
Day one of the Chad Daybell trial begins with opening statements


Day one of the Chad Daybell trial begins with opening statements

#Day #Chad #Daybell #trial #begins #opening #statements

The prosecution and defense shared opening statements Wednesday in the trial of Chad Daybell, a man who is accused of murdering three people.
criminal lawyer , Day one of the Chad Daybell trial begins with opening statements, today,Utah,Utah News

35 thoughts on “Day one of the Chad Daybell trial begins with opening statements”

  1. Something tells me if Chad and lori went to the grandparents and asked them to accept custody.They would have and they would have just been able to enjoy the rest of their lives being without kids which is what they wanted from the beginning

  2. This is one of organized religion's finest hours. This is the Mormon cult exposed. This is what we get when someone imagines that they have God on their side and that they can do anything that they want.

  3. Father, I ask that you wrap your arms around Family and Friends of those who have lost their lives.. Please talk to them and bring guidance into their lives with your Word.. I ask that you please bring healing into their lives, healing from the hurt, pain, and sadness, healing from worry and anxiety, healing from depression and grief, healing from anything else that may bring harm to their bodies and homes.. Father, I ask that you please bring healing, comfort, and peace to their minds and hearts for their loss.. I ask that you please remove the sadness and replace it with happiness, love, laughter ant tears of joy for the memories made and for the memories they can make in Heaven.. In Jesus name, I pray.. Amen!!!

  4. 😱 This is just now coming to trial??? I’m sorry, but how many millions are being wasted/thrown away supporting these “people” for decades??? Somebody needs to do something about enforcing that “speedy trial” part of what we were all taught in high school. I thought I wasn’t hearing this guy’s name anymore because someone got to him in custody. Geez! 🤦🏻‍♀️
    No, I’m not stupid. I just prefer to travel and live however many months or years I have left than to wrap myself up in the hatred and cruelty that exists in other people’s lives/minds. Life is too short. Apparently not short enough, in some cases. Forgive me, Lord. 🙏🏼

  5. Here's another story they'll probably hear… "3 people were alive … And they had futures…and now, They don't anymore." 0 sympathy from me, man. That's messed up!

  6. Beautiful stunning woman?? She wasn’t a troll, that’s about as far as you could push it. But the lawyer ought to be ashamed of himself pinning the defense on the tired old “a temptress drove the righteous man astray” oh please…. Men have been violent for thousands of years but when caught … it was Eve, Jezebel, Delilah …. Lori. Seriously do a better job counselor.

  7. Yeah, thats what happens when you let your ego and little brain do the thinking for you Chad. He decided to build his life on corpses….

  8. I still can't stand that smirk on her face. Only reason I'm still following is because my family in Hawaii. They ask once in a while about what is happening. And again I still remember the day they found the children's remains. 😢

  9. I do not care how MUCH I might be seductive and a temptress— this dude would not get a second glance🤢
    Does his brain really think he is all that? Let the prison dating pool find out I guess. 😂😂

  10. You know the couple in Creepshow buried on the beach up to their heads before high tide with a TV to watch each other. I think we have a winner! Sick sick F’rs!

  11. Oh Chad o Chad tell us the future now😂 may God have mercy on your murderous soul and may your victims receive Justice from this court❤

  12. Of course he has to say he was seduced by Lori, because he has convinced his children that she was so seductive he couldn’t resist her. I can’t help but feel for Tammy that not one of her children are there to support her. After all she was not the one carrying on an affair because she didn’t have a chance, because she was murdered😢

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