
Defense Lawyers, What Is It Like To Defend A Client Who Has Confessed They Are Guilty? AskReddit


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AskReddit Stories – Defense Lawyers, What Is It Like To Defend A Client Who Has Confessed They Are Guilty?

SUB BRO: @RedditOfSecrets1

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lawyers near me , Defense Lawyers, What Is It Like To Defend A Client Who Has Confessed They Are Guilty? AskReddit


9 thoughts on “Defense Lawyers, What Is It Like To Defend A Client Who Has Confessed They Are Guilty? AskReddit”

  1. asterisk
    also like every single time when asking something reddit
    "what is it like to defend a client who has confessed theya re guilty?"
    >i want guilty guys to go scot free – i hope someone caps this commie
    >system is broken
    >it's not about defending
    >it's unethical to judge
    if they can't even read and answer the fucking question i wouldn't want neither of those idiots as my lawyers
    they would defend me into death penalty for jaywalking

  2. The justice system is a lot scarier for innocent people.
    If you are guilty, you might get away with it or you get what is coming for you, and sometimes they get hit harder than you deserve.
    If you are innocent, the best possible outcome is nothing happens and you go back to your normal life. Everything else hurts you undeserved.
    That is why you never talk to the cops, they have X cases and need X people they can pick up for them. If you happen to look like what the witness says and they can scare you into saying something wage, perfect, job done. Getting a confession without any evidence helps a lot for a promotion. If they then bring you to the witness and tell THEM you did it, perfect, witness ID you.

  3. TLDR: The government often will charge you for things you didn't do A/O will punish you much more harshly than required + moral/legal obligations to protect people/their rights

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