
Criminal Law: Larceny, Embezzlement, False Pretenses, Larceny-by-Trick, & Robbery [LEAP Preview]


Criminal Law: Larceny, Embezzlement, False Pretenses, Larceny-by-Trick, & Robbery [LEAP Preview]

#Criminal #Law #Larceny #Embezzlement #False #Pretenses #LarcenybyTrick #Robbery #LEAP #Preview


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Criminal Law: Larceny, Embezzlement, False Pretenses, Larceny-by-Trick, & Robbery [LEAP Preview]

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criminal law , Criminal Law: Larceny, Embezzlement, False Pretenses, Larceny-by-Trick, & Robbery [LEAP Preview], criminal law,false pretenses,law school,bar exam,common law larceny,larceny,embezzlement,larceny by trick,larceny by trick vs false pretenses,robbery,crim law,1l crim law,continuous trespass,trespassory taking,criminal law crash course,criminal law mbe,property offenses mbe,criminal law lecture,criminal law bar exam,criminal law bar review,law school class,criminal law bar prep,criminal law ube,crim law bar exam,bar review,bar prep,studicata

15 thoughts on “Criminal Law: Larceny, Embezzlement, False Pretenses, Larceny-by-Trick, & Robbery [LEAP Preview]”

  1. Hi bro.Thank you so much for educating me on this topic.My aunt took my late mum's bed without my consent with an excuse to secure it from being sold by my daughter or to sleep on it.When I asked her to return it she refused to do do and now we are in court.They have told my daughter to say in court that my daughter was he one that took the bed herself. My daughter has turned against me and she started staying with them just after her grandmother died.

  2. So I was charged with theft of a leaf blower against a gentleman which I won against him nowni have to go up against the pawn shop for false pretenses and the property was mines. I've been so stressed lately because I'm going to trial.

  3. I think he needed to define trespass earlier on. In the examples in earlier lessons too, I kept thinking trespass as in trespassing onto property. Like during example of homeless guy breaking into house to sleep, then decides to steal diamond ring, but he said it wouldn't be trespass b/c he didn't enter with intent to steal. But here, it seems like any non-permission to take property makes it trespass, so wouldn't the homeless guy example also be trespassing when he takes the item?

  4. Say you leave something at a store or a friend's house (either on purpose for safe-keeping or forget it), then you later break in to steal it back. Can you them them on anything other than trespassing? Since you're technically not stealing or depriving another?

  5. Lawyers! Well, any thieving jerk of a client can actually be found innocent if you're smooth enough to convince a jury of their peers that they didn't have concurrent intent..
    Glad I extinguished that nightmare job, working for people who drink like fish to assuage their conscience.

  6. Drop off my truck for inspection, never sign or deposit.. get a call from shop owner saying your truck is finish.. 8000.00. Sign and your free.. ( I never deposit, I never seen the quote, I never agree to repair..). What is this called?

  7. I need help in claiming my money back that was stolen by a bank employee. I have all proof and evidence but can not make out the employees name on a cashier check he wrote. I Made a police report and the investigator did not follow it through and I do not only hold her responsible but the bank fraud Dept as well, they are protecting a criminal and will not give his name. I have all the proof and evidence

  8. you spent way too much time on the spectrum of possession. It sometimes seems like you intentionally stretch out a topic to make the videos longer, perhaps to make ppl feel like they're getting their $ worth? I'd prefer shorter lectures that get right to the point. I do love your lectures though, your use of a whiteboard is amazing. I always recommend your material to friends.

  9. I’m in a unique one.
    I had a road side mechanic come to my house, called me and said everything was good and fixed. And when I got there nothing was worked on, and he ran with my money. What is the legal term that he did?

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