
Diddy’s Lawyers Done Covering For Him|Says Lady Gaga Had Nothing To Do With Decision


#Diddys #Lawyers #Covering #HimSays #Lady #Gaga #Decision

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49 thoughts on “Diddy’s Lawyers Done Covering For Him|Says Lady Gaga Had Nothing To Do With Decision”

  1. Woman doesnt know what shes talking about on the Trump thing at all. Shes not credible. Sorry. In Trump cases they used laws that have never been used. That should have been used on litterally ever politicians. For instance the logan act. Thats the corruption towards Trump not the other way around.

  2. Uuuggghhh Lady Gaga does have that kind of Hollywood Power! Why are u not understanding that?
    She's even in an upcoming movie!

  3. When your lawyer drops you, it's not a good look. They like money especially rich folk money. And then all of a sudden they don't want your money that means your shady shit is far worse than their greed for money, well that must be some big time shady shit and they see it coming. But hey there's always another that will represent him but they will not be implicated as they are fresh on the case. Oh and all his hagers on they be looking for plead deals and telling all.

  4. Another black menace defeated. I wonder how many “white” lives were ruined during his run.

  5. I'm just going to watch tisa tells instead of watching you watch it and your response 😮

  6. Damm enough lock him up & anyone else who knew about Diddy horrible wrong doing. It’s disgusting 🤮 ppl lives were ruined & lost 😞 enough . I m sick of hearing about him & them lock lock him up. Of course he’s gonna take ppl wt him Jay Z. & Bouncy jail also 😢😢so heartbreaking 💔

  7. Stop showing her videos. She cannot talk, can't read, mispronounces words and constantly needs to correct herself as shes talking. very confusing, all over the place…a trainwreck.

  8. Sorry but he needs locking up, a message needs to be sent out loud and clear that just because you have loads of money doesn't mean you can go around doing whatever the hell you want. And make it clear if anything were to happen to the judge post sentence investigations will be made which could see him getting a lengthier sentence.

  9. She is wrong. Its too late if they have been helping him for 20 years. Its all about the $$$

  10. I think it was the Mel Brook's movie Life Stinks that had the great line "What did you expect? We're lawyers!"

  11. It's interesting that the fact a lot of Trump's lawyers went down for covering up for him and this could happen to any lawyers representing Diddy. It's probably a really smart move

  12. The lawyers know he is doing illegal activity, and they can prove that.There is no client confidentiality anymore. Because they are a party to the crime, and then they don't want to get sucked into Rico.
    Edit: correcting voice recognition.

  13. The big shot lawyers for Diddy are dropping out because they will be testifying for the Government against Diddy to save their own ass🤫

  14. I spent 15 years working in a law firm. I can say that a client that in his personal life may do certain things, which does not mean the law firm was aware of the debauchery. Sure there may be a "pay off" handled by the law firm where a Non-Disclosure would be prepared. Please keep in mind that wealthy, popular people have people in the public who accuse them of untruths. Easier for a "payoff" than the hit to the career, or embarrassment to their family. I believe it is more than plausible that the FBI went to the law firm knowing that they only knew so much and handled things appropriately and when the law firm was informed of the magnitude, it was too much to keep their client. This individual has become a liability to the law firm and no amount of money is worth that.

  15. A new lawsuit just dropped on diddy and it's bad from a girl who used to go with a model diddy used and he s trafficked her

  16. Here’s a thought…IF no one wants to represent Diddy, AND if what we are hearing is truth that he’s a fed informant, then now would be a perfect time for him to be ushered into witness protection in exchange for ALL the dirt he has on people.

  17. What do you think the lawyer is going to get out on a simple fact, they may be tied up with the shit it’s just a lot going on with that and God bless them all

  18. Have u ever watched the you tube channel.. that surprise witness? She worked for a large legal firm as an attorney? I don't want to get the label wrong. But, she says a lot about Did dy

  19. That's what my thoughts are. The lawyers are just as corrupt as the diddler!!! They are all guilty!!!

  20. I Don't normally comment.. it, I have to say, The Lawyets wre like Peace Out ✌️ They'll let him go down without going down with him

  21. Out off all that was said. 😮😮😮 I'm looking strongly 💪 at the lawyers!! So who did Special D have at his Freak-Offs 👋🏻 Lawyers, Politicians, Police, VIP's from Sports,Music etc etc etc and The Very can't fix my face 😮 Church sector 😮!! The very Crem de la Crem

  22. I follow politics quite a bit and I've watched Meidas Touch a handful of times but most of the time I watch TYT because they are more candid about their political positions.

  23. I wanna know how he doesn't have better lawyers than that to begin with. His dad Melvin Combs was Frank Lucas's driver and associate who also sold drugs with him before he was shot in a drug deal because they thought he was an informant when Sean was only 2. He was raised Catholic, and was an altar boy, which might be where he got some of his habits from. Clive Davis helped him establish Bad Boy Records. He knows and is friends with Lyor Cohen as well Lucian Grange who was already a co-defendant with him in a previous case. He has all the resources in the world and connections and he can't find himself a better legal team? He probably is a fed but he's definitely a FAN who needs to keep his freaky ass inside.

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