
Defense Opening Statement: MA v Karen Read, Killer or Cover-Up Murder Trial


Defense Opening Statement: MA v Karen Read, Killer or Cover-Up Murder Trial

#Defense #Opening #Statement #Karen #Read #Killer #CoverUp #Murder #Trial

In the defense’s opening statement, attorney David Yannetti highlighted Trooper Michael Proctor’s alleged misconduct during the investigation into Karen Read and told the jury the defendant “is being framed for a murder she did not commit.”

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40 thoughts on “Defense Opening Statement: MA v Karen Read, Killer or Cover-Up Murder Trial”

  1. Can someone explain how or why they totally ignored the Judges order and opened with the 3rd party she was framed theory???

    Below is the Judges instructions before the trial.
    "I'm going to give you a chance to develop it through relevant, competent, admissable evidence," she said. "But you cannot open with it."

    Then the Defense ignores it and does the opposite they open with the "She was framed theory.

    Court TV seems baffled by this and has no discussion let alone a answer. Does court TV way for bloggers to do their work and answer this simple question? If they did answer it does anyone have a link?

  2. All prosecution parties including the judge should be investigated and sued into oblivion…lose everything…including their freedom. Pre-trial conduct by the judge and prosecution was ridiculous. This case should never been brought…however, a real investigation should have been done. And that is why Karen Read was framed. The perfect scapegoat so investigation wouldn't look at the most obvious suspects. Disgusting behavior. The Massachusetts legal community should be embarrassed and horrified by this. But sham trials are becoming pretty popular these days. Yannetti and Jackson are going to expose the truth for this jury.

  3. This is how an opening statement should be! Bravo! Plus it doesn’t help that his client is innocent.

  4. If the state is reading these comments and I hope they are….I would quit while you’re behind I know I said that saying wrong, and I did it on purpose. Bringing charges against this women even if she did do it after what I just heard your detective ruined any chances of proving it.

  5. I totally believe this women was framed by this cops who beat her boyfriend and wanted to blame it on the wife. Because that is always the case, is classic police new and old tactics. How can they sleep at night knowing the killers are free???

  6. What’s a Prime drink doing in that Courtroom?

    ….free advertisement right there!

  7. This is worse than the Leticia Stauch defense. I actually gave them the benefit of the doubt for a short period of time. Boy did I regret that.

  8. The jurors are going to the crime scene so I don't know why Yanetti is lying that the body was "just feet" from the house.

  9. I do not know if Karen is responsible for this officer’s death 😢. But something I am certain of is that the O’Keefes have been through hell! They have been through so much! Consider them first! They are the priority here.

  10. Anyone else notice the older gentleman in the red, white, and blue windbreaker behind the attorney? He has been sleeping on and off the entire time. 😂

  11. 37:29 for the mother of the victim to mouth "nope" along with the defense lawyer. If all this is true, Boston Police is gross.

  12. Scratches on his arm how could he get those if he had layers of clothing on how could she hit him if he was on the lawn cars don’t ride lawns and if she actually backed up, she would have been on a street correct to back up he wasn’t found on the streetthey don’t have enough evidence to convict her. I believe she didn’t kill him. They don’t have enough proof to convict her of killing her boyfriend, especially doing it on purpose definitely not.

  13. I don’t feel she necessarily looks smug. Just confident that she’s innocent. But I’m still watching so maybe I’ll see something upcoming

  14. This is disgraceful! I can see why so many people are supporting Karen . I had no idea there was so much corruption in this “ investigation “ . Free her now …

  15. Ok so if his body was pristine then he didn’t take much of a beating in the house either did he?

  16. Why would she ask “did I hit him”? If she saw him go into the house? She’s a liar

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