
Criminal law expert joins Mueller’s Russia probe


Criminal law expert joins Mueller’s Russia probe

#Criminal #law #expert #joins #Muellers #Russia #probe

Deputy Solicitor General and criminal law expert Michael Dreeben will join special counsel Robert Mueller’s quietly growing team of legal minds assisting with the probe into Russia’s involvement with the 2016 election.
criminal law , Criminal law expert joins Mueller’s Russia probe, CNN,News,CNN TV,CNN Newsroom,default

20 thoughts on “Criminal law expert joins Mueller’s Russia probe”

  1. Mueller, i hope you guys nail those crooks in the White House and the rest of the traitous clan of Trump!What does Donald jr and Kushner care of Russian adoptions? That meeting should have been reported prior to or as it happened.Impeach Trump, the chump has undermined our Agencies, he is a threat to America!Trump cannot start his own B.S. agency with Russia that is insane!

  2. What a waste of money! Comey has said there is no Russian connection to Trump. End this extravagant nonsense now.

  3. "A leaker"? It's hard to believe, that Donald Trump was serious and actually was going to give a negative evaluation. About James Comey's revealing, he was just doing his job, as a citizen and as an ex FBI's officer, here in Russia this kind of public process is almost impossible, but this is another story.

    May I be honest? I do not understand several things, America is far from here, this is the whole another planet, but you've taken Ukraine into the focus, how it can be connected with this things that are difficult to explain

  4. CNN or anybody: If all of these media charges of "Trump/Trump's team worked with Russians to interfere with the election, possibly stealing it from Hillary", fall through, shouldn't there be a legal day of reckoning for the people pushing these charges on the public? Shouldn't SOMEBODY ultimately have to answer to slander, defamation, perjury, etc., charges for broadcasting these charges on Trump and his team? Or, (this is a real question), is the media allowed to throw out ANYTHING they want on ANYBODY, without consequence? (Could be you next?)  I truly don't know the laws on that. I guess everybody BUT THE MEDIA, has to answer for damaging lies? If there's any justice media outlets, and even INDIVIDUAL "JOURNALISTS" should have to be legally deposed as to whether their coverage is founded or slanderous. What do you think? Is what the anti-trump media outlets/"journalists" coverage entering the area of illegality, or is it just mean? Lawyer's answers?

  5. And Paul "boot-licking" Ryan insulted all Americans with his "Trump is unsophisticated in government speech." Ryan really thinks Americans believe him–That is the first prick the public aught to vote out of office for being a spineless, self-interested gasss bag! Do not expect the Republican Party or D Trump to help any middle-class or lower-class Americans, be lucky if you get any crumbs from their legislation.

  6. Oooooh, Y-e-a-h, the President just "H-O-P-E-S" you do not investigate…. The Republicans have turned on on the general population in America; they only serve the R-I-C-H!

  7. Excuse me but, isn't it a criminal slander to call someone a "leaker"? If the president of my country would accuse me of something so serious that could possibly carry 20 years in prison or some international manhunt as we have seen happen to Assagne, Manning or Snowden, I would defenitely go to trial against him!!

  8. Comey only released his own notes, that's his right. He wasn't leaking info, just presenting his own.

  9. What is your position on the confirmation of Christopher Wray for FBI director knowing that Wray works for a major rosneft oil lawfirm? The Russian owned rosneft oil that currently may be breaking international sanction law. The rosneft oil that Jared Kushner may have invested over a billion dollars into with the help of Russias Veb bank and the Caymen Islands. Who invested 2.6 billion dollars anonymously into rosneft oil, was it erik prince or Trump's associates?

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