
Criminal Justice System | Law Enforcement Pillar


Criminal Justice System | Law Enforcement Pillar

#Criminal #Justice #System #Law #Enforcement #Pillar

Criminal Justice System is the sum total of all concerted efforts of the agencies of the government in the prevention and suppression of criminality. The machinery of the state or government which enforces the rules of conduct necessary to protect life and property and to maintain peace and order. is the system or
process in the community by which crimes are investigated, and the persons suspected thereof are taken into custody, prosecuted in court and punished if found guilty, with provision being made for their correction and rehabilitation

5 Pillars of CJS
1. Law Enforcement
2. Prosecution
3. Court
4. Correction
5. Community
Functions of CJS
1. Prevent and control the commission of criminality
2. Enforce the law
3. Safeguard individual rights, lives, and properties of the people
4. Detect, investigate, apprehend, prosecute, and punish violators
5. Rehabilitate the convicted criminal offenders and reintegrate them in the community as law abiding citizens of the community

Law enforcement is the first pillar of the Criminal Justice System charged with the prevention and control of crimes, detention/arrest of suspects, investigation and filing of case, and assistance in prosecution. The law enforcement serves as the front line of the encounter with the criminals or those who threaten the social or der. They are the arms of the government charged with the enforcement of the law.
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17 thoughts on “Criminal Justice System | Law Enforcement Pillar”

  1. A. law enforcement, prosecution, judiciary, penology, and the community.

    B. The role of law enforment in the criminal justice system is to provide safetyness in the community and inflicting the law also to prevent, detect and investigate firearms offences.

  2. Criminal justice gives support and help to individuals by preventing crimes. Also the main goal of it is to provide justice to be fair to all people.

    Warrant arrest is for the police to conduct searches to the certain place like drug raid operations. The warrantless arrest is the actual crime that is happening, and you can arrest a person if he/she will attempt to do a crime or if their is strong evidence.

    The procedures of arresting a criminal is you must have a warrant that is signed by a judge to proved that you have the right to arrest him/her but if you know that the criminal really obtain the crime you can make a warrantless arrest.

    The miranda rights . You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have a right to an attorney.

  3. A. Law Enforcement, Prosecution, Court, Correction, Community
    B. Arrest by virtue of warrant, Warrant less arrest,
    C. Making of warrant of arrest is first you need to follow the two modes of arrest first is arrest virtue of warrant is usually executed the enforcers upon the written order of the judge second is warrant less arrest this can be executed by either law officers or private persons.
    D. You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney. If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be provided for you.

  4. A.Law enforcement, prosecutor,judiciary, penology,also the community are.the.five pillars of CJS law.

    B. The role of the law enforcement is too give awareness of the community and to protect from criminal justice system to prevent,track,and to investigate the firearms offences.

  5. The sun total of all concerted efforts of the agencies of the government in the prevention and support of criminality.
    The machinery of the state of geverment
    warrantless Arrest is a citizen's arrest.This can be either law officers or private person or any persons can ba arrest
    warranted arrest it is a executed by law enforcers upon written by order of the judge
    The miranda right of the person who are accused is that.
    You have the right to remain silent any statement you make maybe used against in the court of law in the Philippines. You have the rights to have a complement and independent counsed preferably of your own choice if you connot afford the service of counsel the government will provide you.

  6. A. Law enforcement, prosecution, judiciary, penology, and the community are the five sections or foundations that make up the Philippine criminal justice system.

    B. The role of law enforcement in the criminal justice system is to prevent, track, and investigate firearms offenses. Many factors influence the effectiveness of the criminal justice response, including the availability of resources and the quality of preparation of criminal justice agents.

  7. A. The criminal justice system is a network of government and private institutions tasked with managing inmates that have been charged or convicted. Academics, law enforcement, investigative services, the judiciary, and corrections are all interconnected components of the criminal justice system.

    B. An arrest without warrant or a warrantless arrest is an arrest of an individual without the use of an arrest warrant while an arrest warrant is a warrant issued by a judge or magistrate on behalf of the state, which authorizes the arrest and detention of an individual, or the search and seizure of an individual's property.

