
Defense attorney slams St. Johns County sheriff after charges dismissed for migrant accused in d…


Defense attorney slams St. Johns County sheriff after charges dismissed for migrant accused in d…

#Defense #attorney #slams #Johns #County #sheriff #charges #dismissed #migrant #accused #d..

The case against Vergilio Aguilar-Mendez, an 18-year-old migrant accused of manslaughter in the death of a St. Johns County deputy, has been dismissed.
criminal lawyer , Defense attorney slams St. Johns County sheriff after charges dismissed for migrant accused in d…, Florida,Jose Baez,St. Johns County,Vergilio Aguilar-Mendez,case dismissed Vergilio Aguilar-Mendez,migrant accused in deputy’s death,migrant’s case dismissed

20 thoughts on “Defense attorney slams St. Johns County sheriff after charges dismissed for migrant accused in d…”

  1. This one is dumb, the cop just happened to die of a heart attack while near this kid. Should never have been charged.

  2. Oh, please. This person has no reason to be in this country. He illegally crossed our border. That is a crime. As an Army veteran who has spent a considerable amount of time in Latin America while serving this country, you have no idea what is coming. I have tried on several occasions to post things that I observed. Every time, YT removes my post. Just remember you have no reason to complain. You voted for what is coming. You asked for it.

  3. I will like to thank all those who donated towards this young man's legal cost. With your money he is now a free man. God bless you all.

  4. The same lawyer that got Casey off for murder of her daughter. Not one person has ever been charged except Casey for her daughter’s murder all these years later.

  5. Such a shame an officer Died and the sheriffs office is put on blast. when it was an illegal that wanted a better life… well if you want a better "American life" conform to the American ways learn the language. its a messed up thing to say but other countries wouldn't have even held a trial you would just be killled or abused. people need to realize how good they have it here before putting the way things are done on blast

  6. Wow so basically Liberals and democrats care more about illegal immigrants than Deputies and any first responders in general.

  7. Who would be out walking at that time of the night walking. Because its is scary walking at night by yourself because you don't know who is watching you.

  8. My decision he should still be in prison for what he did. He should have just listened to the police officer but he decided not to listened.

  9. if you have a weak heart, you can not be a police officer! l would move from SJC, dont trust the Police their

  10. He is lucky to get off in the St Johns County Plantation of red-neck, old school racists…

  11. If it was a american in Guatemala and the officer died due to the american , they would have put America in Front of a fire squad

  12. He shouldn't have been charged anyway. Racist cops always picking on someone isn't white. It's wasn't this young man fault because that cop had a bad heart. If they eat more healthy and stop eating from restaurants maybe his heart wouldn't have given out. That was God's way of teaching that racist cop a lesson. Stop racial profiling ppl and getting off on it period.

  13. The young man should never have been charged to begin with. The deputy died because of heart problems that this young man had nothing to do with. It is a sad loss for St. Johns County, but the officer mishandled the whole event that evening. The young man had not broken any law, he did not understand our language – English and the officer should have called for someone that maybe could have translated between the two. He did not and the officer sadly died because of his own heart problems. Something I know a bit about since I have dealt with heart problems for 15 years. Shalom

  14. This migrant got lucky this time and the attorney will get luckier crying discrimation for a real payday. Nonsense but its 2024 in the DEI world.

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