
Criminal Law #8: Crimes Against Property – Theft Crimes


Criminal Law  #8: Crimes Against Property – Theft Crimes

#Criminal #Law #Crimes #Property #Theft #Crimes

Chapter 8: Crimes Against Property – Theft Crimes Part 2 of 2
criminal law , Criminal Law #8: Crimes Against Property – Theft Crimes, law school,1L,pmbr,barbri

13 thoughts on “Criminal Law #8: Crimes Against Property – Theft Crimes”

  1. Well that's what they did when they took my first house from us on Wells Street and it's the state of Michigan doing it they have their own little fraud operations going here in Michigan and I do believe the permanent Justice is involved in this because now they're trying to do the mail fraud and lion and hacking everything on me and my wife again because we got a second house and they're trying to defraud us from that too and I would really like an attorney to go after these people

  2. so if the peoperty is stolen or taking under false pretenses does that mean that or tittle is claimed through identy theft could revert back to the owner

  3. is this American law? i do British Law its definition of theft is dishonestly appropriates property belonging to another, with the intention to permenantly deprive.

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