
DELPHI | Richard Allen’s Defense Attorneys Ask Judge Gull to Recuse Herself, Will She?


DELPHI | Richard Allen’s Defense Attorneys Ask Judge Gull to Recuse Herself, Will She?

#DELPHI #Richard #Allens #Defense #Attorneys #Judge #Gull #Recuse

Richard M. Allen’s former attorneys were recently reinstated and have just filed motions to disqualify Judge Gull. Let’s discuss the latest details.

CASE BACKGROUND: Richard Allen, 50, was arrested on October 28th, 2022 and charged with 2 counts of murder in the Delphi case. Abby Williams and Libby German were murdered on February 13th, 2017, and were last seen on the Monon High Bridge. Their bodies were discovered the following day on Ron Logan’s private property.

00:00:00 Intro
00:06:25 Quick reminder about the case
00:09:00 Scremin and Lebrato withdraw (a formality based on the Supreme Court of Indiana’s decision)
00:09:40 Judge Gull denies the defense’s pending motions
00:17:05 Quick clip from an attorney (Peter Tragos)
00:20:00 Will RA be transferred?
00:24:25 Verified Motion to Disqualify
00:27:00 Affidavit (deep dive) from the defense
01:08:45 Judge Gull didn’t pay the defense attorneys?
01:29:25 Does Judge Gull favor the Prosecution?
01:45:28 State’s Motion to Compel Discovery
01:49:05 Waffle time and Outro

Full case playlist:


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Gisela K.

#delphi #richardallen #abbyandlibby #indiana #delphicase #livestream #grizzlytruecrime #supremecourt
criminal lawyer , DELPHI | Richard Allen’s Defense Attorneys Ask Judge Gull to Recuse Herself, Will She?, true crime livestream,grizzly true crime,livestream,true crime,delphi,delphi case,delphi richard allen,richard allen delphi,libby and abby delphi,delphi murders,delphi richard allen attorneys,delphi judge gull,delphi case update,delphi case latest news,delphi case attorneys judge gull,libby and abby,delphi abby and libby,delphi case updates

43 thoughts on “DELPHI | Richard Allen’s Defense Attorneys Ask Judge Gull to Recuse Herself, Will She?”

  1. 00:00:00 Intro
    00:06:25 Quick reminder about the case
    00:09:00 Scremin and Lebrato withdraw (a formality based on the Supreme Court of Indiana's decision)
    00:09:40 Judge Gull denies the defense's pending motions
    00:17:05 Quick clip from an attorney (Peter Tragos)
    00:20:00 Will RA be transferred?
    00:24:25 Verified Motion to Disqualify
    00:27:00 Affidavit (deep dive) from the defense
    01:08:45 Judge Gull didn't pay the defense attorneys?
    01:29:25 Does Judge Gull favor the Prosecution?
    01:45:28 State's Motion to Compel Discovery
    01:49:05 Waffle time and Outro

    Full case playlist:

  2. I just finished the replay. I have to wait before I can comment too much!! I am just beyond furious with all of this unbelievable conduct, or should I say misconduct of Judge Gull! I can't even understand why she's not removed from this case!! There are so many different violations! I'll just stop for the moment. Judge Gull herself needs to be investigated. There has to be a much bigger picture feeding all this absolute misconduct, and she's not at all concerned. Why is that?

  3. Beckie Hill, E. Jean & TFG, More TFG, Hot’lanta, and the liveliest of ALL—GK!

    So maybe I will just follow your “Tulip Futures Market” Instead….what time (UDT) does your coverage begin?❤💐😅❤

    Goodness—back to your translation of the Oracle—-

  4. I have had so many people ask me what a “Franks Memorandum” is, while discussing this case over on X.

    If you’re here, you probably already know— But if you don’t, it basically is a filing where the defense challenges the truth of the information that supports a search warrant. Example- did an officer lie whilst obtaining a search warrant?

    It is the legal document given to the judge that sets forth the defendant's request for a hearing and the specific challenges that the defendant has.
    This type of hearing is usually conducted after a search and seizure have taken place. So, If the defense is successful at the hearing, then the judge will throw out all of the evidence, or some, that was seized under the warrant.

    Judge Gull not caring to read/ unwilling to take any action on the Franks Memorandum, shows me personally she has some sort of bias here.

  5. What the heck is going on in Delphi ?? Miss Judge You need to walk away qvietly before you ruin your career.

  6. Judge Diener didn’t go to school with Richard Allen. Diener grew up in white county. He’s a few years older than me but he went to my school and his mom was my fifth grade teacher. He was a nice kid, quiet but friendly & studious. Most likely was just extremely overwhelmed and was getting more attention than he was comfortable with or could handle in a healthy way.

  7. I don't think that her refusal to pay the attorneys has anything to do with the likelihood or lack thereof of Richard Allen dying in prison because even if he does die they're still entitled to payment for services rendered while he was still alive because they still did the work. It's just purely and simply that she hates these two attorneys and is being a petty jerk. If she doesn't recuse herself and if the decision not to remove her isn't reconsidered by the higher court then we have more of this petty behavior to look forward to. Unfortunately, when judges get petty it results in actual harm to real people.

