
Cross-Examination & Redirect of Jennifer Crumbley, School Shooter Mom Trial


Cross-Examination & Redirect of Jennifer Crumbley, School Shooter Mom Trial

#CrossExamination #Redirect #Jennifer #Crumbley #School #Shooter #Mom #Trial

WATCH FULL: Cross-examination of Jennifer Crumbley began with bombshell revelation. Prosecutor Marc Keast questioned the Oxford High School shooter’s mom about the inconsistencies in her testimony and her extra-marital affairs. Crumbley’s attorney Shannon Smith rested her case after calling only one witness, the defendant.

#CourtTV What do YOU think? Did the Defense prove reasonable doubt?

00:00 State Cross-Examination of Jennifer Crumbley
30:38 Defense Objection
33:52 Recorded Phone Call Played for Jury
51:24 Defenst Redirect by Shannon Smith

#JenniferCrumbley #OxfordHighSchool

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27 thoughts on “Cross-Examination & Redirect of Jennifer Crumbley, School Shooter Mom Trial”

  1. There is no way between the unprofessionalism shown with her defense attorney and the lack of accountability from the judge that this whole thing is not going to be tossed.

  2. As a Norweigian this is absurd! If Guns are legal, you have yourself to thank for all of the schiol shootings. No one can controll or make tenagers do anything if they dont want to! If Guns are a househokd item you can without no education or in a house with kids and teenagers ( who isnt able to understand ling term counsequenses of behaviour or actions) you should expect this- and the parents should not be held acountable- if they should- the schools teachers should also be

  3. He lost only friend on Halloween and she and James left him alone and went to 2 parties. It’s amazing how self indulged she and James were.

  4. How dare this judge say the jury has been here a long time during cross yet let this crazy defense attorney go on and on and on?!? Give me a break.

  5. This judge runs a loose courtroom. She allows crosstalk between lawyers, discusses too much in front of the jury. She often isn’t decisive. It’s a different kind of trial and fits the personality of the defense lawyer. I don’t have a problem with the defense lawyer however there needs to be a second chair in murder trials.

  6. Problem is there is no way for LE to take action against anyone including adults before they commit a crime. No one can stop another person they do not know is going to commit a crime before it happens. Anyone can go postal at any time. No one can be responsible for others actions.

  7. Who should know your child better than you ? Jennifer said she would not change a thing she did with her son. REALLY ? She would have still bought him the gun !

  8. This precedent setting case scares me for many reasons. While these parents were negligent, I am not sure it rises to the level of criminal. I raised several teenagers and will admit, I would have never bought them a handgun. I had one that did get into trouble but never involving the police. He has told me stories (he is now 40), that I had no idea was going on. I am shocked at the stories he has told me of the things he did as a teenager. I think of all the parents that are not just negligent but are both emotionally abusive and physically abusive that does rise to the level of criminal, raised in extremely horrible and toxic environments, who have teenagers that commit crimes, including murder and they are not held accountable, even though there is a direct correlation between what was going on in the home and the crimes their teenager committed. THEY should be. I am just not sure about this one. I feel terrible for the friends and families of those lost thier lives that day. I can honestly say, if I was a juror, I could not convict her of manslaughter.l I may feel different about the husband but not her.

  9. I don’t think she is guilty of manslaughter. The precedent is dangerous. The husband sounds more liable

  10. The defensive lawyer is inappropriate, and appears to be inexperienced and unfamiliar with court room procedure. But not sure if this is because the judge also seems inexperienced, unsure of herself and the rules of the court. Crazy.

  11. Is there a way that metal detectors could be used at the entrances of our schools, or am I just thinking of bigger or high crime cities?

  12. Here we go with the stupid prosecutor with no evidence. You all wasted so many tax dollars on this id bet your azz is riding on this and re election.

  13. Judge needs to be dismissed for not reprimanding that poor excuse of a defense attorney. The judge acts if she's afraid to open her mouth. The parents must cuss Ethan out every day and all day. What little bit of the so called love she had for her son, it's all gone now along with everything else.
    She wouldn't pay for mental health treatment but brought horses and paid boarding and vet bills for animals. Shows where her priorities were and it wasn't for Ethan.

  14. I think Jennifer is liable, but not criminal. I can’t speak for the dad because we haven’t heard the evidence in his case yet.

  15. Her tone and demeanor are that of someone being inconvenienced and annoyed to be there answering questions – even of the bullets she bought that later killed other people’s children. This monster is more responsible than Ethan

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