
Defense lawyer Worrick Robinson delivers closing arguments in Vandy rape case


Defense lawyer Worrick Robinson delivers closing arguments in Vandy rape case

#Defense #lawyer #Worrick #Robinson #delivers #closing #arguments #Vandy #rape #case

Defense lawyer Worrick Robinson delivers closing arguments in Vandy rape case.
criminal lawyer , Defense lawyer Worrick Robinson delivers closing arguments in Vandy rape case, 4014016301001,tennessean,home,Worrick Robinson,cory batey,vanderbilt,Vandy rape case,nashville,Tennessee,vanderbilt rape trial

49 thoughts on “Defense lawyer Worrick Robinson delivers closing arguments in Vandy rape case”

  1. We had one in cages since 2008 but after the campaign we have three victims and more don't you see that they were digging the trench

  2. Not to Bad ! Much better than my own attorneys, anyway. But La Banque Postale makes me pay a tax to get a better one !

  3. Always use your rights. Especially when being questioned. Plea the fifth. Request the discover, look at the evidence against you. In some states you can waive your speedy trial like Oregon. this time can be used to have a privet investigator help with getting statements from victim. Also, expert witness, corrector witness, a reliability of witness against you or for you. Some witness will dip out. Can state in court to this and it may be objected to, but it will get out. I spent three years in county jail building a defense. I took a insanity deal for 20 years. Instead of 56 years in prison now I've been out for quit some time. I also got some time to learn about my mental illness of Bipolar schizophrenia disorder witch caused a hedge reality disorder. Don't be afraid to do some time. You can milk the DA for a better deal that way to lol. hope this helps.

  4. Playing the culture card. What right is right and what’s wrong is wrong regardless of “culture” (whatever that is)

  5. Good intentions but unfortunately a poor delivery. It was hard to follow his points when he was almost rambling and stumbling over his words but I’m sure the interruptions must have thrown him off

  6. When there is video evidence, what else is thus lawyer supposed to say, to
    minimize the sentence of his client?

  7. he’s doing his job chill. Being a lawyer who deals with serious crimes aren’t always supporting justice. Lawyers aren’t about justice. don’t expect them to be.

  8. Did Chris Harrison use this argument when defending racial slurs on the bachelor? Now, he's saying we're entering rape culture. Or is it, jock culture? Ta ta today junior.

  9. For all of those who think this guy is talking out of his ass, he isn't. The first piece about looking through it from the lens of a 51 year old vs the accused is telling the jury that they need to get into the perspective of the accused, not their own perspective. This is called subjective mens rea. For a guilty conviction the prosecutor needs to prove this mental element beyond a reasonable doubt. But this has to be from the accused's perspective, that he had the intention to commit w.e. he committed – from the sounds of it a sexual assault. The lawyer than ended with the accused drinking excessively. This is pointing to the defense of incapacity, if the accused drank to the point where he couldn't even remember what he did; how can the prosecution be sure he had the intention to commit his crime? The answer is they shouldn't be able to prove this beyond a reasonable doubt.

    Note, I am a law student not from America but the common law system is similar. Jurisdiction can have different exceptions for sexual assaults with the burden of proofs.

    The delivery I admit was hilarious, but if you had the back drop of what he is trying to do; it's not that bad.

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