
Criminal defense attorney on the impact of Hope Hicks’ testimony


Criminal defense attorney on the impact of Hope Hicks’ testimony

#Criminal #defense #attorney #impact #Hope #Hicks #testimony

ABC News’ Phil Lipof sits down with Jeremy Saland to discuss how the future of former president Trump’s fraud trial can play out based on key witnesses.

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criminal law , Criminal defense attorney on the impact of Hope Hicks’ testimony, ABC,Criminal,Hicks,Hope,Jeremy,Lipof,News,Phil,Saland,Trump,abc,abcnl,attorney,based,defense,former,fraud,impact,key,p_cmsid=2494279,p_vid=news-109920400,president,prime,testimony,trial,witnesses

45 thoughts on “Criminal defense attorney on the impact of Hope Hicks’ testimony”

  1. This jury is not stupid they are made up in intelligent people they can see through any acting.

  2. She dont connect nothing this is all bullshit she helped trump u dummys fuk all u trump haters ! Trump will be president people thank god ! Ps cbs stop lieng !!

  3. Ahhhhh. Little hope for MAGA Nazi Hope. A traitor is a traitor whether her crocodile tears flow like rain or not.

  4. Smoke and mirrors, this is all political theater.
    Stormy Daniels has said that there was no affair.
    The FCC a federal agency has already said that there is no legal basis for a federal trial, but the ultra blue city of New York has taken action against the political enemies of the president.

  5. How do you get in to that bad actor? Well, there you go. Decide the outcome…Orangeman bad…then work backwards and make something look bad. Lavrentiy Beria would be so proud of what these Democrat Marxist thugs are doing. Show him the man, he’ll show a crime.

  6. Democrats are prosecuting victims of extortion, which is what this actually is.

  7. Trump's defence will claim that her testimony that Trump did it to keep it out of Melania's sight subverts the idea that he did it to pervert the course of the election. In doing so, they will have to admit that Trump indeed bonked a porn star while Melania was at home with her newborn son. And the prosecution will no doubt point out that it was all done to kill two birds with one stone, the purposes aren't mutually exclusive.

  8. trump has those amphibious eyes. it
    looks like he’s turning more & more in to a little frog 🐸

  9. What about the lawyers all working for Trump? Aren't they bad actors? Cohen did his job for Trump as his lawyer and now he is being blamed as a bad guy. What about Rudy still walking around lying. At least Cohen has managed to get out of the Trump Cult.

  10. Forget this BS! What happened to the very important Congressional UAP Hearings??

  11. Pathetic man. Paid off a woman he slept with whilst his wife was at home with his newborn son. Brags about grabbing women py the 🐈 and yet some act like he's an honorable man. Preaches hate toward anybody who doesn't agree with him and divides other Americans from each other. Begging for Americans to just fight over him. Not America. Not Americans. Not democracy. Him. Pathetic, fragile maniac. One goal. Him.


  12. And Hunter Biden did SOOOOOOOOOO much worse, and it was covered up by the FBI while Trump was in office.

  13. This trial is a joke and watching these clowns on TV treat it like it's a murder case is ridiculous

  14. This attorney is a democrat hack and a lier. That what she said: She she really said "Trump didn’t want Melania to see the newspaper".

  15. Hope kicks also said that Trump was worried about his wife hearing it. That helps Trump. This case is a non case. Trump 2024! Democrats are a nightmare and are destroying the country

  16. This whole case is so absurd. They keep trying to find a crime to match the charges. This “defense attorney” is nothing but a paid shill.

  17. This whole trial, like all the others, is nothing short of Soviet level crap. What happened to America.

  18. Not just spots, dots, connect the dots, like Morris Code, look into the "conservative land movement" Bundy's in OR, Malheur Wildlife Refuge takeover, got "conservatives? They set some dates in infamy, too, militants armed and dangerous, good West Coast research of anti-government "right"

  19. Reminder: The crimes Michael Cohen was convicted and served time for were done at the explicit request of Donald Trump in order to win the 2016 presidential election.

  20. Have no doubt, they would have ruined her life, she would be begging for forgiveness right before she was put in jail.

  21. 🤣🤣🤣. Seriously? She flat out said Trump was concerned about how the video could impact Melania.

  22. Cohen doesn't have an agenda. He has already owned up, spent time in jail, maybe the guy just has a conscious.

  23. Why did the Stormy Daniels story need to be "controlled"?

    Trump is on his 3rd marriage, and he cheated on both his previous wives. Him being an adulterer was nothing new. Plus she said they never did anything in the last hearing. The case that put her attorney in jail and cost her several million dollars.

  24. Let me get this right… Hes being prosecuted for "falsifying" business records ( all misdemeanors) in order to violate FEDERAL LAW (laws that state can't enforce because is not in their jurisdiction nor can the federal government enforce state law) felony's, by paying off someone to stay quiet (not a crime in any state or federal) which "influenced" the elections hence thats why hes also being prosecuted for tax fraud ( also being a federal law)… am i missing something 🤔

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