
Dan Markel: The Maestro (Part 6)


Dan Markel: The Maestro (Part 6)

#Dan #Markel #Maestro #Part

In July of 2014, Florida State University professor Dan Markel dropped his two young sons off to preschool and made a quick stop at the gym before heading to his home in Tallahassee, Florida. Within minutes of arriving home, Dan Markel was shot execution style in his garage. In the aftermath, a lengthy investigation would follow that would include financial and phone records, surveillance cameras, wiretaps and a FBI sting operation, and what this investigation would uncover would shock everyone. In the case there have already been three criminal trials, four murder convictions and a fifth arrest, but new details and allegations are emerging every day, suggesting that there may still be more that we do not know about the shocking and tragic murder of 41-year-old Dan Markel.

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criminal lawyer , Dan Markel: The Maestro (Part 6), Crime Weekly,Stephanie Harlowe,Derrick Levasseur,True Crime,Mystery,Podcast,Crime Weekly News,TrueCrime,Detective Perspective,Breaking Homicide,Big Brother,Murder,Missing,Unsolved,Cold Case,Detective,Discovery ID,Dan Markel,Wendi Adelson,Adelson

43 thoughts on “Dan Markel: The Maestro (Part 6)”

  1. Right. But didnt Luis pick her out from a photo line up?
    Im not saying it was wendi…but maybe he thought it was.

  2. This series has been top notch. Stephanie, your deep diving is bar none. Thank you both for the work you've done thus far

  3. Wow, this is such a great series, you two. I am so impressed. I have to admit that I have kind of fallen off the hard core TC podcasters for awhile; just giving my brain a little cleanse, ya know? Anyway, I remember reading a book on this case right after it happened, don't remember who had written it, but it clearly heavily implicated Wendi. What a crazy turn! This has to be a movie, you're right.

    Just one thing though….Steph, you look a little strange tonight? You ok? Just wondering!

    Good job overall though, really!

  4. I’m still kind of stuck on how Charlie asked Katie if she knew anyone who could hurt someone after just two dates!! If a guy asked me that?! what a creep!

  5. Louise Rivera does contradict himself a lot though. He insists that he was never driving the car except for when he got pulled over. But during the actual murder he's conveniently driving the car….🤨… Also , the way he describes the murder is to the t he literally knows every detail about it….

  6. Please tell me the jury saw through Wendi's fake act. 🙄 I wanted to bang my head on the table watching that.

  7. I also had that same theory and commented that in an earlier video! 😂 Glad I wasn't the only one with that theory.

  8. When Louise talked about seeing the lady, I thought he was talking about the first time. They went up to Tallahassee In the second child, he was asked if he was shown a lineup of hookers to point out Wendy, and they signed his name on it. He signed the right photo.😮😮

  9. I think Katie's last name is pronounced. Mag ban auh wah 😂 I completely understand the struggle with pronunciation. My name is Aundrea Since my name has a U in it when it's normally spelled Andrea…. people call me Audrey Adriana everything but Aundrea! ❤ pronounced On-dre-uh lol

  10. I love you guys, your dynamic is so fun to watch! I love how Stephanie does not back down from what she believes the laws are, even though Derrick has the LE background and first hand knowledge, lol. Watching and awaiting eagerly for the next episode, thanks guys! ❤

  11. I had truly avoided this case. Now hearing it, I know why so many people are covering it. Great series. Call them whatever you want. Have a wonderful weekend ❌️⭕️

  12. Hi Dephanie and Derrick. Could you guys present the Oxford school shooting in Michigan. I watched the 2 trials so far,the shooter and his mother. You guys are the best true crime channel. Thank you.❤

  13. How intelligent professors fell for this Wendi is so beyond me. Her looks are just average, and I feel ANYONE can see this woman is playing mind games. Those who can't are probably just wired to see her as a good option to spread their DNA. Honestly, some guys.

