
Demand More: Investing in Communities to Transform Criminal Justice


Demand More: Investing in Communities to Transform Criminal Justice

#Demand #Investing #Communities #Transform #Criminal #Justice

Billions of dollars have been wasted on ineffective prison reform. Learn how community-based restorative efforts will transform the system. This video from Public Welfare Foundation highlights efforts in Colorado, California and the District of Columbia as examples of what can be done across the country.

This is the first in a four-part series. Please subscribe to our YouTube channel for future videos from Public Welfare Foundation. Learn more about PWF at
criminal law , Demand More: Investing in Communities to Transform Criminal Justice, community reinvestment,social justice,mass incarceration,criminal justice,secondchances,youth justice,juvenile justice,philanthropy,grantmaking,transformativejustice,denver,colorado,oakland,california,washington dc,public welfare foundation,second chance center,credible messengers,restorative justice

1 thought on “Demand More: Investing in Communities to Transform Criminal Justice”

  1. I agree with your concept of investing at the community level. We are a grassroots organization in Connecticut that teaches reentry people how to go into business for themselves. It's called the P.R.I.D.E. PROGRAM. We are not financially supported by anyone because we are very small yet in the last 6 years we have created hundreds of small businesses. There are probably many other organizations like us that could expand if they were helped. Good article and a great solution if implemented everywhere.

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