
Dan Markel: This Is Our Story (Part 1)


Dan Markel: This Is Our Story (Part 1)

#Dan #Markel #Story #Part

In July of 2014, Florida State University professor Dan Markel dropped his two young sons off to preschool and made a quick stop at the gym before heading to his home in Tallahassee, Florida. Within minutes of arriving home, Dan Markel was shot execution style in his garage. In the aftermath, a lengthy investigation would follow that would include financial and phone records, surveillance cameras, wiretaps and a FBI sting operation, and what this investigation would uncover would shock everyone. In the case there have already been three criminal trials, four murder convictions and a fifth arrest, but new details and allegations are emerging every day, suggesting that there may still be more that we do not know about the shocking and tragic murder of 41-year-old Dan Markel.

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criminal law , Dan Markel: This Is Our Story (Part 1), Crime Weekly,Stephanie Harlowe,Derrick Levasseur,True Crime,Mystery,Podcast,Crime Weekly News,TrueCrime,Detective Perspective,Breaking Homicide,Big Brother,Murder,Missing,Unsolved,Cold Case,Detective,Discovery ID,Dan Markel,Wendi Adelson

26 thoughts on “Dan Markel: This Is Our Story (Part 1)”

  1. I’m curiouser and curiouser now about these people! I knew the bones of the case but now I feel like I know more of who Dan was. Such a loss.
    Thanks to both of you for the deep dives.

  2. It's common for Jewish women to keep their names. Taking their husbands names a more modern practice so depending on specific traditions people may or may not. But its not required and common for women to keep name they were born with

  3. I met my husband when I was 18 and he was 19 in November and we got married six months later in May. We’ve been very happily married for 17 years. Total fluke! We always talk about how we lucked out.

  4. The Rabbi could have prevented so much heartache had he just mentioned that the food wasn’t kosher! The one thing he asked for, kosher food at the reception. Deception at its finest.

  5. just so you know, contingencies for Faculty spouses in academia is a common thing to ask for, and a common thing to grant. So him asking for a position to be created for his wife in DC was not an unreasonable request.

  6. I am going to be so incredibly serious here: if anything even remotely close to the whole kosher-at-the-wedding thing happens to you with your spouse, dump them this very second. It's not Dan's fault that he didn't – it's not easy to see the red flags and act on it, but oh my god he should have walked out and never looked back. If your whole ass spouse and their entire family aren't capable of respecting and honouring something that is a main aspect of your life and beliefs /on your wedding day/, you cannot hope for a second of love or respect for the entire of the marriage. Please, if your partner ever disrespects you in such a blatant and insuting way, leave them and never give them a second chance, you will be much better off this way.

    I think I can already see where this is going (even as to how things went before the crime even occurred), and this whole event was really the writing on the wall. I don't know why he would let that slide, and I'm not suggesting he led to the foreboding events of this series, but there IS no good ending when this is how the wedding goes. I promise you, no life plan or fear of being alone is worth an abusive or disrespectful partner.

    PS: also, if you don't want to eat kosher or halal when it doesn't interfere with your own beliefs regarding food, you're a jerk.

  7. Hey now… stephanie…. My wife and I got married after three weeks. We just celebrated our 20th anniversary.

  8. Stephanie’s tangent about normalizing people not getting married so fast had me rolling 😂😂👏🏽

  9. You know, it's bad enough when people find out you're from Florida because the jokes never stop, but now you're in my home town?? Coral Springs is a weird place y'all 😂

  10. I've heard of this case but not the deep dive Stephanie does. ❤ I wait until all episodes are up bc I love to binge watch.

  11. Thanks for this! I truly enjoy your channel and your professionalism in bringing us these videos! Thank you for all your hard work and as someone who has never flown an aircraft (and is honestly scared to ABSOLUTE death of flying on one), I might just consider it someday knowing there are pilots like you out there. 😊

  12. I used to clean the home of a rabbi and his wife, and being kosher is taken extremely seriously. I had to use different rags on different parts of the counters (and I believe wash them separately) in the kitchen to avoid contamination. Even the local Big chain grocery store was primarily kosher because of the large Jewish community that shopped there. What her family did was at its core utterly disrespectful and shows they have no regard or respect for Dan his family or their wishes.

  13. This case has always been super fascinating to me. I've always the Adelsons were absolutely involved. Donna is a disgusting person, in my opinion. The whole thing about her holding the baby first made me so angry! That's just not right at all. I actually just watched an episode of 20/20 (or 48 hrs) about Dan's case. Wendi's ex bf Jeff had a lot of info that made it seem as tho the Adelsons absolutely would be willing to do whatever they could to get Dan out of the picture.

  14. The conversation re Judaism reminds me of what my moms bff is going through rn. She and her family moved to Israel decades ago. She was never religious but became slightly religious after they moved. Her kids grew up very religious. One of her sons got a divorce and moved into her tiny apartment with his 2 kids. There is a lot of tension in the household because of the many many MANY things that he has to do/follow/keep because of the religion… his life revolves around it.

  15. I absolutely love the set up of this episode! I guess I have been living under a rock and I don't know anything about this case, so I'm really hooked and looking forward to finding out how this plays out.

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