
Criminal Justice: Nothing Cuts Deeper (1990)


Criminal Justice: Nothing Cuts Deeper (1990)

#Criminal #Justice #Cuts #Deeper

A victim fingers a suspect. If she’s right, it’s justice. If she’s wrong, it’s vindication.
criminal law , Criminal Justice: Nothing Cuts Deeper (1990), Criminal Justice (Field Of Study),Police,courts,corrections,criminal justice system,justice,criminal,Crime,Police Officer (Occupation),criminal law,Criminal Justice (Media Genre),Police Officer (Film Character),Cops,Court,Justice (Comic Book Series),Film (Film),Security,Arrested,Judge,Adjudicator (Profession),Attorney,Robbery,Brutality,Supreme,law,justice system,investigations

41 thoughts on “Criminal Justice: Nothing Cuts Deeper (1990)”

  1. Haven't seen the prosecutor since she danced with Swayze in the dance movie. This was very good movie. There is much improvement needed in the justice system. I know they r overloaded with cases. One major improvement is the death penalty not imprisonment if crime is killing. Prisons r too full. This movie was very good story. Very good acting.

  2. 8:02
    The value of this BMW is more than the value of a Lamborghini in South Africa

    Seach Gusheshe and thank me later for this information

  3. They are so over worked with cases .the average time is 7 minutes with a client b4 trial .the qhole system needs revaluating .

  4. Attourneys .especialy court appointed ones .are nt worth vomiting over .they are a bunch a low life shits.

  5. If he qas a white kid .from a respectable midfle class family .it qould nt of even gone to court .or he eould be deemed mentaly ill.get probation or hospital treatment .load a bollocks .the law is totaly unFAIR.

  6. In a way the flaw remains in root on the belief of the people resolving the crime by bringing somone to justice while the case is marked as controversial. Then guilty or not everyone would respond the same. Thus one has to pray that a similar crime ( pray for a crime!!!!), would be committed while reside behind bars and the blues could link the crimes in question to seek of a truthful solution to the cases in total

  7. After first few seconds it's a big no to this film!! Life's too awful already, to watch this.
    And life's too short as well.
    Bye, bye.

  8. I was wrongfully arrested for a very serious charge in Washington state. The DA should never have charged me but things went ahead anyway. 10 years was the time I’d get if convicted at trial…I conferred with some law enforcement officials from other juridstictions(FBI,etc) and the consensus they came up with is that I had about a 20% chance to be found guilty at trial…After 4 years the DA(with tons of coercion from my top dog$40k lawyer)finally offered me a lesser charge and dropped the enhancement and the time was 365 days in Benton County jail. With good time I spent 8 months incarcerated and now I’m a convicted felon at 55 years old. Anyone can get caught up in the system…Random shit happens all the time…Ask for a lawyer immediately!!! I’ll wonder for the rest of my life if I should have went to trial…But I was so fucking frightened of spending 10 years in prison that. I chickened out…

  9. Did he do it or not? Does the truth not matter? Was that truth does not matter to prove one point of the movie?

  10. This Denise has a very typical victim mentality. She forgets that getting into accidents such as face cutting is her criminal occupation's hazard. Old but good movie.

  11. SOS SOS SOS!
    I ask you, dear judges, help me. I am Salmanov Eyub Salman oglu, born in 1959 in Azerbaijan, officials with a false sanction and a false investigation of the Court with a stocky investigation of 5 years of being held hostage in the heirs of N=14 of the city of Baku. These officials are the former investigator of the Karadag district police control Arif Zakhidov , the former head of the reservoir N=14 Arshad Hasanov, the former political officer Natik Hajiyev, the former head of the special unit of the reservoir N=14 Aladdin Gadzhiev, the former secretary of the Karadag District Court Samir Abdullayev. The prosecutor and removed from the computer stamped the false Sanction. The head of the sphere Arshad Hasanov, Deputy political officer Natig Hajiyev, Aladdin Hajiyev wrote the decision themselves instead of the Court of Appeal, instead of the Court of repeated false Decision and removed from the computer put a false seal. Then the former secretary of the Karadag District Court Samir Abdullayev himself, on behalf of the District Court, wrote a false Sentence himself, instead of the Sudiya, signed a false Sentence, then removed from the computer a false seal on a false Sentence. With these fake sanctions, the verdict. With the decision, they adhere to the forcible investigation of 5 years in the verdict N=14 of the city of Baku in Azerbaijan. I demand from the above employees for causing me moral and material damage in the amount of 1 million 500 compensations. No compensation is given. I appealed to all law enforcement agencies, the Ombudsman, President Ali of Azerbaijan Mr. Ilham Aliyev, 1st Vice-President of Azerbaijan Ms. Mehribanev
    Dear Judges! I ask you to help me get compensation for causing a moral and material loss in the amount of 1 million 500 total compensations. Sincerely, Eyub Salmanov Salman oglu. Thank you in advance.
    Contacts my phone +994504921733
    WhatsApp +994507769622
    Azerbaijan city of Baku 26.02.2023.

  12. This movie is good for the garbage how dare you blaspheme the name of Our 1 and Only HOLY GOD twice?
    You all gonna pay you hear me ?

  13. A classic example .of an innocent man .sent to prison .because of a daulty eye witness id .pressurised by police .to finger some 1 .so as they get a result .INADEQUATE LEGAL REPRESENTATION . A high priced lawyer .he would a walked .

  14. I dont think he did it, but when he saw her face I think he was horrified to see her scar and wanted to spare her the extra stress of going through a trial, but I dont think she understood that..

  15. Начало уже интересное,смотрю.Актёры знакомые.Спасибо канал….///evropa///

  16. The justice system is like any other industry , those near the top are not treated the same as everyone else.. We realize the corruptions ,frauds and rigging that take place on a daily basis and then we nave the assumed ,human failure factor with those directly involved within the system , lawyers, prosecutors, judges, jailers ,etc.etc . All these people , essentially the honest ones , àlso have lives and are subject to the same outside influence we all are , but when the factory worker or bartender makes a mistake or has a bad day it doesn't typically mean others will suffer the consequences . I can only imagine the kind of pressure some of these , 'honest' workers work under knowing the system and how it really works. Imagine if your future depended upon truth when truth seems to be a very insignificant part of this system.
    The human failure when added to the purposeful corruption, rigging and frauds makes for a system that has become a rediculous cess pool and rather than attempting to fix it , it simply gets worse . Consider how this cesspool can be used against various groups of people and that's the real nightmare.

  17. Did a great job of not giving the viewer the truth and showing the effects of the justice system on all of its participants. This is how it is for the lawyers involved especially, when the circumstances of a case are not clear and defined. This movie raises a lot of questions about the justice system.

  18. Jessie should of just took his case to trail and took his chance. I can't stand woman like Dennis girl that wasn't your friend you were visiting it was the dealer 🤭🤭

  19. Sad part of life is its taken 2022 year for people to realise the justices on this plannet are currupt.and yes all of them are currupt.if i hang with criminals then im one to…..but proudly i really am a criminal..

  20. Court! They tell you to accept softer punishment whether you did it or not because there are whole lot of lazy asses.

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