
Criminal Justice 01×01


Criminal Justice 01×01

#Criminal #Justice #01×01

Criminal Justice
Season 1, Episode 1
criminal law , Criminal Justice 01×01, [vid_tags]

33 thoughts on “Criminal Justice 01×01”

  1. I can see why there isn't many followers.bc he doesn't bother following through on continously uploads.

  2. The BBC's 'gay'-of-the-moment, Ben Whishaw as Ben Coulter, playing a straight guy. But how come that kind of thing isn't 'inauthentic'? Tom Hanks recently claimed he wouldn't be allowed ( 'and rightly so', he said ) to play the role of a homosexual, as he did in Philadelphia, an Oscar winning role by the way. Why is Ben Whishaw 'allowed' to play 'straights'?

  3. It's the Korean remake of the British TV miniseries "Criminal Justice" that brought me here. I really wonder who the killer is. Maybe not Kim Soo-hyun? I came all the way here because I was curious about who killed him in the original. By the way, This was a TV show a long time ago.

  4. Wow i think Korean version far far way better than this. Kim Soo Hyun's acting can make me feel anxious, panic and cry!

  5. This right now has been made into a korean drama remake starring Kim Soohyun. The director is doing phenomenal with their shots, angles & camera. Then tie it with the Male lead's acting.

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