
DC CRIMINAL LAWYER – Discusses Probation Show cause hearing – 202-455-5610


DC CRIMINAL LAWYER – Discusses Probation Show cause hearing – 202-455-5610

#CRIMINAL #LAWYER #Discusses #Probation #Show #hearing

Criminal Lawyer, Mark Rollins of Rollins and Chan

I just got notice from the court to show cause why my probation should not be revoked. What should I do? Mmmm, tough question. Not! Call a lawyer. That’s the best advice I could possibly give you at this point.
Hi. My name is Mark Rollins and I’m an attorney practicing here in the District of Columbia. I also practice in the state of Maryland. We practice primarily in the area of criminal law.
So you just got that notice to show cause. A show cause order basically is the probation officer has sent a report to the judge saying that you are violating conditions of your probation and that they want to show cause why you should not serve the rest of the time that he put you on probation for.
For example, maybe you were re-arrested or you tested positive for an illegal substances. It can be a variety of things. The best thing to do is to be proactive and get ahead of this before your hearing.
We’ll be more than happy to discuss your situation. Simply call 202-455-5610 and we’ll be happy to discuss your situation.
Remember, be proactive. That’s the best thing you can possibly do at this point. If you’ve got a show cause order in the mail, call a lawyer. Call your old lawyer. Just make sure you call a lawyer so they can be proactive and don’t just show up at the hearing having done nothing.
Thanks for subscribing and thanks for watching our channel. Thank you.

Please note that laws change. The law firm of Rollins and Chan submits that this information is accurate as of the date of this video was published and is not to be construed as legal advice. For more information call our office at 202-455-5610
Rollins and Chan Law Firm
419 7th Street, NW
Suite 405
Washington, DC 20004
criminal lawyer , DC CRIMINAL LAWYER – Discusses Probation Show cause hearing – 202-455-5610, Criminal lawyer,showcause hearing,criminal show cause hearings,show cause,dc show cause,criminal case,criminal lawyers,criminal attorneys,dc criminal lawyers,dc criminal attorneys