
Criminal Law Barrister In London | Best Criminal Law Barristers in London by Direct Access


Criminal Law Barrister In London | Best Criminal Law Barristers in London by Direct Access

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Direct Access Barrister in London – New Directory – Find the best Criminal Law Barrister In London.

How to find Direct Access Barristers in London and save money.

When choosing Criminal Law Barrister in London you should consider engaging one via the new Public Access route. Using Direct Access as allowed by recent changes in Law Society regulations can save you money as you can avoid hiring a solicitor to instruct your barrister.

Changes in regulations effected a few years ago (which are now being further liberalised) allow you can to directly instruct a Criminal Law Barrister in London rather than engage both a firm of solicitors and a Barrister.

Previously Barristers were not allowed to take instruction directly from the public and relied on casework from solicitors.

Solicitors were historically prevented from representing their clients in the higher courts and so engaged barristers who had a monopoly on this activity.

A Direct Access Barrister in London can provide an excellent service to you without the need for you to also instruct and pay for a solicitor.

Since the change in the regulations Barristers have been available to be instructed though until recently this has not be well publicised.

You can directly engage a Barrister in the majority of specialist areas of the Law; Criminal Law being one.

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