
Criminal Defendant Trump MAKES CONFUSING STATEMENT at Court!!! #shorts


Criminal Defendant Trump MAKES CONFUSING STATEMENT at Court!!! #shorts

#Criminal #Defendant #Trump #CONFUSING #STATEMENT #Court #shorts

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criminal lawyer , Criminal Defendant Trump MAKES CONFUSING STATEMENT at Court!!! #shorts, Donald Trump,President Donald Trump,President Trump,Trump,politics,news,government,breaking news,headline news,CNN,Fox News,Jesse Dollemore,Dollemore,Dollemore Daily,Podcast,Liberal,Democrat,Progressive,I Doubt It Podcast,Brittany Page

26 thoughts on “Criminal Defendant Trump MAKES CONFUSING STATEMENT at Court!!! #shorts”

  1. There will be a challenger coming soon that will step up and take Trump on! And…this person will not be afraid to live, nor afraid to die! The new Republican Leader, really cares about the Party… The new leader will have fresh ideas and the Republicans will love this person's way to listen to them. The masses of Republicans will be happy to return to being a true Republicans! Republicans will follow their new leader and breath a breath of fresh air, at escaping from the apparent bondage of Trumpism-and returning to the US Constitution…!! The new leader understands why the party must work with the Democrats and Independents to benefit all Americans under the U S Constitution!!

  2. The criminal insurrectionist republician party has all of their eggs in 1 basket. What happens when they lose in November?

  3. wondering around saying make America great again. They look to Eric Trump for guidance. 😂😂😂

  4. Your nuts, look with your eyes what's going on in the court's, borders, cities falling apart, inflation with leftist agenda

  5. Trump is going to run while he's in prison and they all go to the prison to be with him they are The Lost Ones they don't know what to do unless somebody tell them what to do and then there were none

  6. That old saying birds of a feather flock together they are Donald Trump supporters say no more Dial then all of them will start fighting each other on what day should have done😂😂😂

  7. It’s not the Republican Party Liz Cheney is a nominal republican . Who need to be in charge of establishing the house

  8. If the present-day, far-left, near-communist DemoRats can survive with iredeemably corrupt and proven crime family head, Joe Biden, as their joke so-called leader, the Republicans will do just fine with or without much-persecuted Trump…

  9. I dont care who it is. I care about the policies and Trump's policies were and are the best for the nation at this time

  10. These anti Trump imbeciles are so funny. They literally believe everything their TV tells them. No one is voting for Trump, they are voting for his policies. There are many like minded people to take the reigns. One thing this lying a-hole got right. The Republican Party is dead. There never was a Republican or Democrat Party, just the same party playing two groups of people off against each other.

  11. I don't know who this loudmouth idiot is. But obviously, once Trump is no longer running, the Republican party will do what any party does and find another candidate. Certainly, there is a bit of a split between the establishment Republican party and the populist Republican party. But that'll work itself out over time and they will come out of it right about the time the Democratic party is in the middle of their own internal crisis when all of their different identity factions splinter and it's going to be very interesting to see what happens at that time.

  12. The biggest political grassroots movement in US history is growing stronger every day. Get used to it

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