
Daughter of Suspected Gilgo Beach Killer Linked to Cannibalism and Murders, Attorney Wildly Claims


#Daughter #Suspected #Gilgo #Beach #Killer #Linked #Cannibalism #Murders #Attorney #Wildly #Claims

John Ray, the attorney who has represented the family of Shannan Gilbert for decades, is coming under fire for comments at a news conference last week. While the alleged Gilgo Beach serial killer, Rex Heuermann, has not been charged in Gilbert’s death, Ray and his team have reportedly been doing their own investigation into his family. Law&Crime’s Jesse Weber takes a closer look at the dots Ray is trying to connect.

Correction: The name of one of the Gilgo Four victims was mistakenly spoken in error. Melissa Barthelemy is the correct name, not Megan Barthelemy.

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41 thoughts on “Daughter of Suspected Gilgo Beach Killer Linked to Cannibalism and Murders, Attorney Wildly Claims”

  1. That entire family is involved. I in no way believe anyone who lived in that house didn’t know and participate in what happened there!

  2. I feel like this attorney is making some dangerous assumptions here. From my understanding psychopathic serial killers often are abusing their family, not just their victims.

    As a victim of abuse, I went through a phase where I was into skulls and death-related artworks, because it was the only thing that spoke to the parts of my soul that had died as a result of the abuse. I have never had any desire to hurt anyone, I just needed a way to honour and speak for the parts of myself that were harmed.

    As for wearing a backpack, I'm in my 30's and I don't leave the house without one! I carry a lot of stuff, and it's practical! I also wear jeans and graphic tees, so you could argue I dress like a teenager. I'm not trying to appear younger, I just want to be comfortable and that's the clothing style that does it for me! Her wearing a backpack in front of her, I don't see that as her trying to appear younger, I see it as her trying to place a shield between her and the photographers. I see that more as her feeling vulnerable (especially with the sunglasses, a lot of people use them to hide from the world), rather than an act.

    As for the the other images with similarities to the victims, I'd need to see them (to know how strange the body postures were) to know how I feel about them. However if she lived near the beach, it's not unreasonable to think she'd use the environment around her for artistic inspiration.

    I'm honestly not swayed either way with any of these arguments. If she's guilty, I'm more than happy to hold her responsible for her actions, but if she's not, I'm not going to go on a witch hunt to find guilt!

  3. This is ridiculous. Did this guy just discover the internet yesterday? People dress differently in different contexts; it’s not a sign of manipulation.

    His comments come across as someone who wants to be relevant in the case again so he’s pulling the moral outrage card.

    If you have evidence that she knew or assisted her father in the killings, you need to present it.

    Just pointing out that she has a morbid taste in art subjects is not evidence. I have an art piece depicting a heart on a scale, does that mean I enthusiastically support murder and disemboweling?

  4. This dude is turning this into a clown show. This is obviously relevant but it doesn't be shown and described in graphic detail.

  5. 14:54 they didn't even spell person correctly on the sign 😂, peson.., you'd have thought they would have noticed such an important bit of information 😂😂

  6. Did daddy make her a nice flank steak or two? Either way, this attorney is definitely dancing on the edge of defamation.

  7. The google incognito lawsuit isn’t paying anyone any money. That’s a false and uninformed advertisement.

  8. Are we really trying to normalize the sites she is involved in? So now people can't call it what it is?

  9. Stockholm Syndrome isn't even recognized anymore… give me a break. It's called coercive control now.

  10. I'm so sorry this family has lost a family member… but this attorney is taking them for a ride. Disgusting.

  11. The fact that he not only has his greasy balding hair wrapped up in a man bun, along with his glasses being held on a string … is all I need to know 😂😂 artwork of a human skull 😂😂😂 he's just a senile old attorney who have a family that is trying to profit off of this monster, and his retainer and percentage of whatever they make is $$$$ he handed out colorful packet then talks about witch craft and a picture of s who has been impaled by a deer.. sounds like our president 😂😂😂

  12. Look into what top hospitals and Dr's do related to Luciferism. Don't ever go to a hospital alone.

  13. This is crazy! But people need to realize this is actually more prevalent that people want to realize. It's ususally groups and one person ususally takes the fall. Same with son of sam.

  14. It’s always those men that shave their sideburns off… never met a single one that wasn’t weird..

  15. This attorney sees this as his chance to make a name for himself on a nationally known case & doesn't care who gets steamrollered or defamed or if he jeopardizes the case

  16. "Deer…they have to do with witchcraft…notice there's a marsh in the background!" We all look back at the hysteria of the Salem witch trials and think how could people be so deluded to believe this and sentence woman to death with no actual evidence. We would never do that today! Then this fool has a press conference doing this exact thing.

  17. "Deer…they have to do with witchcraft…notice there's a marsh in the background!" We all look back at the hysteria of the Salem witch trials and think how could people be so deluded to believe this and sentence woman to death with no actual evidence. We would never do that today! Then this fool has a press conference doing this exact thing.

  18. You will soon find out there are a lot more cannibals than you ever suspected. And when you find out who they are it will make your head spin.

  19. Inspector witch hunter there may want to get a few nights of solid sleep… I see he means well… but he’s gonna pull a muscle reaching for online evidence the way he’s been doing

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