  8. All eyes are on this case and on this stupid judge. Stuff she is doing like saying no no no dismissed when she told the other attorneys she liked sure let’s have a court date for these… Allen won’t get a fair trial. Perfect for a technicality to release him and retry him and if he did this He could reoffend while out and this judge is blatantly not seeing the writing on the wall. Her pride is disgusting. She will compromise the case because she hates these attorneys so much! Wtheck. And the families! Such trauma with every stupid decision this stupid judge makes. And yes she’s stupid. Read the definition of the word lol

  9. I've said it before but I'm not surprised that Richard Allen is being abused in prison. Not only is it common to be abused by other inmates in prison but it's also extremely common to be abused by the prison guards. And that's under "normal" circumstances. Add in the notoriety of this case, the fact that Richard Allen is accused of child m*rder and then that he claims Odinists were the ones actually responsible for the crime. It's been established that amongst the guards there are, indeed, Odinists and there's also a known prison gang of Odinists (not just in that prison, but every prison) and it's just going to make things exponentially worse. If they are responsible for this crime then they're going to see his claims as a threat (although I don't think Odinists did it, but I could be wrong) and if they didn't do this then they would take his claims personally and probably be quite upset that he's accusing them of this crime. So as much abuse as he would get just as a matter of course for being an inmate at a prison, it's going to be a lot, A LOT worse for him. Abuse from inmates and police also occurs in jails and I'm not confident he'd be likely to be better off all things considered in a jail but I think considering his current situation it couldn't hurt to move him to a jail closer to his attorneys. If you remember the father who was convicted of child abuse for imprisoning his adopted son in a small room he had built just for that purpose as well as other instances of abuse, a lot of people remarked on how he looked before spending time in an actual prison and then the way he was shaking and looked absolutely shellshocked once he appeared in court again after being in prison. It's not a good place to be and I can guarantee you that the inmates aren't the only ones making his life miserable. Moving him to a jail makes more sense, though I'm not certain under Richard Allen's specific set of circumstances it will help much, it is worth a try and it would make things easier for him and his attorneys to be able to communicate and work together on this case which is essential for the case and for Richard Allen getting a fair trial which he is guaranteed through both the state Constitution where he resides and is being tried and the federal Constitution of the United States of America. It's essential that he be able to assist in his own defense and if his attorneys don't have easy access to him then that's a huge problem. If Judge Gull doesn't recuse herself (which I don't think she'll do) and isn't removed from this case then I don't think there is a chance of Richard Allen getting a fair trial and he'll have grounds for appeal and we have to start this all over again. What a horrible thing to do to Libby and Abby's families, to the community, and to someone who is innocent until proven guilty and has the right to a fair trial.

  10. I was lurking and listening as I have a lot going on but still trying to be up to date. I love the chitty chatty! It is what sets you apart from the other boring channels! That and your empathy toward the victims in all the cases you covered. Judge Gull must go. She could recuse herself due to illness and protect her reputation. She is going to let her gigantic ego ruin her future. Too bad, so sad. We need a fair and timely trial to make sure we do not have a mistrial. Great job G!

  11. If they ask her to recuse herself,,,which she should, and of course shes not,,,but whats the next step to get a competent judge??

  12. This judge works out of Fort Wayne & is a very large city. It isn’t anything like the small town of Delphi. I think she is just a bad judge.

  13. I'm sorry imo this case had gone so far away from what it's truly about justice for Abby and Libbey…😢 it breaks my heart to see how things are going… I hope they get it together and FINALLY get back to seeing that justice. I understand needing and wanting a fair trial but is it to much to ask to remember these sweet girls 😢💔

  14. If I were on the Defense team, I would have her investigated. Maybe on the down low at first, but she is dirtier than I thought!

  15. Thank you so much for all your hard work!! We should all be concerned about trials being fair regardless of our personal opinions. What's happening here is not how our justice system is suppose to work!!!

  16. Your chit chat are appreciated. You cut out all the fluff for us so we can hear the most important portions. Your commentary is minor time compared to the entire live. Thank you for all your work

  17. Is anyone else wondering how many other defendants and attorneys this judge has treated this way? This can't be her first time overstepping.

  18. G! I love you I watch all your shows but I have to say, the only reason any of us think Richard Allen is guilty it's because he was arrested and he's awaiting trial and the police have told us that he is the guy. We didn't come to these conclusions on our own and this happened before there was any court or shady lawyers or judge making any statements or memorandums. Just saying, they told us ' today is the day, we got our guy' so hopefully the police are arresting those who fit the profile, have the evidence. We'll see at trial, but the police think he's guilty, the rest of us are just following suit. 😊

  19. She is completely crooked and blatant….she is not even trying to hide it yet nothing happens to her. Is the Indiana judicial system completely corrupt as well??? SMH!

  20. Feels like a movie plot: the odoinist family of deception & murder
    With judge gull being "mother" odonist protecting her pool of boys 😮

  21. I wonder if we can ask the federal prosecutors at dept of justuce to step into this case. RA's civil rights are being violated!

  22. The whole state is corrupt to the core. I couldn't figure out what Toby Leazenby was so nervous about that very first press conference. He looked guilty AF, which was very strange. Turns out he didn't do this crime but wasis hiding corruption from floor to ceiling and realized two dead children is going to have the feds sniffin around. It seems every official in the state has something to hide. Don't trust them, they are going to tank the case, if it even gets to trail. Corrupt morons.

  23. Apologies if it's been said, but Judge Gull's refusal or reluctance to have RA present in In Camera hearing Oct. 19 is EVIDENCE of bias in and of itself.(edited to correct date)

  24. She never paid them because she anticipated kicking them off the case long before she did. She just needed a reason

  25. At this point this is personal for Judge Gull. She's letting her personal emotions about Richard Allen's attorneys get to her. At this point she sees this as a her vs them thing and if she recuses herself she'd probably see that as letting them win against her which she won't do. So, I don't think she's going to recuse herself. I think we're now stuck with Judge Gull and if Richard Allen gets convicted it'll get overturned on appeal and we'll have to do this all over again.

  26. This judge is typical in rural podunk areas. They are all very corrupt and think nobody will notice since they rule over a small area. I live in rural Pennsylvania and nobody ever runs against local career politicians because nobody has a chance to win against people like this. Gull has probably never had people stand up to her before and doesnt know how to handle it.

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