
Criminal Defense Lawyers, Who’s Your Most Disturbing Client?


Criminal Defense Lawyers, Who’s Your Most Disturbing Client?

#Criminal #Defense #Lawyers #Whos #Disturbing #Client

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[Serious] Criminal defense lawyers of Reddit, who’s the most disturbing potential client you’ve come across? Did you defend them?

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35 thoughts on “Criminal Defense Lawyers, Who’s Your Most Disturbing Client?”

  1. Witch doctor rapes horse for years, is the wierdest story on this thread, , I cant say worse because pedophiles but horse rape as a means of religious ritual is definitely one level lower

  2. This just re affirms my goal to remove the 8th amendment during my time on earth. Some people deserve to suffer and suffer permanently at that.

  3. I could never be a law person on either ends because if I was a defender I'd have to stand up for pedophiles, murderers, rapists etc and if I was a prosecutor and someone innocent got sent to jail because of my argument I could never live with it

  4. Really sad the girls bringing up they orgasmed and got aroused during rape. It’s not relevant. Human history is long and brutal. There are coping and evolutionary mechanisms.

  5. Regarding the story at 7:02, some free legal advice: it's human nature to lie and cover your posterior when you're in trouble, but don't do it with your attorney. Ethical rules prevent them from ratting you out if you confess to them, so you have nothing to gain and a lot to lose from lying to them. If they don't know everything the prosecution knows, they can't give you the best quality defense.

  6. I was at court and this was before they had a permit metal detector at the door .I think they kept moving it from building to building when they needed it but. I was sitting in the courtroom in the back waiting my turn. When the judge calls this guy up he walks up to the little podium . And the judge was reading off his charges. When he was done the judge looked up at him and asked him how do you plea. Well the guy swore and held a handgun up Amy at the judge. I have never seen a large man move that fast. In my life. The bailiff wasn't a light guy. The guy was not lucky at all because a lot of cops were at the courthouse because of tickets. So as you can guess there was a little standoff for about it felt like an hour but it was more like maybe 15 minutes at the most before he got tased. In the back by one of the deputies that were there . That judge moved really quickly and a couple of the other guys sitting close to the podium . I think they were thinking about tackling the guy but like I said there was so many cops there. It was the first time I think for those hard solid wood seats I dove under it and watched it from under the legs of the seat.

  7. “Took a piece of wood and hit it with the victim”…@6:49. I can understand this might be a fantasy cherished by many lawyers.

  8. "This guy is totally bonkers and dangerous, and in no circumstances should he be allowed to walk the streets"
    "Good we found that out. Where is he now?"
    "I sent him back to walk the streets"
    " ¯_(ツ)_/¯"

  9. The defense attorney saying that the defense of the serial rapist “got a boost” when some of the female victims admitted that they got aroused and orgasmed during the rapes makes me f**king sick and angry. Involuntary physical arousal during non-consensual sexual activity (RAPE) has no bearing on whether consent was given. That’s not how that works. That’s not how any of this works. That attorney and that rapist can both go to hell

  10. My best friend told me a story about her uncle, who is a lawyer. He was meeting with a potential client. The client wanted the uncle to defend him against multiple assault charges, after looking through the case and the police report the uncle decided not to take the case for several reasons but offered to recommend him to a lawyer with more experience in this field.

    As soon as the word no left his lips the client lunged over the desk and attacked him. He got another assault charge added and had to get a public defender because no lawyer would accept his case.

  11. it’s hilarious to hear people describe the lack of concern for a dogs death as “hannibal lector esque sociopathy” when they probably eat meat 3 times a day and don’t care one bit for the suffering of those animals. cognitive dissonance

  12. It is not uncommon for a woman to organism during a rape,it's a natural involuntarily action that men use to turn the victim into the no ongoing sexual assault does not get reported as much for that exact reason,nothing that ever happened to a rape victims body in this case is absolutely not consent.

  13. Welcome to the revolution of the human species,if we ain't careful we will be back to living in caves and practing cannibalism

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