
Democrats LOSE IT As Trump Lawyer Argues He Can ASSASSINATE Rival AND NOT Be Charged, TRUMP IS RIGHT


Democrats LOSE IT As Trump Lawyer Argues He Can ASSASSINATE Rival AND NOT Be Charged, TRUMP IS RIGHT

#Democrats #LOSE #Trump #Lawyer #Argues #ASSASSINATE #Rival #Charged #TRUMP

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Democrats LOSE IT As Trump Lawyer Argues He Can ASSASSINATE Rival AND NOT Be Charged, TRUMP IS RIGHT
criminal lawyer , Democrats LOSE IT As Trump Lawyer Argues He Can ASSASSINATE Rival AND NOT Be Charged, TRUMP IS RIGHT, sjws,social justice,tim pool,timpool,timcast,timcastnews,timcast news,trump,trump imm unity,trump trial,trump appeal,biden,trump 2024

44 thoughts on “Democrats LOSE IT As Trump Lawyer Argues He Can ASSASSINATE Rival AND NOT Be Charged, TRUMP IS RIGHT”

  1. The issue of prosecuting the president for their crimes is balancing accountability vs stability. If they can be charged with crimes, then they would be held accountable for committing crimes, but it would allow outside forces to manipulate fewer people to get the president removed (swaying 1 judge is easier than 1 judge and more than half of the senate). If the president needs to be impeached first, then the system is significantly harder to exploit from the outside, but a corrupt senate could simply refuse to hold the president accountable when it is needed.

    Personally, I think that requiring impeachment is better than the alternative. Its better that a president doing bad things can get away with it than a good president getting removed by 1 corrupt judge.

  2. So where is the Gavin/Obama tracker? Literally, where are they and who are they meeting with because this is what matters.

  3. He's literally NOT wrong. The sitting President and any prior President needs to be impeached in order to be charged for ANY actions committed under official Presidential duty.

    It's literally a process of our Laws. Lol leftists are fkn braindead.

  4. Damn, Tim's more annoying that peak madness Alex Jones. Cut out the constipated emphasis shit, and the general stupid voiced!
    Just talk in a natural, normal tone and emphasis.

  5. I worry that this subject might give JB (his handlers who are really in control) ideas on how to get rid of PDT permanently. Especially since it is power for them at any cost.

  6. No he cant assassinate rivals. But thats not the question. It’s illegal, but THEY don’t have jurisdiction. Only congress does. Describing it this way rather than jurisdiction issues a big PR blunder.

  7. If Trump loses this appeal does that mean that Barack Obama can be charged for murder when he assassinated those American citizens?

  8. Our Judicial system is corrupted to the core. Check of Colorado’s Supreme Court. Remember, they also decide who can be a licensed attorney in Colorado. It’s over in these corrupt states. They will stop letting other attorneys from other states before their courts soon enough. All on the grounds that those states do not have valid licensure requirements.

  9. I have mixed feelings about this honestly. The senate is not the courts—they’re hyper-partisan and won’t judge things fairly…

  10. Remember that judge in Maine?

    The one who got to know his driveway really well?

    Pepperidge Farm remembers.

  11. As annoying as you may find it that he's not just saying "no," He is restating the question to make his answer perfectly clear so it cannot be twisted by twisting the wordage of the question. He isn't doing what politicians do and just rambling to kill time so he doesn't have to answer, he is trying to provide the clearest answer possible in a way that cannot be misconstrued but has to keep starting over because he keeps getting interrupted right as he's getting to a point where his continued answer being taken out of context would be the exact opposite of what he's actually trying to convey.

  12. EDIT: Apparently Brown-Jackson once was a defense attorney, so this streak has been broken after a generation or three…
    Want to see crazy bias: ALL SCOTUS Justices are former prosecutors or worked for the US court system…NOT ONE SCOTUS Justice is a DEFENSE ATTORNEY.

    NINE of the best attorneys alive, and not one of them knows what it's like to advocate for you or me. Nine of the best legal minds ever, and all they know how to do by training is go after We The People. We need at least one justice that's a defense litigator, who can be the voice going HEY this is an outrage, we NEED to take this case, our government is railroading this person.

  13. 1000% judges are partisan. The worst part they are setting a precedent. Side note Obama unconstitutionally used the military to kill bin laden.

  14. too late. they are doing it differently despite the law. they set the precedent. charge the previous democrat presidents with every single crime they ever committed.

  15. She's just using that age old tactic of asking the same question over and over again till she gets the answer she wants.

  16. Obama ordered the assassinations of not 1 but 2 American-Yemeni persons. "Al-Awlaki became the first U.S. citizen to be targeted and killed by a drone strike from the U.S. government. …. Civil liberties advocates have described the incident as "an extrajudicial execution" that breached al-Awlaki's constitutional right to due process, including a trial." and also for

  17. I'm not an expert in law but even I know a judge can't evoke a punishment against someone without being found guilty through a fair trail… And the fact that he was actually aquitted of specifically insurrection in impeachment invokes double jeapordy if they go after him again for the same thing.. They need to be disbarred from the bench or whatever legal posistions they hold.

  18. The u.s. military isnt allowed to take action on us soil though with alot of different approvals. You cant just act on presidential authority hence why its called checks and balances

  19. they rephrase the question so many times I am wondering will they eventually reach the point where they ask 'Am I the bad guy' lol

  20. Tim, it WAS a "qualified "yes"… because Sauer clearly said "if he were impeached and removed first"… which is correct. Impeachment, removal, THEN prosecution.

  21. Much respect to the prosecutions here and to the Colorado ballot removal. Here is why: these prosecutors and state officials have created win win situations. IF trump is acquitted they and their cohorts get to point and say “MAGA has infiltrated even the most sacred of systems; the legal system” and mouth breathers will be enraged and start to make terrible decisions out of illogical fear. IF trump isn’t acquitted and isn’t allowed back on the ballot they will get to say “see this was seditious behavior and anyone in support of it is by definition an insurrectionist and we now have legal precedent to prove it in the courtroom.” Either result galvanizes the groups, throws fuel on a raging fire, sows more hate to end any form of unity which may have remained between the two groups.

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