
December 15, 2023



lawyers near me , December 15, 2023


47 thoughts on “December 15, 2023”

  1. I love how the chinese guy was knocking 1950s America, as if 1950s China was anything to write home about.

  2. Every country that has ever existed has had problems.

    Cherry picking issues from different eras and confronting idiots with them isn’t doing anything for your cause.

  3. None of these people were alive at the periods they said when it was great. How do they know what it was like in person?

  4. First man said it all went downhill when we allowed people to directly elect their senators

  5. The first guy was onto something. In 1913 the federal reserve was passed on the night of Christmas Eve, while many members in congress were away.

  6. This comment section and this show are for a bunch of ungrateful losers looking down their nose on all the insanely hard working people who built a country that allows them to be so comfortable being so useless. If you live in the US and you’re in here right now, the US has been great for you. Better than almost anywhere else you could’ve been born at any time in human history.

  7. It was last great when it had a thriving middle class and one income could support owning a home, buying a couple cars, and quality education for your kids. Even though incomes were much lower the percentage of the cost of a high quality of life was much less of someone's paycheck than now.

  8. People really don’t understand what made America great…not perfect. No country is perfect.

  9. The best time to live in America is right now. It's always the present. We have inventions and scientific/medical discoveries this year that we didn't have last year.

    Anyone that tries to tell you that things were better in the past is trying to sell you something. In order to sell a fix, you need to first convince others that there's a problem. Please, stop getting duped.

  10. 1989 when we won the cold war and elected someone with no knowledge of how to navigate such a world

  11. No country is perfect. If you're looking for perfection then look no further than the Kingdom of Heaven 🙌🏾🕊️🙏🏾💃🏾🪇💖💯

  12. It's still is great ,Looks like you're asking.When was it perfect And nothing's ever perfect

  13. You’re standing in it an opportunity to create change and Make things better create new policies make America great again doesn’t mean that it hasn’t struggled since the beginning. It’s relative and comparison to other countries in other words if you’d like to go live in another country instead of America, you are free to do so and make the comparison on which one is greater. When we fall short of doing our best, we are not doing great.

  14. Jacques Lacan's writing around the sense of 'lack' and 'loss' is very powerful here, worth a read people.

  15. America is great bc it’s a place that can change time period norms into taboo.. republicans knew slavery was bad so they fought to end it.. the democrats were trying to keep it at every opportunity and even today they are enslaving by using welfare to control population

  16. I mean, the left wants to bring segregation back, so i guess Dems would probably like the 50's too.

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