
Cyclists ‘have very little regard’ for motorists’ says criminal lawyer Nick Freeman


Cyclists ‘have very little regard’ for motorists’ says criminal lawyer Nick Freeman

#Cyclists #regard #motorists #criminal #lawyer #Nick #Freeman

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criminal lawyer , Cyclists ‘have very little regard’ for motorists’ says criminal lawyer Nick Freeman, GB news,gbnews,Great Britain,United Kingdom,England,Scotland,Wales,Northern Ireland,news,UK News,UK

37 thoughts on “Cyclists ‘have very little regard’ for motorists’ says criminal lawyer Nick Freeman”

  1. Because elderly people possibly aren't familiar with metric measurements they might think the 1.5 metres passing distance is 1.5 feet. That's how close someone passed me the other day and possibly closer than that. I've got him on video and his number plate was clear but I doubt anything would be done by the police. I was inches from the kerb and there was on coming traffic so he barely made allowances for me

  2. Ah. Mr Loophole. I see he's on here now because he's been shut up from spouting his drivel on normal channels. He was categorically wrong in a few things he said there.
    Just stop blaming each other and try to be courteous to all… if you don't pander to this sensationism then it will go away and we'll all just learn to use the road together.

    And yes, I'm a cyclist. I also drive a car, and have a motor home so I do pay (more) VED than most who argue about this. Bikes don't need to be taken as they don't damage the road.

  3. Presumption of Priority causes Conflict between road users of all types, and there are just simply a large number of examples of poor judgement, lack of awareness and outright (intentional?) ignorance of road use by many cyclists wo plainly have no clue as to what the Highway Code is, likely because they've never driven.

  4. I am a cyclist and a car driver. I always ride as if I am driving a car. I find that when car drivers overtake me they put loads of room between me and them and conversely I hug the kerb and pull into a side road or bus-stop to let cars pass if I can. It's freedom not to have to tax and MOT a bicycle. I insure mine because it's electric and despite security it might be stolen. Probably by someone with a van!

  5. Roads are paid for by all tax payers. They are not the exclusive kiiling zone of motorists.

  6. I am very respectful of motorists when i am out riding. There is too much generalist opinion here; gives us good and respectful cyclists some respect.

  7. 'Cyclists don't cause injury or do damage' Really there have been cases where people have been killed or injured due to bad cycling, also I had a door mirror completely ripped off the car and a big scratch down the side of the car whilst waiting at traffic lights, all because a cyclist thought he could squeeze through a gap that wasn't there, the cyclist didn't bother stopping so the bill for repair was footed by the company I work for.

  8. Most cyclists own cars so do contribute to the roads. Car drivers also drive through red lights and across pedestrian crossing when pedestrians are crossing. Having commuted to work on my bike and by car I can hand on heart so the worst inconsiderate users of the road are vehicle users. I never feel safe on my bike but feel safe in my car. I never feel scared of being hit by a cyclist when I am driving but sure do feel scared when I am on bike.

  9. Cyclists are the govt's green crusaders for Net Zero. That's why they're treated so leniently by police and authorities, and if you look at the recent updates to the Highway Code earlier this year, cyclists are just given ever more powers.

    So they're allowed to harass us, break the law, endanger pedestrians lives when they cycle over crossings, but nothing is done to them. It's very convenient to the gov't to have these lycra clad idiots about.

    Got a video on my channel that shows typical cyclist attitude, and it was out in the countryside, not the city. As the cyclist in this news clip shows, they all find it amusing for some reason.

  10. There are idiots of all shapes and sizes on the road, but why should I take care to ensure the safety of a cyclist when they have little regard for their own .. it takes two people to look out for one another. In a car I have a chance to survive a prang with an idiot driver, an idiot cyclist is more than likely to be seriously hurt.

  11. going by your thumbnail the car has crossed the middle lane for no reason lol and the most responsible criminal cyclists are the middle class and just sit by a road and watch the cars and vans breaking the laws its pot calling kettle here

  12. I nearly killed one the other day. As I was reversing my lorry this fool came up close to the lorry in my blind spot and hadn’t thought about my turning of my wheels to make the turn would crush him!!!!! So absolutely stupid and irresponsible!!!!! He survived by pure luck I never even saw him.

  13. Cyclist are unaware of anyone whether it's road or kerb. They achieve better outcome because they have no engine.
    Cyclists.. Should be forced to pay road tax and insurance.
    Compulsory wearing fluorescent for safety at all times.
    All priority to safety of children be they right or wrong.

  14. I'm a cyclist. I've raced Mountain Bikes on a national level across most disciplines in that sport since the mid 1990s. I also ride on the road a lot. Firstly, I hate that vigilante cyclist who goes round terrorising motorists. A really hateful man. Secondly, the vast majority of cyclists give the rest us a bad name. I cannot believe the way people ride their bikes it's a disgrace. As far as I am concerned motorists have far more right to be on the road than I have so I will do everything I can to get out of their way.
    We were was recently on route to a family funeral in an obvious funeral procession. A cyclist deliberately bullied his way in between the funeral cars and the rest of us. He was lucky he didn't have his head kicked in! Most cyclists are total idiots

  15. Shut the fcuk up always demonising bike riders, what's the matter with you people, does all this hate towards cyclists make up for your small dicks or something? Does it make you feel better, loser?

    I walk, I cycle, I drive, and cycling is by far the worst form of transport. No where to cycle, get abuse from everyone. Car drivers are by far the most angry and aggressive people on the road, people turn into disgusting animals when they get in cars. Grow up you sad fcuks and fcuk off giving everyone else shlt. Get a life.

  16. They should pay road tax for using the road, insurance and plates, the only thing they don't have is an engine.

  17. The cyclist should have given way to that on coming white car since the obstruction, ie the parked car was on the cyclists side of the road.

  18. i had a cyclist who blocked me on purpose i drove back round and my m8 in the passenger side knocked him clean out lol lol was awesome and if it was you get in my way again you might go under.

  19. Cyclists have very little regard for anyone on the road, including themselves, which is why they provide so many viable organs to the NHS…….

  20. Everyone needs to chill out and learn to get along or the government will get involved and make it worse for everyone just chill people.

  21. There is a drink ride limit, the limit is if you fall off when you start off then that's the limit 🤣

  22. Bashing cyclists again. Of course there's rogue cyclists, and it's bloody annoying. But I see plenty of car drivers failing to comply with traffic lights, not to mention all the cars parked on pavements. As well as uninsured and un-mot's cars, and drivers stoned while driving! But nice to see GB news being totally unbiased in there stories. And they have the brass neck to call out the BBC! 🤣🤣

  23. Be careful blaming cyclists or local councils will start extended pedestrian and cyclists only areas in busy areas. Meaning car drivers will end up with park and rides everywhere.
    Be careful what you wish for – it will backfire and you will end up with a .. China/ India bike network where cars cannot get through

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