    C. Procedures in making arrest

    Inform of reason for arrest.

    Charter of Rights caution / Right to Silence.

    Right to speak to a lawyer.

    Access to legal aid.

    Secondary police cautions.

    D. Police read Miranda rights after detaining someone but before beginning an interrogation (questioning). You have the right to remain silent. If you do say anything, what you say can be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to consult with a lawyer and have that lawyer present during any questioning.

  8. 1.The five pillars of the CJS are Law Enforcement, Prosecution, Court, Correction, and Community.

    2.Law enforcement is an essential piece of the Criminal Justice System. Law enforcement means enforcing laws and maintaining order to keep the greater public safe. Law enforcement officers operate within their communities, and are on the frontline of public service.

  9. 1.Criminal Justice System is the sum total of all concerted efforts of the agencies of the government in the prevention and suppression of criminality. The machinery of the state or government which enforces the rules of conduct necessary to protect life and property and to maintain peace and order.

    2.Arrest by Virtue of a Warrant or Warranted Arrest is a mode of arrest usually executed by law enforcers upon the written order of the Judge. While Warrantless Arrest is known as citizen's arrest. This can be executed by either law officers or private persons.

    3.To make an arrest, the police must obtain an arrest warrant. However, if an officer has probable cause to believe that a crime has been committed, and there is no time to obtain a warrant, the officer may make a warrantless arrest.

    4.Miranda rights of the accused is the "You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have a right to an attorney."

    Lobos, Mico N.

  10. A. Law Enforcement, Prosecution, Court, Correction, Community
    B. Law enforcement are the one who protect the community and to investigate or detect firearms which criminals used

  11. 1. The sum total of all concerted efforts of the agencies of the government in the prevention and suppression of criminality . The machinery of the state or government which enforces the rules of conduct necessary to protect life and property and to maintain peace and order
    2. Warrantless arrest also known as citizens arrest which citizens can make the arrest within the ground of the community where the incident is done.
    Warranted arrest a mode of arrest usually executed by law enforces upon the written order of the judge.
    3. The procedure of making the arrest is when there is crime being committed and not just officers but also the citizen can also make the arrest as long as it is on the ground of which the crime is being committed.
    4. You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney. If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be provided for you.

  12. a. The five pillars of CJS are Law Enforcement
    , Prosecution, Court, Correction, and Community.
    b. Law enforcement in CJS serves the front lines of dealing with criminals and others who pose a threat to society.

  13. a.The Criminal Justice System is the sum total of all concerted efforts of the agencies of the government. It enforces the rules of conduct necessary to protect life and property.
    b.Two modes of arrest
    A Warrant arrest is a form of arrest in which law enforcement officers carry out a judge's written orders. While a warrantless arrest or citizen's arrest means that citizen's of the community can make an arrest when he/she committed a crime without a judge order.
    c.The procedure to make an arrest, the police must obtain an arrest warrant. However, if an officer has probable cause to believe that a crime has been committed, and there is no time to obtain a warrant, the officer may make a warrantless arrest.
    d.The Miranda doctrine requires that: (a) any person under custodial investigation has the right to remain silent; (b) anything he says can and will be used against him in a court of law; (c) he has the right to talk to an attorney before being questioned and to have his counsel present when being questioned; and (d) if he cannot afford an attorney, one will be provided before any questioning if he so desires.

  14. A. Law Enforcement, Prosecution, Court, Correction, Community
    B. The law enforcement serves as the front line of the encounter with the criminals or those who threaten the social order.

  15. A. Criminal justice is the delivery of justice to those who have committed crimes. Goals include the rehabilitation of offenders, preventing other crimes, and moral support for victims
    B. The warrant authorizes the police to conduct searches, seizures, and arrests. while warrantless arrest is also called a citizen arrest you don't need a warrant that is sign by a judge, you can arrest a person when he/she is attempting to do crime.
    C. the procedure of making an arrest make sure you have a warrant of arrest however if the police saw that the crime is committed you can arrest him/her and make it a warrantless arrest.
    D. the right to be informed of the cause and nature of accusation, right to remain silent, right to counsel

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