
Criminal Law – Part Five: Crimes Against the Public


Criminal Law – Part Five: Crimes Against the Public

#Criminal #Law #Part #Crimes #Public

Lecture Five in a series of eight lectures on Criminal Law. This lecture is a basic discussion of crimes against the public. The topic is broadly discussed touching on historical perspectives; common law; and modern statutory and Model Penal Code approaches. Crimes discussed include crimes against public morality, riot, unlawful assembly, failure to disperse, disturbing the peace, incitement, vagrancy and panhandling, crimes involving firearms, drug/alcohol crimes, perjury, bribery, treason, tax crimes, obstruction of justice, contempt, sedition, terrorism, and environmental crimes.
criminal law , Criminal Law – Part Five: Crimes Against the Public, NALA,CP Exam,CLA Exam,Legal,Leanne the Lawyer,Paralegal,Legal Assistant,Legal Office Assistant,Certification,Paralegal Certification,criminal law,crime,law,bar exam,RICO,CCE,riot,unlawful assembly,incitement,treason,bribery,contempt,obstruction of justice,tax fraud,tax evasion

19 thoughts on “Criminal Law – Part Five: Crimes Against the Public”

  1. a crime against the public starts with birth certificate fraud – are we talking about using solicitor's ? the legal system being the pimp of public whores ( remember there's a difference between legal and lawful )

  2. That's funny how confused the government is about the 2nd amendment. All that crap you are saying about 5000 people opions is just trying to dumb us down and keep people from the facts! Let's look at the facts the 2nd amendments actually state. There is no if ands or buts or well .maybe it shouldn't be infringed . End of story. not our fault they didn't give 10,000 examples of different variables. What gives these untrusted gov officials the right to change history? in that case we.all can change history then!

  3. LIES!! THE GOVERNMENT Infringes ON PEOPLE EVERYDAY! YOU EXPLAIN IT LIKE ITS SO SERIOUS IF PUBLIC DOES IT TO PUBLIC. 🤣😭 and the bullshit about 3 or more people needed like actual complaining witness with signed affidavit and actual victims with proof of harm done with criminal crime!! YOU AND EVERYONE ELSE KNOWS THE REPLACE THOSE OTHER 2 PEOPLE WITH THE ARRESTING OFFICER AND THE PROSECUTOR FOR THE PEOPLE 😭😭 how crazy this is all they need to convict. but the frauds definitely need you to plead guilty and waive all your rights for a plea bargain deal or they will scare you into thinking long jail or prison confinement! Why do all prosecutors have a 98% conviction record PAY ATTENTION 98%IS THE %OF PLEA BARGAINS This is definitely a concern!!! It should definitely be 98% proof that these courts NEVER HAD THE RIGHT POWER AUTHORITY TO EVEN BOTHER YOU AT ALL unless you killed someone

  4. but Jurisdiction is definitely not EXPLAINED by courts. most people are not even aware of what it is and how it applies because it's usually explained within the procedures with NO REAL FACTS that would answer the questions or concern. and the FRAUD COURT SAYS WELL IF THEY DIDN'T CHALLENGE IT AT ARRAIGNMENT THEN WE DON'T HAVE TO PROVE IT 🤣🤣 seriously? it's because they don't have any jurisdiction unless you say down and signed a contract personally with whoever arrested you or who is taking you to court! That's why people don't know what jurisdiction is!! Criminal Court MCP CODES STATUES is void to the public because the public can't breach a fkn contract the didn't sign or have any knowledge of!

  5. If a prostitute is a private national has all her asset's in a trust and contracts in her house that's not criminal

  6. A person can't do anything it's a fictitious legal entity it's just ink on paper you're confusing a person with a man or a woman

  7. At 21:00 “You cannot say that this person is a drug addict therefore they are a criminal.”

    * Scratches head out of confusion
    “If drugs are illegal ….and a person is addicted to an activity that is illegal…. and the word “criminal” is the word used for individuals that engage in illegal activity, then how is that improper or even offensive?

  8. Failure to disperse… “alarm or annoyance”…. Well, those two words guarantee victory to the accuser.

  9. Should professional athletes who break the law (via drug use, illegal gambling, domestic abuse, etc.) be banned from their professional sport in addition to doing jail time?

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