
Defense attorney Shannon Smith gives closing argument in Jennifer Crumbley trial


Defense attorney Shannon Smith gives closing argument in Jennifer Crumbley trial

#Defense #attorney #Shannon #Smith #closing #argument #Jennifer #Crumbley #trial

Defense attorney Shannon Smith gives her closing argument in the involuntary manslaughter trial of Jennifer Crumbley.
criminal lawyer , Defense attorney Shannon Smith gives closing argument in Jennifer Crumbley trial, 7 Action News,Detroit,WXYZ-TV,metro Detroit

36 thoughts on “Defense attorney Shannon Smith gives closing argument in Jennifer Crumbley trial”

  1. Jennifer could have helped by getting EC the help that he begged for. Defense lawyer kept using EC name after they asked her to stop.

  2. I personally thought her defense lawyer did fine. I would acquit. No evidence was presented at trial that Ms. Crumbley was aware/read her son's 22 pg journal. If she had, and there was evidence of that, I would then fully support a conviction.

  3. the examples she uses are ridiculous. nobody needs a license to use a kitchen knife and there are no knife stabbing ranges that people go to for practicing stabbing at targets. and you do not need special training to use a phone. if your teenage child does not have their own phone and they end up sexting with YOUR phone, it would also be a failure on your part as a parent, because there are simply some things one should not do with the property of others. there is a level of responsibility that comes with having a gun in the house – especially when you put that gun in the hands of a child that is not doing well. as a parent, she failed to live up to the expectations people have of a responsible gun owner.

  4. She did a really good job in my opinion, she tried to appeal to the human in all of us to the jury…I believe this should never have gone to trial, the prosecutors are trying to make a case out of nothing, there’s perfectly good explanations to most of what they reckoned happened the way they did….i will be very surprised if she’s found guilty…soo much doubt she’s guilty

  5. As a fellow criminal defense attorney I try to avoid criticizing other attorneys, and especially avoid being extremely harsh or critical, however, I have to say I find this defense attorney so incredibly offensive and unprofessional. I see people saying that they enjoy or relate to her, but she is absolutely unprofessional and is not comporting herself in the way expected of attorneys in a court of law during this “closing argument.” This is embarrassing. It’s absolutely all about her and I cannot understand or fathom why she is talking about herself and her newfound “tic-tok fame” in a trial regarding the slaying of four young individuals. Her ability to make this about herself, bringing up Tic-Tok approximately a thousand times (only tik-toks regarding her of course…), minimizing/or even ridiculing the defendant’s son’s mental health and the lack of concern that his mother had toward him and his clearly impaired mental health, and most offensive of all: her completely flippant attitude and manner of speaking despite the absolutely horrific set of facts in this case, regardless of the defendant’s guilt or lack thereof. I’m truly sickened by this attorney and I’ve never made such a strong and negative statement about a fellow attorney.
    However, I don’t think she gives a shit about her client. She wants to be a celebrity apparently. Calling the killer’s cries for help, “goofy” is beyond the pale. Fuck her.

  6. She only mentioned the victims and their families once in the last 2 minutes. Wow this chick is something

  7. Ok but are her kids torturing baby birds and writing in graphic detail about how satisfying it is. He tried getting caught and nobody paid him any mind. She knew where her husband was at all times but didn't know her kid had tortured dead animals in his room or a journal about his love for hitler, detailed writing about him loving to kill and torture and a play by play of how everything would happen. If you see his trial it just shows how much info had been omitted but i just dont see how everyone "missed" the warning signs

  8. Shannon Smith was AMAZING. Id hire her in a heartbeat. She was on fire in her closing. I fell 😴 💤 😴 💤 😴 after cliwn Karen McDonald. Jennifer isnt guilty.

  9. I'm sorry, not! Shannon constantly lied, whined & complained throughout her closing!! After losing Nassar's case so spectacularly I'd of thought she'd be fired.

  10. Her attorney took the closing statements to defend herself? That's so self centered in so many levels. She talked more about herself and her kids than the defendant

  11. I think the Defense lawyer is brilliant, she is defending her client with all she has and you can tell that she 100% doesn't think this woman should be found guilty. So many defense lawyers would probably agree that their client deservers what they get and they are there simply to uphold the defendants right to have an attorney. But Shannon 100% believes that Mrs Crumbly should not be found guilty. I happen to agree, in saying that, if someone I loved was killed by Ethan I would probably want Mrs Crumbly to go to jail… is confusing at the best of times.

  12. Shannon is constantly lying!!
    Disbar her immediately!
    No atty is allowed to blatantly lie!! Her client did her best?
    Shannon's/Jennifer's house is disgusting has no relevancy!
    All Shannon did was constantly whine & lie!!

  13. Entire defense closing was about Shannon herself and her incompetency to actually defend anyone!! Nassar received the highest number of years ever!! Bish is a loser, again 😅

  14. All that matters is they bought their 15 year old son a gun and didn't properly store the damn thing! In my opinion, dad may be more to blame than mom.

  15. Shannon is a joke!! Larry Nassar was doomed from the start with this unprofessional, immature bish. I believe she is besties with the judge that mumbles and never rules on objections!!
    This court proves judges are incompetent!!

  16. Well, I do have to give it to her, any parent these days could be sitting where Jennifer is along with her husband

  17. The people that want her convicted can't even watch a closing argument to appreciate or notice how well she just did. That was an a$$ kicking. Let's just hope the jury is more rational, logical, open-minded and better at critical thinking than most people in the public that like to comment.

  18. Her comparison in the beginning is ridiculous, is all I could say, cuz YT is not letting my other comment go through.

  19. I do not hate Shannon but I do think she is doing a poor job. I think she is very capable but she is unprepared, disorganized, rude, unprofessional and that will not sit well with the Jury. Also the mother saying she would not have done anything different was ill advised, she should have shown some contrition.

  20. Shanon Smith is delusional. As a parent of a teenager, it is our duty to reach out and connect with our teens no matter how difficult it is and no matter how much they push us away. I am a working mom too and its very very difficult to balance. However, it doesnt absolve you of your duty as a parent. You brought this life into the world, you are responsible till they turned adult. Cannot overlook the fact they bought the teen a gun.

  21. This attorney is so annoying! She distracts the true facts, by trying to make Jennifer out to be a super mom. Using all of her magician tricks to persuade the jury. Jennifer is guilty beyond a reasonable doubt!!! This will end up being a mistrial most likely because of this ding dong attorney or thus wishy washy judge!

  22. How do people still not realize that the trial is not about whether or not she knew he was going to shoot up the school? It’s about the negligence in providing access to a firearm to a minor, one in which was mentally struggling. Of course they are bringing up foreseeability, but really that’s not in question. This could be any individual, hence why calling attention to the importance of responsible firearm storage/access. It is setting precedent for parent’s responsibility when giving a minor assess to a firearm, not for any gift ever given to them.

  23. So she is worried about horse medicine while her son is in jail for killing people. What the hell is this atty talking about.

  24. The prosecutor is rubbing his temples . lol
    This def atty is making a fool of herself. Tell me if your child just did this are you going to be on the run and hide . You might go hide and call the police and say I am here because there are threats against us we are not at home, or you tell the police about the the threats and they would have an office parked outside you home.

  25. I was literally thinking the SAME thing…
    When watching this trial.. OMG this could be me. So many things could be me.
    Love this lawyer!!

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