
Democrats FURIOUS As Biden Backs Republicans on DC Criminal Law


Democrats FURIOUS As Biden Backs Republicans on DC Criminal Law

#Democrats #FURIOUS #Biden #Backs #Republicans #Criminal #Law

Congressional Democrats are furious over Biden for backing a veto of a DC crime bill. The bill would change mandatory minimum sentences, among other things, which many see as being soft on crime. In this episode of America Uncovered, we look at why the DC mayor is against the crime bill as well, Biden’s about-face on the bill, and what it has to do with DC becoming its own state.

Will Washington DC Become the 51st State?


criminal law , Democrats FURIOUS As Biden Backs Republicans on DC Criminal Law, Chris Chappell,America Uncovered,democrats furious as biden backs republicans on dc criminal law,biden,joe biden,president biden,republicans,democrats,house of representatives,dc crime bill,dc,crime,dc criminal code,dc council,dc crime,soft on crime,dc statehood,muriel bowser,muriel bowser dc crime,washington dc,washington,us capital,white house,house democrats,nancy pelosi,congress,DC Criminal Law,2024 election,democrats soft on crime,dc a state

46 thoughts on “Democrats FURIOUS As Biden Backs Republicans on DC Criminal Law”

  1. Wow. I'm actually really surprised that this many democrats actually voted for them. But of course it all goes back to race-baiting. These idiotic leftists… And why is it in this instance democrats are all for people deciding their own laws, but abortion being approved/rejection state by state is a travesty? Double sided cowards.

  2. Am I hearing it correctly? Democrats wants to punish criminals? There must be something in that 400 something pages that the democrats are against but not publicly saying.

    EDIT: 51st State? Move the Whitehouse somewhere else where no residents are allowed and annexed from any US State.

  3. This is so stupid. Instead of making any real progress to help people in this country everyone is more concerned about how they look. It's like no one ever left high school.

  4. The majority of both Republicans and Democrats are criminals so get rid of them all and get regular Americans in office instead of continuing to let these pigs lie, steal and f*** over Americans! We the People are the ones responsible for upholding our freedoms and holding the government accountable so when the government makes laws restricting citizens rights to hold them accountable it's time to peacefully or forcefully remove them from office under the tenth amendment! The fact that the government does business with Dictators is enough to say they're giving aid to Americas enemies…. grounds for charging current and former government officials with treason

  5. I don't know what the policy is and whether it would be good or bad, but I am glad Biden can think for himself.

  6. This is just appalling, it shouldn't matter from what party ideas come from, it's the idea that needs to be addressed, hopefully you guys take note on who not to vote

  7. Good job!I know it's hard to substitute for someone like Chris Chapel.Thanks and keep up the good work!Satyr with Facts are a good way to communicate!

  8. The residential parts of DC need to be reabsorbed by Maryland and Virginia while the Mall and all Federal properties that are used to operate the government should be their own, strictly non-residential entity. That was all the people who live in "DC" can now vote and we don't need a 51st state.

  9. Funny, as a Trump supporter and a Bible believer, I tend to support reasonable and non cruel sentencing. You see, I'm a fundamentalist bible believers and the bible is VERY soft on crime compared to any gouvernement (socialist or not). The old testament clearly says sentence/reparation should not be more then the damage caused by the perpetrator. That's the principle of " eye for eye…". It does not account for psychological damage or trauma. Also, having briefly studying anthropology in college, I discovered while reading the Bible afterward that the biblical judicial system is MATRIARCAL, due to it's soft on crime stance and the principle of "woman and children first", adding to this the responsibility to wannabe christians to the fact that WE WILL BE FORGIVEN THE WAY WE FORGIVE OTHERS. There is no measurement in the gravity of the offence. There are serious threats in the Bible though, and those are for things not necessarely visible ou punishable by judicial systems, that is UNFAIR JUDGES, CROCKED AND SCUMBAGS POLITICIANS AND MERCHANDS are CURSING themselves and their loved ones by their constant unfair actions and LIES. This is why their children are seriously injured or killed by accident or substance abuse. Everyone getting rich by abusing others is constantly grieving some whoes, constantly enduring some irritating conflics and pain preventing them from enjoying the pleasure wealth is supposed to provide. Even hanging with those people is dangerous for your personal safety. I know a person who hate and schold, and discredit everyone around her, causing division and when she walk somewhere, there is often someone or some animal injured by some weird accident. Many of us with different believe have noticed this. Rings a bell anyone?

  10. Whoever thought of reducing criminal sentences such as armed robbery of any kind should be held liable for the rise in these crimes. All these lawmakers should be held liable for any stupid law changes that they make.

  11. It's just like when ilegal aliens were sent to Martha's Vineyard,the high rungs of the Democrat party don't want the things they push on the rest of the country.

  12. it is fucking insane how people back their political group like its a sports ball team, regardless of how far over the line they must go.
    "republicans dont like crime so I must therefore support crime because I dont like republicans"…. "I dont think masks work like they claim they work because we have decades of studies; oh wait, now the other side supports masks, well then, I no longer do because I dont want to be seen agreeing with my opposition"
    It doesnt matter what side you are on, there are always morally bankrupt people who just want to divide and conquer.