  14. Ive been watching this case very closey, Watching the court testimony.
    Wendi is a master manipulator.She knows she is beautiful and uses every trick in the book to portray herself as something she is not.
    The way she tucks her hair behind one ear and flicks her hair off other shoulder.She sits with mouth slighlty open in a semi pout.Big wide eys and very soft voice, The the flash of the smile..
    The ease in which she lies is shocking,This is somehting she has done all her life.
    Charlieboy realises she has thrown him under the bus and i feel vengeance is coming.
    As for the spelling-I sit here over the pond in the UK and look forward to the weekly youtube vids from
    Cryme weakly-Love to here what Steffny and Errick have to say.

  15. Hi just to point out I would not know what car is what all I could tell you is what colour a car is and just know a lot of people that are the same but everything else is spot on lol no need in going like that

  16. I am close with both of my brothers. No idea what kind of cars they drive. jus sayin' …if you asked me right now…i'd be like one has a blue car and the other has a white car.

  17. With the last names of the people who were arrested for this crime, to me, how their last names are pronounced doesn't matter. They lost their respect the second that they participated in or did the actual crime. I think that the outside of the family group was doing very well until Charlie had to insert himself into their lives in any way, and I think that is proven when they're not trying to do all of the recon for a murder. I will say, that until we know more as the public, Wendi is the complete Pandora's box to this case. I think that she's the key as to what she did or didn't know or helped facilitate. I will say, that in many ways, the Adleson family also destroyed other families with what they did because now there are kids who don't have their parents because of Charlie's involvement. I think that in many ways, Charlie learned how to be just like his mom, and I think that Wendi was trying so hard not to be like her mom, and was wanting to be independent, but her family doesn't want her to be independent for any reason. Is it possible that Charlie could also face Federal charges for stapling money if it's illegal? Is it public knowledge if the money used in this crime was real money or if it was counterfeit? What "agenda" is Charlie's lawyer talking about with Kaity? I think that she's just trying to say what she heard through her family. I'm a little lost/confused as to who was arrested first, Kaity or Sigfredo? I think that Charlie set up the celebration dinner to brag to Wendi about what he did. I will say that Jeff Lacassee is the best person in this case because was figuring things out faster than Wendi or her family would have liked him to be. I'm curious as to if this was the first crime for anyone in Wendi's family, or if it was possibly the first time that they got caught. With the broken TV in Wendi's home, what adult broke it so badly that GeekSquad said it couldn't be repaired? I think that Jeff said that Wendi's kids couldn't have done the damage that was done to the TV. I think that Charlie or Wendi must have damaged the TV that much. I think that there needed to be more strength to do that kind of damage to any TV, and who better than an angry adult. What I'm curious about is this how Wendi would act in her own cases? Is this how Wendi acted in court during her divorce or custody battle with Dan? I think that she's trying to flirt her way out of everything during the trial. This is why I say she's the Pandora's box to everything with this murder. I don't really trust what she says, because who to say that she didn't say something completely different at a totally different time. I really wonder if there were forms of unacceptable relationships in this family with how Wendi talks about Charlie and giggles about him in different answers. Wendi is nowhere near as dumb as anyone who doesn't fully understand the area of law that she knows, but Elle Woods she isn't. I would rather hire Elle Woods, who is a fictional character, for anything that I needed to hire her for than Wendi. If my reference doesn't make sense, watch "Legally Blonde".

  18. So on the topic of the money having mold. I have an uncle who saved money for YEARS and it created mold on his money when he was gonna pay cash for land that he bought. The family has that money stored away for years for a keepsake im assuming.

  19. Hello Stephanie and Derrick I just watched a short crime video about the murder of a young 10 year old Girl , Ame Deal, in Arizona . It was one of the most horrible cases I've ever heard of, I sending you this message in hope's that you and Derrick take a look into this case and make a decision to cover it on Crime Weekly, Thank you for your time!!!

  20. 10:10 why i dont understand how its legal is your committing a crime by black mailing them. So how is it legal for the government to commit a crime to catch someone else committing a crime.

  21. IDK why but every time Wendy calls him Danny my skin crawls. Like she's covering her family's butt and hearing her use his nickname just feels so icky.

  22. I don't get the dislike for Wendy (in the context of her testimony), I think being in defense mode when you're being questioned like that is good. You would be an idiot to not be guarding against impeachment during cross … Their job is to trap you, wether you have anything to hide or not.

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