
Democrat AG Files NEW Felony Charges Against Trump’s LAWYERS, It’s Getting WORSE


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lawyers near me , Democrat AG Files NEW Felony Charges Against Trump’s LAWYERS, It’s Getting WORSE


47 thoughts on “Democrat AG Files NEW Felony Charges Against Trump’s LAWYERS, It’s Getting WORSE”

  1. If you are against a private individual choosing who they serve, then you are in favor of forced labor, Mr Pool.

    If a man owns himself, he has the right to say “I choose not to provide a service to” (fill in the blank).

    Will some abuse that? Yes. But like guns, some will use their right to have the weapon for the wrong reasons and that does NOT justify taking the right away from those who do not abuse it.

  2. Libertarians live to lose. I get their message but they don't have any path or plan to achieve it. If a opposition party is lending a hand on some of your ideas and they swat it away. Then they deserve nothing

  3. And here Tim confirms something I suspected from a previous video – he's the one that doesn't know what was going on. The Biden administration was trying to force vaccine mandates on employers through OSHA, and was telling employers to ignore the courts when it was struck down.

  4. Americans have long been tired of the demoncrats nazi party..

    Demoncrats aren't American, they love the anti America agenda of their nazi party.

    Just because you live in America doesn't mean you are American

  5. How bout house resolution bill HR8080 that takes away secret service protection to any ex president who is jailed. Sponsored by none other than Benny Thompson. Now you see the future cause no one is talking about this Bill still up for adoption!!

  6. Corporatism is as dangerous as socialism. Or pretty much any "ism" now that I think about it 🙄

  7. I wonder what this dementing malignant narcisist has done to your brains that you love this despictable human being so much…

  8. Trump will be jailed but wins the election. Just before the transfer of power comes on Jan 20th 2025 something big will happen to try to prevent his 2nd Term. Democrat coup d'etat.

  9. Democrat AG Files NEW Felony Charges Against Trump’s LAWYERS, It’s Getting WORSE

    They should counter sue and charge this AG with violation of 18 U.S. Code § 595 election interference of a candidate for election.

  10. If the government now decides where in trouble and enacts marshal law they can come in take your food and your guns and you have no rights and it looks like the left is thinking that way Are you ready

  11. We wouldn’t have half these problems if we would of controlled the border to the point where there was enough food room etc but in order for this government to succeed in having the One World Order Government they have to rob and tax us to death

  12. The government is 1 step bringing in. c Communism and if people can’t see what the left is doing then I feel sorry for them

  13. Those who believe in small government either don't run for government, or when they do get a position in government they would rather vote no, than support bills that move the needle in their ideological direction.
    In other words, they only support ideal legislation, which doesn't exist.
    Those who believe in big government have no such qualms.

  14. Welcome to the democrat party police state.
    The will of the people is irrelevant.
    You will own nothing and be happy.

  15. Someone finally mentioned Sandy " Burglar" Berger. How about you folks tell your audience about him stealing documents and being caught with them in his pants…to protect Bill Clinton. What were leading democrats saying back then? Did Sandy get into any trouble?

  16. The simple logic with the GOP? Don't fight. Don't defend. Don't respond. Red state AGs, sleeping during legal warfare destroying the country is not a good look.

  17. At heart I am an AnCap. In reality I am a small “l” libertarian. I volunteered for the LP. Don’t waste your money or time, that party is subverted. The Mises Caucus can keep pushing but I just don’t see the point. They would be more effective in the GoP, though.

  18. Oh look, democrats filing charges because they have the power to, and knowing no one can challenge the illegitimacy of it and that they'll be protected from the crushing prison sentences and permanent disbarment such seditious activity demands. Tim's reality of law enforcement at your door being clowns is already happening. How long before Red states begin acting like Blue states and shielding citizens from politically conquered blue enforcement agencies?

  19. And not a single Republican DA or AG is willing to grow a spine and throw charges at the Democrats that we all know are dirty.

  20. I'm ok if Trump does almost nothing as president..he can spend the entire 4 years getting back at people.

  21. Trump put swamp monsters like Mike Pompeo and John Bolton in his cabinet and failed to fire Fauci. Why on earth would you ever want him to have a second term.

  22. Murderers get legal representation, and the lawyers dont get attacked. Being outside of the establishment is now the crime as far as thier concerned.

  23. Trump will win or could legitimately win, but the country will still completely fall apart because half the country is completely psychotic. Look how they acted when he won in 2016.

  24. I know everyone has their bills and stuff to pay, but a general strike coming from this side in protest over the things going on would have way more of an impact. Not a day, not a week, but a month and they would feel it.

  25. This is the next level of repression – it is to become a crime to represent a conservative accused of opposing the regime.

  26. I will not bake the cake! Why? Because I am being required to in a manner that conveys expectation of increased respect in response disrespect and unquestioned submission to only their authority. Go you your cake somewhere else. There's a specialty bakery that just opened downtown, they could always use more business and They do exactly what you're wanting. Tell them I sent you, you'll get a discount.

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