
Democrats and Republicans have come together to reform criminal justice. Will they change policin…


Democrats and Republicans have come together to reform criminal justice. Will they change policin…

#Democrats #Republicans #reform #criminal #justice #change #policin

President Trump was able to marshal support from both political parties to pass criminal justice reform in 2018, but he also unwound policies former President Obama put in place to monitor police departments accused of using excessive force or violating civil rights. In the wake of George Floyd’s death, congressional Democrats have proposed ambitious new plans for police reform, but Republicans may be looking for different changes.
criminal law , Democrats and Republicans have come together to reform criminal justice. Will they change policin…, video,cbs,special,justice for all,president trump,politics,u.s.,criminal justice reform,president obama,washington d.c.,capitol hill,excessive force,police reform,police brutality,george floyd,demonstrations,protests,chokehold,police department,justice department,civil rights,equality,black lives matter,blm,civil rights violations

23 thoughts on “Democrats and Republicans have come together to reform criminal justice. Will they change policin…”

  1. Those scarves represent the tribe from Ghana. The tribe from Ghana traded prisoners from other tribes as slaves for guns. Too bad leftists are too dumb to understand this.

  2. Millions of Americans haven’t stood up yet, we are working and taking care of our families, don’t force us to, it won’t turn out the way the liberals would like.

  3. Nobody deserves to be strangled, but to make a show out of the death of a person who was a criminal in life is the worst show. Poor America! And all these parties live at the expense of taxpayers! What a role model for young people and children! And these are all pre-election games! The most embarrassing and cringeworthy moment in the history of USA to make a hero from criminal.
    What an embarrassment!!👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎


  5. HaHaHa! Wtf happened to journalism!?!? "That's exactly what happened" Ha! Way to go! Nice investigative journalism my man

  6. Resign Democrats! Reform the police! Justice for George Floyd is Found! Remember Officer David Dorn! Do not abolish the police! Condemn China’s racism against Africa!

  7. Pleeeeeese give us TERM LIMIT bill. We need that more than anything.
    Please go away you old lifetime politicians. Please GO AWAY!

  8. This turns my stomach how desperate The Democrats are to get rid of Trump. Trump is his own worst enemy and anyone should be able to beat him. But there fear is there weakness and this is not gonna get rid of a villain like Trump .My God pardon my language but I am not not dropping to one knee for another human walking buy. I only Pray to Jesus and get on my knees for Gardening. Martin Luthor King and Rosa Parks didn't do all they did to have white people kneel and be there servants. Whole point of the movement was to be equal with white people. And Last I checked Samual L Jackson, Fresh Prince, And many NFL Players and NBA Stars do live a dream most white peoples 3 generations of families never see. I come from humble beginnings. My Grand Parents were simple farmers. One grandparent died of being overworked in a Chicken factory. His widow canned and raised living from hogs and garden her whole life. My dads parents worked as cow farmers till had to move to town. My Mom stayed at home raised 3 kids my dad worked as a County Deputy for 400.00 dollars a month this during the 80s. It was considered good money. But its nothing compared to today's money for living. I have no issues with another person because they are a different color skin. But to say any person in today's life are slaves is mocking people years ago who were slaves. All American people have the opportunity to be somebody. Unless they has physical or social disabilities. This is only a demonstration of how weak we look to other countries where a few protestors can get leaders to kneel.

  9. As long as we focus on BS police reform but ignore the root of the laws that militarized the police-the drug war-there can be no reform.

    When one group of men votes to randomly execute another group of men, how can they wonder why there is eternal animosity? When slaves were brought to this county they used chemicals in their religious rituals. By prohibiting drugs we criminalized their primary means of harmless escape-we over road their cultural identity with ours and the programming is not sticking. We do not have a right to enforce the drug war. It is the root of evil in our country related directly to slavery.

  10. We’re talking about democratic policies on the books ……so are we saying that the dems are racist😂

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