  13. You Know what how about a death penalty for repeated offenders? We need something to make space in the prisons.

  14. the easy solution is capital punishment's starting on theft. There are nations in the Asia pacific and there crime is near non existent to the point that stores don't even have to lock up when closing up for the night cause NO ONE steals. It works.

  15. Good work, Matt… tell Chris his self-care day off is completely justified. And the number one landmark change we must make judicially is to bring back and require the death penalty for first degree murder.

  16. Democrats, you don't need guns, we will protect you, also Democrats, we are going to make it easier from criminals to get away with various crimes in the name of equity and fighting racism….

  17. You mean Biden is promising to keep the "tough on crime" promise he made almost 20 years ago? That's wild, usually he can barely remember what happened 2 minutes ago.

  18. African Americans are disproportionately convicted of violent crimes, but it isn't because of their skin color, at least, not mostly. To a large extent, it's an artifact of demographic circumstances. African Americans disproportionately live in the bad parts of big cities, for reasons involving historical migration patterns: the Reconstruction left almost all African Americans poor and in the rural South; gazillions of poor people from the rural South, migrated to industrial centers for work over the next hundred years or so, and then with the introduction of containerized shipping, American blue-collar industry was heavily outsourced overseas, leaving the people in said industrial centers poor again, under-educated, and living in high-crime neighborhoods. There are white people in those circumstances too, but statistically, black people are disproportionately likely to be in those circumstances. And people in high-crime heavily urban neighborhoods where the factories used to be are disproportionately incarcerated, even if white, but a disproportionate percentage of them are black; this in turn gives black people a reputation for being violent criminals, which really isn't fair: black people living in suburbia, or in rural areas, aren't more likely to be criminals than the next person. Skin color isn't the problem. Urban poverty and the cultural issues associated with it (high population density, cultural attitudes toward the law and police and education and employment, and related factors) are the problem.

    From a personal perspective, you can break this cycle for your own family. If you live in one of those urban neighborhoods with a high crime rate, get out: you probably can't afford housing in the "good part" of the big city you're from, but you can move to a small town. (It may mean taking a job running a cash register or flipping burgers; but you wouldn't be living in a high-crime neighborhood in the first place if you were a CPU fabrication engineer.) Aim for a city with a population of fewer than 20 thousand people, at least 30 minutes' drive from the edge of the nearest large metropolitan area. In a place like that, your kids will go to school with other small-town kids and pick up small-town values (e.g., the police are community helpers like firemen and doctors). For added bonus points, encourage your kids to care about school, make them do their homework, and help them apply for college scholarships. Let them play on the football team if they are so inclined, some kids get a scholarship that way. You won't be solving the whole problem for everyone, but every black family that does this, contributes to bringing racial equality one family closer to being balanced. One caveat is that most of the people in small towns are currently white, because not very many black people have done this yet, so you will have to get comfortable with being around a lot of white people. Your kids (assuming you move when they're young enough) won't be bothered by this, because they'll just grow up with it and consider it normal; but it can be an adjustment for adults who are accustomed to living in a neighborhood where they're in the racial majority.

    At a societal level, of course, this solution doesn't really work, because none of us want to live in the kind of society where the government tells you what community you're going to live in.

  19. Will this bill tackle the gender based disparity that unfairly targets men and protects women buy not even having them arrested, let alone charged.




  21. More hug a thug reforms. This whole blacks should get less time because oh poor them is ridiculous. Of course criminals are not thinking about how much time they serve when they do crime, that's why you lock them up as long as possible, because they don't give a shit.

  22. Jokes aside I wonder if and if yes, what effect would such webpage have on American audience. People around a world are actually quite illiterate when it comes to law. After all a 3-5% drop would always be appropriated even if obtained by meme means

  23. It is almost a guarantee if DC is leaning Republican, Democrats would try everything in their bag of tricks to stop or delay statehood, the same way the Republicans are doing now.

  24. The system is so broken that the only times both parties can agree on something enough for it to pass is if it's going to be terrible for most of the people

  25. Of course more b’s are convicted of crime, not only do they commit more crime, but they’re the majority. Instead of complaining of convictions, how about complaining about the commission of crime??

  26. Washington DC was never supposed to be a city with its own permanent residents.

    The population was in large part supposed to come from the States. Military personnel, Senators, and various other federal employees maintain permanent residences outside of where they currently live (D.C.) and as such have full voting rights and representation. Also, Washington DC unnecessarily expanded its borders to include housing areas of Virginia and Maryland. Those housing areas need to be returned. They should never have been incorporated into the capital.

    Personally, I would require all US citizens that reside within DC's borders maintain a permanent residence outside of the capital, even if it is simply Maryland or Virginia. Not only do most residents of DC have perverse incentives when it comes to how the Federal government is run and how it spends money, but Washington DC has an obnoxiously small population to be given two Senators.

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