
Defense Closing Arguments: MI v James Crumbley, School Shooter Dad Trial


Defense Closing Arguments: MI v James Crumbley, School Shooter Dad Trial

#Defense #Closing #Arguments #James #Crumbley #School #Shooter #Dad #Trial

“You watched as James saw his son for the first time after the shooting.” Defense attorney Mariell Lehman told the jury during her closing argument that James “told his son repeatedly that he loved him” while hearing him audibly crying and sobbing during the video evidence shown in court.

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35 thoughts on “Defense Closing Arguments: MI v James Crumbley, School Shooter Dad Trial”

  1. I truly believe that the school officials that let that boy walk out of the office AFTER seeing the drawings should also be be charged and be held responsible they are guilty of letting that child walk out.. did that not have any training for this. In this day and age

  2. Now I KNOW she didn’t just steal shannon’s what would shannon smith say line💀💀💀 they need matching friendship bracelets— Mariels saying w.w.s.s.s. and SS saying w.w.m.l.s🤣
    jokes aside, she is much more tolerable and well spoken than SS. She did a good job with what she had. But I’m glad the jury got this one right in spite of her professionalism.

  3. 0:41: ⚖️ Emotions and impact of the school shooting on November 30, 2021, highlighted during the trial.
    6:02: ⚖️ Reasonable doubt crucial in criminal prosecutions, absence of key evidence raises doubts in James Crumbley case.
    10:51: ⚖️ Lack of evidence showing James was aware of his son's mental issues or denied him help.
    16:46: ⚖️ James Crumbley's son had no disciplinary issues at school, with average grades and no concerns raised by teachers.
    20:36: ⚖️ Failure to assess danger: School staff overlooked potential risks despite concerns and information.
    25:26: ⚖️ James Crumbley cooperated with law enforcement despite emotional distress during questioning.
    30:29: 💡 James Crumbley's son was unaware of firearms hidden by his father before November 26, 2021.
    35:56: ⚖️ Analysis of James Crumbley's actions and interactions leading up to the shooting incident.
    40:28: 💡 Lack of evidence regarding shooter's knowledge and intentions

    Timestamps by Tammy AI

  4. Expected the verdict as quickly as the one with Mrs. Crumbley. Perhaps Mr. Crumbley's attorney did a better job of showing how many other people failed the students, too?

  5. Greater defense atty this trial. Much more composed and succinct than prosecutor. No disrepect intended.

  6. Did this jury know the verdict reached in his wife’s trial? They seem equally culpable of their son’s crimes.

  7. I think Shannon Smith is a good attorney, but in my opinion Mariel Lehman was a better adversary for Karen McDonald. She is much more calm and collected.

  8. Watch the Judge's face. she gives quick looks toward Crumbley. and a very slight nod, and a slight pursed lips. We know what she is thinking.

  9. I noticed this defense attorney is much more articulate. They say “James’s son” instead of “the shooter” constantly. For some reason, this closing is very compelling. I still think he is guilty, however it amazes me the difference in mom and dad’s attorneys is striking. And changing a few words can make a difference. We shall see!

  10. Wow this is crazy. Yes Dad has better attorney then the Mom. Yes the mom has more drama but what messed her up is she didn’t look remorseful and took the stand. The dad looks remorseful and kept his mouth shut ( didn’t take the stand) IMO.

  11. Being a negligent gun owner isnt a good defense for being a negligent parent… He didn't care enough about his son's mental health when it was brought to his attention just before the shooting and thats the worst part

  12. I understand that people are wanting them to be found guilty, but this case is going to put parents with children who act out and rebel against authority, And are troubled children who don't listen to their parents or anyone else for that matter who can not control what children do. It's going to be Parents who do all the can accountable for their child's actions and behaviors ,Not all children who commit acts have parents who aren't concerned parents some children become the way they are do to who they surround themselves with for friends who influence them.

  13. When you choose safety over freedom….you have NEITHER. America is on the wrong path here. The murderer is locked up for life. I feel sorry for any parent that has children. This is a gun grab agenda. Once your children reach teen years most parents don't know what their kids are doing. They lie. They hide and are deceptive. They are moody (hormones) and distant. They spend most of their time up in their bedrooms. Parents are living paycheck to paycheck and are overworked and underpaid. Anyone with teens currently understands.

  14. “He didn’t get in any trouble “. He had 2 bedrooms filled with a journal that they should have read, a dead bird, alcohol for self medicating and massive hours every day by himself since age 6 to get in massive trouble! They just didn’t want to be bothered!

  15. Gross negligence? YES, just because he sat next to his son in the meeting and they say he was a “perfect kid”? Reminds me of Chris Watts mom does I him. Sorry people, I see plenty to convict him and I had 3 boys! PLEASE!

  16. I don’t buy that he didn’t know his son was having severe depression and problems! Seriously???you mean you chose not to see!

  17. If he is found not guilty, but yet his wife was found guilty, and she wasn't even the parent who bought his son the gun … heads are gonna role bc that doesn't make any sense!!!!! This is america where they accuse parents of the sins made by the NRA! I see the prosecution washed her hair for these closing arguments. She even curled it.

  18. Prosecution – We have evidence that you would have heard Ethan playing with the gun!
    Defense – James suddenly develops a hearing problem!
    Give me a break!
    Funny how all the evidence of him prior to trial, police interviews, 911 call etc there’s no hearing problem then, smh!

  19. Trained professionals who are trained extensively on student psychology didn’t see the signs with Ethan. Most teens have the teen angst. Did most of us really have parents that knew what we were thinking the majority of the time? Most parents don’t have a clue. I don’t think they truly thought Ethan was capable of something so heinous. Imo, Not Guilty. This defense attorney compared to the other was exceptional better.

  20. My children's father can't even break down a double stroller … he isn't aware of their teacher's names – or grades. It's a mother's job to raise children. That's the way I was raised and I think I'm doing okay with my crew of 6.

  21. The verdict will be interesting, as it could go either way. She is a better lawyer then mommy had.

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