
Criminal Law tutorial: Mens Rea – Part 1 |


Criminal Law tutorial: Mens Rea – Part 1 |

#Criminal #Law #tutorial #Mens #Rea #Part

In this video, we discuss the concept of mens rea (or culpable state of mind) in criminal law.

This specific video is just one of four in Quimbee’s tutorial on the Fundamental Elements of a Crime. To watch more videos like this one, take quizzes and tests, and earn the Fundamental Elements of a Crime merit badge, go to

“Fundamental Elements of a Crime” table of contents:

1. Actus Reus
2. Mens Rea I
3. Mens Rea II
4. Causation
criminal law , Criminal Law tutorial: Mens Rea – Part 1 |, Criminal Law (Field Of Study),Mens Rea,actus reus,elements of a crime,criminal law,criminal,law school,law student,quimbee,Law (Professional Field),causation