
Criminal Law 101


Criminal Law 101

#Criminal #Law

Learn the basics regarding criminal law in the Twin Cities. View the training materials here:

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Explanatory Notice

The following video documents a training session on Criminal Law basics that took place on April 19, 2013 in Bloomington, Minnesota. The training was arranged by Call for Justice, LLC, a Twin Cities-based non-profit that works to connect low-income people with legal resources. Part of our work is to train United Way 2-1-1 on the various Twin Cities legal resources.

Ellen Krug, Executive Director of Call for Justice, LLC, conducted the training and coordinated the session. The training session was presented to Information and Referral Specialists and other employees of United Way 2-1-1.

The information contained in this video is not legal advice. Viewers seeking legal assistance should contact an attorney. If you are a Minnesota resident in need of legal assistance and unable to afford an attorney, you should call United Way 2-1-1 by dialing 2-1-1.

At various places in the video, there may be references to “Zoey” or “Zoey Zalopa.” This is a fictional character used for purposes of exemplifying referrals to various legal resources.
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20 thoughts on “Criminal Law 101”

  1. Oh wow, Prof Ellie, you are a genius I must admit, thank you for a very informative and interractive discussion. I look forward to becoming a great Criminal lawyer.

  2. My father bought income property in 2005. This three family was built in 1920, so you can imagine what it lacked by todays standards. Most home owners upgrade and or utilize their basements and my father did this before he passed in 2010. The tenants rent have always been far under the going price. 300$ less. Landlords may agree that third floor tenants can be a challenge however we have always been more than flexible and fair. Allowing full access to the yard, storage units, pool, ect. A family home of sorts. My brother inherited the home in 2010. Now we have a tenant that has not paid the rent in 18 months by utilizing the court system and we have done nothing wrong. We gave her as much and more access to the property. She paid for 8 months and stopped for reasons that remain unclear even today. Her fabrications and lies cost my brother 27,000 based on lies and the help of the town justice system and the police.
    We are now prisoners in our own home as she keeps close tabs on our comings and goings. My brother and I have been black balled and we are under siege by the very people whom are supposed to serve and protect EVERYONE! The courts will bot allow us to counter suite by claiming they cant talk about those issues. I have a spotless background and no traffic violations. This tenant barred false witness to assault and ive been in deep depression for covid is not allowing a speedy trail. I have suffered from depression my own life We have done little to nothing to deserve what is happening. I need prayers. We are under seige from our own officals, police, and have not had ever the police at the property until this tenant moved in.. I dont know where to turn. We where never profiting from this income property. It was a retirement cushion that has literally been stloen from underneath us. Dirty politics !!! We no longer donate to the police!

  3. At 13 minutes he talks about not going to jail in a civil suit. What about Child support? They lock people up for that all the time.

  4. Researching law is Its probably my least favorite subject,, I'm only researching it because me and my lil dog got attacked by some retired xcop xda xmilitary monster that lied to the sheriff's in the area and they seem to all know him ,, i have no idea why he attacked us ,, seemed like he was trying to kill me ,,details of what happened and my case number are on my most recent post on

  5. I was listening to this while I was cooking my dinner I just sat down to eat and was not expecting her voice to match her presentation. She is amazing nevertheless.

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