heath | TEDxFulbrightPerth”

  1. Ex criminal here, being a good criminal lawyer is about understanding, seeing through others' lives, and doing your utmost best. You actually save people's life's whom need someone who can believe in you.
    You would be hero's if you didn't charge so much 😅😅

  2. Criminal defense lawyers are not bad people. All people, regardless of how immoral, have right to counsel.

  3. Yeah nah. Crims know they’re crims. So do their lawyers. Defence lawyers are just as bad as their ‘clients’.

  4. Virginia Lynchburg have denied justice for myself … I am hiring a good AI company worldwide as my private family lawyers

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    To work anonymously for us … getting passive income for victims for damages and suffering for Over used of power

  5. The married breath disappointingly produce because value additionally announce next a tightfisted spinach. earsplitting, normal town

  6. Most finger printing is false. 1 point match and two point match is no match at all.
    11 point match is still not evidence. It should be used for investigation purposes only.
    Videos should never be allowed in court. Hackers an even steal police videos, edit them to create political propaganda.
    Dash cams, uniform cameras are not admissible in court.
    Lie detector results are not admissible in court.

  7. Always verify the motivation of the accused or they aren't the real criminal. You must verify the alibis and motives.
    Beware of politics, biased and misleading information creating sensationalism for publicity.

  8. Beware of Fake DNA experts who lie on the stand. Their percentages and profiles are fake. GIS mapping is just a compilation of data into pie charts. They are liars.
    The blue light forensics is a scam because it picks up all fluids not just blood. And there's no way for them to verify blood type or DNA from most blood samples.
    People with college degrees lie to make their degrees appear relevant.

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