
Criminal Law Information: Basics of Criminal Law – FindLaw


Criminal Law Information:  Basics of Criminal Law – FindLaw

#Criminal #Law #Information #Basics #Criminal #Law #FindLaw

Introductory information on the basics of criminal law from FindLaw.
criminal law , Criminal Law Information: Basics of Criminal Law – FindLaw, criminal law,law,legal information

6 thoughts on “Criminal Law Information: Basics of Criminal Law – FindLaw”

  1. Your language doesn't show what you study at all… In court you also talk to jury using "fucking" and "idiots"? Sad but true ;/

  2. This video is a good primer for the basics of criminal law, especially knowing the difference between felonies, misdemeanors, and infractions.

  3. Fuck off you idiot. I studied Criminal Law and I'm a newly admitted attorney. The purpose of the Sixth Amendment is to ensure criminals get convicted as quickly as possible.

    Guilty until proven innocent = Innocent until proven guilty.

    Fuck you.

  4. @junior1984able That's a good question, and a common one. The Sixth Amendment guarantees defendants the right to a speedy and public trial. Speedy because the Founders of our Nation did not think it wise to have people stay indefinitely in custody if they have not yet been proven guilty. Public to protect defendants against secretive trials like in the days of the "Star Chambers." A defendant can WAIVE that speedy trial right, however, to gain more time for preparation.

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