
Criminal lawyer Rachel Fiset on the Kim Potter verdict | NewsNation Prime


Criminal lawyer Rachel Fiset on the Kim Potter verdict | NewsNation Prime

#Criminal #lawyer #Rachel #Fiset #Kim #Potter #verdict #NewsNation #Prime

Criminal lawyer Rachel Fiset joins NewsNation Prime to discuss the verdict in the Kim Potter trial.

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21 thoughts on “Criminal lawyer Rachel Fiset on the Kim Potter verdict | NewsNation Prime”

  1. This verdict doesn't send a message at all. Look how the former police chief stated he wouldn't do anything different in this case. You have to ask yourself how does an unarmed person always pose a threat to white police officers. Three on the scene with a slim built kid and he had to be tased or shot. Yet numerous white criminals stormed the Capitol and only one individual was shot and or killed. But I guess they were considered a threat with sticks bats whatever they could bring. Because they were considered tourist. What needs to change is policies. For one no more police unions be cause these officers often times get severely reduced sentences or win on appeal and convictions are thrown out. Second how about this for starters a person doesnt not have to be shot at the scence unless they are returning fire. Also get rid of the white privilege that exist amongst the folks in uniform. You notice when she was hand cuffed and taken in not one person of color was involved in that. The optics of this speaks volumes to me. Again Derek Shovan taken into custody not one person of color taking him in. Does anyone think this is just a coincidence! Nothing is going change as long as the same people committing the crimes are in charge.

  2. Not only was Potter reckless, she was incompetent. However, incompetence is not a crime. She was found guilty of recklessness in her actions. The verdict will stand and she will likely be sentenced to 6-7 years. The jury came to the correct verdict legally.

  3. The deciding factor was Criminal/convict Potter's reckless behavior; shooting the gun next to officer Lucky's face, was clear and evident. she jeopardized the lives of everyone because of her actions.

  4. This verdict will be overturned on appeal. There is no mens rea attributable to Officer Potter that could find her at fault for the instant that this tragedy occurred. Ms. Fiset should return her law license to whatever popcorn box she found it in.

  5. the expert explaining many
    substantial differences b/w a glock and a taser.
    One has to be really really dumb or intentionally
    negligent to fire a gun thinking its a taser. I think
    the tax payers most certainly deserved a
    chance to hold its appointed public agent
    accountable in the court of law. I think the case
    and the verdict is just.

  6. Not trying to be funny but why don't they do the same for child molesters those people are going to get killed but they put them in general population

  7. I think we will have many police officers quitting their jobs all over America. Taxpayers need to get ready for much higher local tax rates ( average salary for an officer will probably exceed well over $150,000.00 per year) Also prepare for much much higher crime rates in their communities as officers refuse to conduct any pro active policing due to being scared of going to prison, even iif they are 100% in the right, as in the Potter case

  8. Lol not everyone believes her it was actually kinda obvious she did it on purpose and tried to play it off..

  9. It was a terrible mistake, and it was more than obvious she was shattered for the man and about the mistake .

  10. Our justice system in THIS case is fucked. Put the cops who caused the LA Riots in prison. They were garbage. Not her. I disagree with her having to do time. Probation for eight years.

  11. “Strong message to police officers to be aware” blah blah blah fuck you it’s a dangerous fucking job with fucking criminals how about hiring people based on skill not gender

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