
Defense attorney indicates Hunter Biden will not testify


#Defense #attorney #Hunter #Biden #testify

Hunter Biden’s defense attorney Abbe Lowell indicated in court that Hunter Biden will not testify in this case. He agreed to allow the judge to give an instruction to the jury that they shouldn’t hold it against him that he “did not testify” in this case. #CNN #News
lawyers near me , Defense attorney indicates Hunter Biden will not testify


35 thoughts on “Defense attorney indicates Hunter Biden will not testify”

  1. Do NOT be surprise if this so called honorable act 😂 by Joe , CNN will be reporting that Biden is leading the polls! It will be BS of course but that is FAKE news CNN. The devil Soros leads the pack!

  2. Cnn is so biased and stupid. Hunter Biden is guilty and they're Trump derangement syndrome just keeps them talking about Trump They used to be a good news channel. Now they're they're corrupt.

  3. DESPERATE CNN, the system was rigged when it came to Trump. Stop making Biden seen so honorable. Biden is a crook and so is his family!

  4. CNN keeping FALSE hope alive, this is NOT going to HELP Joe Biden in the POLLS. CNN you keep feeding FAKE news as always! Stop trying to compare the trials.

  5. Please Joe Biden and family are guilty! You democrats are so desperate because Biden is going down on the polls.

  6. This is all political; they are so desperate because Joe Biden is going down, down in the polls. The Biden family need to be prosecuted for more than this crime. The China ordeal and laptop cases have not been heard. And yes Trump’s cases were rigged.

  7. Please you cannot compare Trump’s trial to Hunter’s. Trump’s trial was not posting a transaction correctly. This should have never been a felony. Hunter broke the law and needs to be tried for crooked deals with China as well. That remains to be seen. Joe Biden should also be tried as well. Then justice will be served and we can say no one is above the law. The China crooked deals with the Biden family still remains to be tried. So stop making this family like if they are honorable because they are not. They are crooks.

  8. The laptop LIE is unimaginable. I really hate to say the government is full of sh*t and corrupt as fu*k but they really are. It’s insane what you can get away with as a Democrat.

  9. Hunter isn't so cocky now.
    It's time to stop feeling sorry for a privileged 54yr old, the Biden's aren't above the law.

  10. Do you ever notice how the camera keeps slightly moving most of the time ?? I wonder if that's is it supposed to subliminally send us a message of how important this is ??

  11. Hunter was totally clean for the five seconds it took him to sign the document. Before and after? Well not that clean at all.

  12. Even CNN are having to admit that the evidence against him is extensive. The Democrat facade is crumbling.

  13. Hunter ignores his own daughter, and Joe biden his own grandchild. What kind of loser get his dead brothers wife to take drugs with him?

  14. Joe biden wants gun control and his son is on trial for getting a gun while on drugs…..cant make this stuff up.

  15. Biden is not gunna make it another four years he should just step down and enjoy his last moments with the family, it’s sad seeing him on camera

  16. The laptop is evidence against Joe, let’s not forget that he is the “Big Guy”. He is an addict and will always be, he is not special or a victim.

  17. According to the Book of D.T.'s. The fact that Hunter got busted for packing heat. Should increse the Hunters' street cred… Hunter is down with the street.

  18. Laptop is real. Bunch of liars.
    Media and politicians in Democratic Party. He didn’t think he was addicted. Stupid as hunter just had to look at his laptop. Election was stolen.

  19. I'm going to go out and let him hear and say no consequences at once the dust saddles no jail time no fine no nothing

  20. A small packet of cocaine was found near where Hunter was sitting. No one has any idea where it possibly came from.

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