
Deobra Redden Faces Murder Charges for Attack on Judge


Deobra Redden Faces Murder Charges for Attack on Judge

#Deobra #Redden #Faces #Murder #Charges #Attack #Judge

The man who attacked a judge in court now faces an attempted murder charge. Deobra Redden appeared before a new judge after he jumped the bench and violently punched Judge Holthus.

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46 thoughts on “Deobra Redden Faces Murder Charges for Attack on Judge”

  1. He does the same thing to one of us and he’d be back on the street right now. No, of course we don’t have a two tier justice system.

  2. Everyone over here judge worshipping, but fail to realize that these judges are out of hand. I'm not making excuses for the criminal, but remember judges like the one in video made remarks instead of doing her job and sentencing him to his recommended max.

    When she said let's try something different he attacks.

  3. Has to be a better screening when it comes to a mentally disabled individual. This situation started before he was born, a crack baby. And there's a lot of them as well as a single parent kid. If these things aren't nipped in the bud , then wildfire will grow. From across this world … And for someone to display that behavior and jump and needed several people to restrain him. Ive worked for the state in the office of mental health and disabilities directly. And that's a display ive seen and worst . ✌🏾💙

  4. Does anyone remember the judge who was paid by a private juvenile company and sentenced minors to extra time because they were being paid. Judges are not just or even a symbol of our justice system. Good luck brother.

  5. Playing the mental card? Who knows, everyone always uses that when in big trouble. Definitely has anger issues for sure, Maybe anger management can help, He probably suffers from TAS

  6. That is exactly how the law enforcement should act when TRUMP is entered into the courts. Stop his bullshit before he opens his mouth to spill LIE AFTER LIE!

  7. Wah wah wah! There are many babies that are born with crack in their system and they don”t turn out like this evil guy. Part of his problem is his family which are a bunch of enablers that make excuses for all his crimes. It’s always someone else’s fault. What a load of crap. 30 days in jail will never fix this guys anger issues. Lock him up.

  8. 10:55 😂 That deputy is staring at him like, "Try it. Please, take a step- make a twitch- and I'm on you like white on rice on a paper plate in a snowstorm!" I know this dude is kicking himself for every second of everyday for that final decision! He'll be lucky if he ends up with less than 10 years, when before he only had 2, at the most. When you play a stupid game, you win a stupid prize.

  9. Fuckin hilarious 😳😳😳🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣👍🏿👍🏿👍🏿👍🏿👍🏿👍🏿👍🏿👍🏿

  10. This 1st judge only got herself to blame for this attack, as she was provoking him by sentencing him. Therefore it is absolutely uncalled for, for any additional charges to have been placed on him.

  11. She had a smart mouth😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 I wonder how many people did she really put in jail they didn’t do it maybe this was for that lol

  12. He needs to spend a long long time in jail more than 15 years also this public defender looks like she don't want to even defend him

  13. Unfortunately, It will definetly be a "clubhouse" sentencing. It will be stronger solely because it was a judge. The average charge on the street wouldn't be enforced the same. Arguably unethical but a message has to be sent.

  14. I'm still wondering what possessed him to attack the judge, he literally turned a 19 month sentence to a possible life sentence

  15. Murder charges, this is preposterous. Yes he is GUILTY of the attack but this was not attempted murder by far. Throw the bench at him but call it was it is ASSAULT and only ASSAULT!

  16. I'm not siding with no criminals but some of yall need to understand whether the crime happened 400 years ago or on Jan3rd everybody WILL HAVE THEIR DAY IN COURT THERES NO ESCAPE

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