
Defense attorney says Lally was surpisingly bad


Defense attorney says Lally was surpisingly bad

#Defense #attorney #Lally #surpisingly #bad

Criminal Defense attorney Mark Bederow says Karen Read prosecutor Adam Lally was surprisingly bad, “check him for a pulse” in the opening statement for the trial. Watch our entire interview with Attorney Bederow here:

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criminal lawyer , Defense attorney says Lally was surpisingly bad, cannabis,politics,Massachusetts,boston,The Young Jurks,podcast,live show,local politics,massachusetts politics,true crime,Karen Read,corruption,crime,mafia

15 thoughts on “Defense attorney says Lally was surpisingly bad”

  1. The powers that be don’t really want Karen to be found guilty … let the corruption go on

  2. Lally isn’t Morrissey’s top ADA. Before this case he was prosecuting primarily in traffic court.

  3. You have to review today trial. When they move the camera over to Alan Jackson talking to officer sharf on the stand where mrs. O’keefe was texting someone on her phone and she thought she was hiding it !! Who was she texting ?? 🐎🦷

  4. Such a good representation and adjective…. Lally really was like a drone. Just like auto pilot nothing no substance no no even like love for his profession could even be remotely seen.

  5. How come nobody noticed Johns mother shake her head and say "NOPE?" Right before Yanetti said NOPE. Obviously the Feds have talked to the Okeefes The Feds are coming soon.

  6. I'm surprised the DA decided to prosecute this case, after the findings of the FBI investigation. Zero chance they can prove beyond a Reasonable Doubt.

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